July 2001

Printed By our friends at: Big Timber Graphics 12 East Main St. East Dundee IL. 60118
All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

We all have A dream::
By Richard Faykosh
Hello! Yes!
WE all have A dream.
And mine has always been one minus greed. I have only wanted to get help to the homeless. We need to have more then a shelter. A center with a shelter is needed.

But you might ask what has trinity news done for the homeless.

Well for three years we conducted a garage sale called EVERY SUNDAY! That we sold things and took the money and bought food and had someone drop it off to the soup kitchens, I bought bikes at the city auction and sold some and got food for the soup kitchens or gave the bikes to the homeless. And I still do things like that in a smaller scale now. We have had people send us things by mail that was taken to the homeless. And I am hardly making my own bills. Yet! I keep this publication going and Work my job as well as maintaining the web sites we have. We have collected so many stories about homelessness and the pains of it.

We have been looking for the past three years for someone that is good enough to run a sales department for us. And to our amazement. We have not found even one person willing to claim to be the best of their trade and take on this project. No one in sales is that good. So we have figured we will keep trying. Any comments to this article send your replies trinity4@prodigy.net You could use a library Computer

Cell Phone users Beware!!!!
By Richard Faykosh
GOOD NEWS! Yes! Many states are talking about a new Cell phone Law. One that people would have to pull over to the curb to talk on their cell phones. This will mean a little safer roadway. A strike against road rage also will be dealt with in this action. Because when you become upset behind the wheel you react different then when your cool headed. And getting into a fight over the phone could cause these things. I really am glad to here of this action. But hope they also band hands free devices also. Yes ! Go Guys.


If you would like to volunteer.
Or make a donation.
You can contact me at 45. Wren St. Carpentersville Illinois 60110.
Thank you and together we can make Carpentersville better.

HELP WANTED: Trinity News is looking for Sales people. From $1,500 per year to $50,000 a year. Work own hours. When you want, As long as you want. Self-starter. Call Pager # 868-8730 this call will cost you .35 cents.
By Joyce

(1) Cold slices of watermelon
(2) taking it a little easier
(4) Playing with your children, and, or pets
(5) Working on your flower garden
(7) Air Conditioning


The next time a friend offers to lend a hand. LET THEM. Even if you do not need the help. "Everyone likes to feel needed and valued."


in Carpentersville

AT 45 Wren Rd. ON 7/28/01 FROM 11:00Am. TO 10:00pm. All Carpentersville public welcome. But you need to bring a dish.


To gather donations for the family that lost their little girl. That was killed on Rt. 25 and Cherokee. To help pay for a head stone. PARKING You can park up and down on Hazard Street. ALSO STREET BANDS are needed to volunteer some time.. You can contact us on this at Trinity4@prodigy.net

Public Action to Deliver Shelter Music Festival

P A D S is planning to relocate to a permanent Shelter in Elgin. And for the second year they plan on running a festival to gather funds to help the homeless. That is a good thing to do. To gather people together for a common cause. It will be called ELGIN WATCH CITY MUSIC FESTIVAL. It will be A three-day affair that will feature local bands, food from local restaurants, games, raffles in the downtown area. Emilio Garcia operations director introduced the line up. The dates are July 13 to 15th at Fountain Square Plaza. It will start Friday evening and Ends Sunday afternoon. The Goal of this year is to raise $10,000. If you wish to help this cause please call
(1-847) 688-9744
Arts and craft venders will want to be part of this. Will be asked to call.
Christine Kendrick at
(1-847) 741-9793.
We hope you all help and join not only us but these people also. We can use all the help we can. Join us..?

Thank You, With Love Joyce Pager 868-8730 Email address trinity4@prodigy.net

Some of those that has stood with us in our fight against homelesness.Please Check out there web pages.


Roberto Garcia At A L E X I E ' S AUTO REPAIR


By Richard Faykosh

Tina pushed the cart with tears in her eyes. She once again stopped at the park that she visited earlier, the sun was warm but the wind was nippy, she sat alone in tears, until she could not cry any more. And the sandwich she had earlier was no help. Now that she has this cart, what is she to do? She just can't leave it anywhere.
Because it will be taken, and all her belongings will be taken, not that there was anything of wealth. But to a young girl, it's all-important. She looked at her watch, and had noticed that it was 1:30 PM, she thought that she would go to that storefront where she saw that man that gave her a sandwich earlier. But where would she put this cart? So she decided to just take a chance and go to this place, so off she went. She really felt bad because people were just watching her as she strolled down Rt. 31, the more she walked the more she was aware of the eyes watching her, no one stopped to help her or even ask her what happened, because people just don't want to get involved. No one even extended a hand, and why would anyone do that anyway. After a few eyes watched hours she made it to the storefront center, as she walked up a young black male was coming out, he stopped, as he seen her push this cart up. He opened the door, and told her to just slide it inside for a spell. She did so, and stood there by the door talking to this man for awhile.
He told her that they called him John. And that he was homeless for about three months, he was in the county jail for some reason but didn't want to talk about it. He did tell her that after his release he had no where to go, so he stayed on the streets, most of the time he worked out of a temporary service, but for some reason today they had little work. John then went into this place and came out with a sandwich and a cup of coffee, for the young girl. He told her that if she liked he could see if he could get her inside to use the shower, and if she would like, he could get someone to talk to her for some assistance. She did want to take a shower, and he got her in for that, she spoke to a minister there, and he told her to put her cart of clothes in the corner, at least it would be safe there for a little while. John told her to put just what she might need for the night in a small bag to carry. This would lighten her load, the minister said, that he would make some calls to see what was available to assist her, but he felt that there was not much he could do. She kind of hung with John from this point, because she knew no one else, and John seemed to know his way around. He told her that he was going to the library then, to the soup kitchen, and if she wanted to she could come along. She really didn't want to because she figured that she would run into her school friends, this could cause her problems that she felt that she could not deal with. So she went with him.
Continued next month.


BY R. J. 10/14/90

In the darkness she awaits,
In the chill of night she wonders,
Perhaps she awaits another,
Slowly I move,
And in her I see she feels,
For another,
What kind of chance,
Do I inhance,
The fragrance of winter,
To hold out a hand,
I to administer to yonder,
To hold you when ever,
You need a man,
That can understand,
The feelings of a mother,
I understand,
As I only can,
And stand by your side in judgement.

by R.J. 7/12/91

Sapling butter dew tree,
How things should be,
Things felt need expressed,
Dreams of dreamers Remembrance.
Sapling butter dew tree,
Under leaves things you see,
Lovers walk in warm tenderness,
Stop and linger to get a kiss.
Sapling butter dew tree,
You can just set and enjoy being free,
Set back and just feel,
A spark of peace you can steal.
Sapling butter dew tree,
What my life seems to me,
The taste of all that’s alive,
In Gods Peace and love I survive.
Sapling butter dew tree,
Sapling butter dew,
Sapling butter,
To young to even be:

We are looking for a sponsor for this page of poems. If you are interested in paying for the printing of this page please let us know by paging me at 1 - 847 - 468 - 9616 We can tell you a payment with your information will be needed. At a cost of $75.00 per month.
We are looking for some needed workers. Either volunteers or those that would like to make a little Monthly cash money. If you're interested please contact us by the pager number above or email us at tinity4@prodigy.net

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