JUNE 2001

Printed by our friends at: Big Timber Graphics 12 East Main St. East Dundee IL. 60118
All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

Yes! We are sorry!
By Richard Faykosh
This is only the second time that we have been late in the years past. And if this paper was my main job then it would be out not only once a month, but a weekly edition.
And in a way we are still trying to get this going. Even when so many people have told me to just cut it and end the paper. But in my heart I truly feel that someone that is true to heart will contact us and help us do the things we have so long labored. But for a late edition I'm very sorry.

Cell Phone users Beware!!!!
By. Richard Faykosh

Well Orlando Park has started the ball rolling. Those that use the cell phone there as they drive through the village will be pulled over and given a ticket. Infact you can not even use a hands free device there.
The only way you can take a call is if you pull over to the side of the road/street and take your call. And when you're done with that call, you are allowed to continue in traffic.
Many times as I was driving have I been cut off or nearly pushed over by someone talking on his or her cell phone. Mostly its woman but MEN are also the fault also.
And the standing joke is becoming a reality. What do you get when you cross A cell phone, a woman, and a s.u.v/mini van/4 wheel drive. You get a hazard waiting to happen.
Well I have always taken that just as it was a joke. But the most close calls that I have got into were a s.u.v/mini van/4 wheel drive. So I must like many others say that a cell phone and a car do not mix.
If you had to pull over to make your calls or take a call. Then you just might be more selective of who has your cell phone #. And to that businessman he just might use that answering machine feature more. I can see a traffic jam of parking along the road way more then a traffic jam. This just might open people's mind in perhaps getting up earlier to get to where they are going.
Many of you will say. I do not talk that much on my cell phone! So if you're one of those people then you would not mind pulling over to make and take your calls.
I have a cell phone. But when I have it with me is when the family is together. I also have a pager. And I tell my family that if you need to contact me, page me. If it’s an emergency, put 911 before the number. And I will call you from where I'm going too.
Or from a pay phone. But if my family is with me so is the cell phone. If it rings as I'm driving. My little wife will take the call.
To every problem there is a solution. And if your not part of the solution,Your part of the problem.
Have a nice and safe drive!


If you would like to volunteer.
Or make a donation.
You can contact me at 45. Wren St. Carpentersville Illinois 60110.
Thank you and together we can make Carpentersville better.

HELP WANTED: Trinity News is looking for Sales people. From $1,500 per year to $50,000 a year. Work own hours. When you want, As long as you want. Self-starter. Call Pager # 868-8730 this call will cost you .35 cents.
Life in the slow lane! Words to live By!

By Joyce

How quiet and beautiful is it to do nothing, and then the rest afterword.
What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to just stand and stare?
We need time to remember, Time to dream, and the time to reach the infinite, time to be.
Lie down and listen to the faucet leak, the crabgrass grow and learn to leave them go.
If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon, in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live.
Thank You, With Love Joyce Pager 868-8730 Email address trinity4@prodigy.net

BIG TIMBER GRAPHICS FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS In a forest of printers, We stand TALL 12 East Main Street East Dundee ILL. 60118 phone 1-847-428-1655 Email bigtimber@ameritech.net FAX 1-847-428-1656 http://48471644.home.icq.com/Trinity%20news/Big%20Timber%20Graphic's.html Mr. Craig Martin Pager 1-847-802-1758
Roberto Garcia At A L E X I E ' S AUTO REPAIR 348 N. STATE St. Unit #1 Elgin IL. 60123 http://48471644.home.icq.com/trinity%20news/alexrepair.html The people that do the best work on cars than any one in the city. Are waiting to serve you today.. Call 1-847-468-1930 for an appointment Or you can fax Roberto Garcia at 1-847-468-7237 Get your car checked out today and drive with a smile. ALEXIE'S Also Helps the homeless with this ad.
By R. J.

Tina was only 17 years old, at the time.

Her mother and father were divorced. Her father started drinking more and more. When he would come home drunk he would be in such a rage that he would beat young Tina. Tina was afraid to even go out when her father did these things. She would pray each night for help.
Help came, but not in the way she thought it would be. One night her father came home drunk, and instead of him beating her (that he had grown tired of) he just took all her belongings and tossed them from the window. Tina stood there in such shock as her father tossed the clothes and other items out the window. Then her father turned to her and said,
"What are you waiting for? Do you want me to toss you out the window also".
She just turned and ran out the door. As she stood they're looking up to the window her father tossed out 6 garbage bags and closed the window. Here she stood shivering in the night air. She stooped down and gathered her belongings. Even with all this noise at 3:00 Am. Not one person looked out their window or even took a notice, Tina put 5 bags in a place were she felt that they would be safe. She took the most important bag with her.
Being on the street at early morning was truly a new experience. She went to a park opposite the riverboat casino and sat figuring what and where to go. She thought of going to her friend's house. She told him nothing and left. She saw some people come out of this storefront on Dundee Ave. She started to talk to an older black man. He asked her if she was hungry, and she told him that she was. He went in to this place and came out with two cold sandwiches. He told her of the soup kitchen at 6:00 PM, She thanked him and left. She knew that she would have to go get her bags of clothes, So she started back home hoping that her dad would let her back in.
But dad was not home and the door was locked and the people in the building were told to call the police if she came around, So she left. She went to Clock tower plaza where she found a shopping cart. She took this because the bag she was carrying was getting pretty heavy. She went back to pick up her clothing that she had hidden. But someone had gone through it and it was scattered.
Now she felt defiled, raped of life. She gathered what she could find with great tears in her eyes. She now felt alone, defiled, raped of dignity. Tina pushed the cart with tears in her eyes.
She once again stopped at the park that she visited earlier, the sun was warm but the wind was nippy, she sat alone in tears, until she could not cry any more. And the sandwich she had earlier was no help.



BY R. J. 10/14/90

In all my life,
In all my days,
To Wright the feelings,
Would always be true.
In all my life,
In all my years,
To Wright the feelings,
Without any fear.
In all my life,
In all my weeks,
To Wright the feelings,
So very completes.
In all my life,
In all my hours,
To Wright the feelings,
Even while in the shower.
In all my life,
I have never felt the way I feel,
When I reach out,
And touch only you…


By R.J. 10/14/90

It truly feels good that in life,
One can seek and sometimes, wonder.
I met this young lady, and she seems to touch me, in a way, none has in such, a very long time.
I can't say that it's in, Her look or even in her smile.
But it's there all awhile; I would like to call, Her dear love.
But that would not be right.
For she may not, Wish to be part of this.
So I'll move slowly, Not to play that he mans roll.
For this I'm not.
I'll just be me.
Perhaps she'll like what, She sees.
To have a base of understanding, To build on.
Whether it is a friendship, Or relationship.
This we must keep open and see.
And in wonder I'll see. Keep it open to understand, And be.

We are looking for a sponsor for this page of poems. If you are interested in paying for the printing of this page please let us know by paging me at 1 - 847 - 468 - 9616 We can tell you a payment with your information will be needed. At a cost of $125.00 per month.
We are looking for some needed workers. Either volunteers or those that would like to make a little Monthly cash money. If you're interested please contact us by the pager number above or email us at tinity4@prodigy.net

We do web sites and we can do yours And if you wish to promote your business the price of the web site also includes advertizement in our paper.. Web sites start at $85.00 to start the account with one page. And $15.00 a month mantance of that page. So do it today and help yourself and some homeless people at the same time. Email us!!!! trinity4@progigy.net

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