MAY 2001

Printed by our friends at: Big Timber Graphics 12 East Main St. East Dundee IL. 60118
All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

By Richard Faykosh
I have been getting many Emails from people all over the United States. And I have talked to people that became homeless right before my eyes over the Internet. And I have talked to people that like the most of us. Do not believe that they will never become homeless.
And now they tell me that things has changed so much that they are close for the first time in there lives. And they are so afraid; they have asked me to help them. And of course I can not. Because I'm only one person.
I have got email from homeless people that when they became homeless took their laptop and have hooked it up to maybe a church phone to put there resume on the internet for work. And since they do not have an address they collect their email. They work jobs and they pay their Internet bills so that they can get the email and send out their resumes. Or fax a resume to jobs.Or they look for housing for their families.

a homeless person can have a cell phone or a laptop/ police scanner… If they had these things before they became homeless. I talked to people in Oregon State where they use to have a car camp ground where hundreds of homeless would live in their cars at night. But the funds are no longer there for them to put a site police officer. And that jobs has got so bad the city's can not afford to supply people to help theses homeless. The problem is getting worse across the country.
And there is no one that cares to help these people. So here I stand, looking at my computer thinking of how in the world will I get people like you to find in your heart a way to help the homeless. Some of you feel that it's not your problem. But you're very wrong. It is yours as well as my problem. But I'm trying to do something about it. And I'm asking you to help us. You can send us a note by writing a note and leaving it for me to pick up from the place you got this paper. Or you can email us at this would help us a lot.


If you would like to volunteer.
Or make a donation.
You can contact me at 45. Wren St. Carpentersville Illinois 60110.
Thank you and together we can make Carpentersville better.

HELP WANTED: Trinity News is looking for Sales people. From $1,500 per year to $50,000 a year. Work own hours. When you want, As long as you want. Self-starter. Call Pager # 868-8730 this call will cost you .35 cents.
Public Action to Deliver Shelter Music Festival

By Joyce

P A D S is planning to relocate to a permanent Shelter in Elgin. And for the second year they plan on running a festival to gather funds to help the homeless. That is a good thing to