Printed By our friends at: Big Timber Graphics 12 East Main St. East Dundee IL. 60118
All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

Our news Year
By Richard Faykosh
I just wanted to thank you for picking up the Trinity, this month.

The Courier did a story on us, on Saturday December 22, 2001. Yes! I’m that funny looking dude sitting on a bike in the middle of the road. We have now put out our publication for 6 years; a paper that we hoped would make a difference.

But because of the way the world turns, things change. But we have kept on writing about things that effect not only you but also the area homeless.

Times have got really tight since Sept.11th. And there are now twice as many homeless as before that date. Yet, Homeless people still work in New York at ground Zero just like the other people there.

It’s sad to see that people only want to spend money on a new appearance on the waterfront, Instead of raising money for a homeless shelter,

Is this city afraid of a commitment in helping people, and making it a better place?
I really believe so, It’s so sad to look upon the faces of these people that live in Elgin and see stone. What can anyone say to lighten up your hard hearts? I can not ever understand how any city can let it’s own people suffer as this city makes people suffer. I just do not understand. Will you please tell me why you have turned away from God, To become like stone? My email address is above. Tell me! Why you have so much hate, when you condone the things that bring homelessness around. If you do not want homeless people then help them, or make this city a dry city. This would also mean to close the casino.

But If I had the money, I would gladly buy a place and build the best shelter in the nation. So people could marvel at how great this city is. But, I do not have that kind of money so I can not do anything right now. I can only hold my head down in shame that Elgin would treat it’s people as they are now treated. It’s real sad. And if I could get on any talk show that would broadcast across the nation, I would tell them how you are treating the homeless.

Sad business of affairs.

By Richard Faykosh
There are a lot of people working hard in New York trying to clear the rubble away. The New York homeless are also doing their part.

Working right next to those fireman and policemen. They may not be up there in the digging. Because this has to be done very carefully by those trained in evidence retrieval. So wherever they are needed they are placed.

They may be running water or gloves to those that need them. If there is a need to move some of the bigger obstacles they help. The homeless are they're helping also. They have no where to go. They are use to the harsh weather conditions and such. And yes we all have gotten a little bit closer to each other. Sad that this will not solve the problems of the homeless..

You can pick up your copy of TRINITY NEWS AT:: On line off our web site...
Firestone Tires On Rt.31 1-847-426-7757..

Both Gail Borden,

Dundee Library’s Elgin & Dundee

And at our dearest friends at ( THE FUNKY MUNKY ) Springhill mall..

Dundee Animal Hospital Penny Ave. Dundee 1-847-428-6114

Dundee Super Market Corner of Lincoln & Washington W.Dundee.


By Richard Faykosh
But there are still things that need to be done to really make things better. I do hope things get better, but fear that this will bring upon us more homeless people on the street that already has a lot. I wonder how they will react to this change, because it's not going to be easy. A few at a time is an easier to deal with, but when there becomes a mass amount it will be a lot harder.

There is a lot of stress and shock to deal with. The shock of the tragedy in New York, Then dealing with the tragedy of becoming homeless is a lot to deal with. This could become a great national problem. Yet homeless people are treated as if they have leprosy or even worse. We need to set up programs for these persons that would really work. Some will need more help then others. Yet some will not need much.

We need to look and see how they can really be helped. If Elgin does not want to get extra grant money that would be open to them, then perhaps Carpentersville, Dundee, or another city would like to get the grants. It would bring funding to that city that could benefit them. Any of these cities could hold a program in this way. It would open up jobs to the city as well as new business.
A shelter with a complete center of help, like housing, job placement, counseling, education, courses like business, that the city could give a grant too so homeless persons could start there own business's with counseling and guidance to improve their success. Now that would be great! The city would be known as one that has learned to solve problems.
I would like to hear your thoughts on this. You can send us an Email to trinitynews@netzero.net Just let us know your questions, thoughts, or suggestions.If you do not have a computer to send us a note. Then use the one at your local libarary.


If you would like to volunteer.
Or make a donation.
You can contact me at 45. Wren St. Carpentersville Illinois 60110.
Thank you and together we can make Carpentersville better.

HELP WANTED: Trinity News is looking for Sales people. From $1,500 per year to $50,000 a year. Work own hours. When you want, As long as you want. Self-starter. Call Pager # 868-8730 this call will cost you .35 cents.

"Happy New Year"
By Joyce

I hope everyone will have a very "Happy New Year", and that all your dreams & wishes for the future, will come to you & yours.

Please! Keep Love and hope in your hearts. God Bless..

Thank You,

With Love Joyce

Pager 868-8730 Email address TRINITY20@aol.net

Some of those that has stood with us in our fight against homelesness.Please Check out there web pages.


Roberto Garcia At A L E X I E ' S AUTO REPAIR


By Richard Faykosh

Continued From Last Month.
Eddie was making $300.00 a week, and the storage is taking $50.00 a week along with his (food, warmth bill)
by living out of restaurants is around another $20.00 a day, That will add up to $190.00 a week. This will leave him with only $110.00 a week.
Then there is things that a homeless person may need to stay alive and Eddie got him self a tent and a very small grill. The Tent cost him $56.00 and the Grill $1.00. So now he has only $ 53.00. He will have to do laundry and get things that most people my need like soap and things. So now he does not have much left. But he told me that when the next paycheck comes around he might get himself a bike so like me he could get around easier.
So perhaps he might be able to start putting some money away so that he can change this rollercoster ride he was on. He knew that he would have to save up about $1,400.00 for security and another $700.00 for rent. Then there will come the deposit on Gas and Electricity, telephone, and such. And in some places there is a water deposit. So he said, That he needed to save up at least $2,500.00 to get him self-back into a place.

If he can save the money with out getting things stolen. Or if he could find someone that he could trust. Then perhaps he would be back on his feet in about two years. And he reflected to me what I have known for years. What we need is a shelter (center) that can assist in programs that would help someone like Eddie. A place where he could perhaps start a savings account to keep his money. A place where he could get the counseling to better himself, And to be able to get his clothes cleaned as well as himself, A place where he could get three meals Or in his case two meals so that he can start that upward movement off the streets.
I told Eddie that if I had the money I would be more then happy to help him. But he told me that it was his problem, and that he knew that he would have to deal with it. He told me that he knew that winter was coming soon. And that the cold would be here. He said," I really hope that I can get into P.A.D.S. this winter when they are so full.
There is people out here that need P.A.D.S. more then I. I hope to find some friends that I can trust and I hope that I can get done what I need to do. I understand that Eddie is one of our new homeless people. One that we could help now so that he can get back on his feet, If we had the services in place that could assist him.
If you could only put yourself in their shoes and try to understand where we are coming from, You just might start caring a bit more. Now! I can see you right now saying that Eddie is dumb and that he should do this or do that. But when you’re in those shoes and your homeless everything just changes. You find that you can not do the things you want to do. Because your life may be jeopardized, Homeless people are killed for a few dollars.

Whole City’s that do not provide services to help the homeless is killing people. I really wish that I would have the money to do something. Or people that would help me do what my heart cries out to do. I know I might be able to help a few. And to me that’s a lot. I hope you found something in our stories each month. Because it’s needed, and we need you to want to do something. There are more stories on our web site. Or you can email us with questions. We will be most happy to answer you back.

I pray each hour that someday some of the people in the area would open their hearts to the homeless problem. Instead of hiding from it.


BY R. J.

Standing at the bus stop,
Her long Blond hair flowing,
Maltase pattern blouse and skirt,
Looking to her watch,
Tapping of her foot,
The sudden movement,
As she paces the ground.
The Bus arrives,
We all aboard,
Setting in her seat,
She continues her flight,
In a hurry (this is a must),
Can’t wait to get off this bus,
For just a moment she’s calm,
Opening her hand bag,
As she remembers hours past,
She reaches in,
Something falls to the floor,
Seeing it!
She swiftly swoops it up,
As if I’m pulled into a dream.
There I be in the mist,
As if I’m standing right behind her,
I now feel,
Her hurt and anguished pain,
As I touch her shoulder
With my mind,
A tear rolls down her,
Now long face.
She Folds the paper,
She was reading,
And she places it back into,
That safe corner of her bag,
How deep is your pain,
How can I feel the hurt,
How is it,
That I to can understand,
M O M E N T !
I saw through her eyes..

Not this month
by XXX

We are looking for a sponsor for this page of poems. If you are interested in paying for the printing of this page please let us know by paging me at 1 - 847 - 468 - 9616 We can tell you a payment with your information will be needed. At a cost of $75.00 per month.
We are looking for some needed workers. Either volunteers or those that would like to make a little Monthly cash money. If you're interested please contact us by the pager number above or email us at tinity4@prodigy.net

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Firestone Tires & Service

160 S Western (ILL Rt.31)

Carpentersville Illinois. 847-426-7757

Dundee Super Market

Corner of Lincoln & Washington St.

West Dundee Ill.

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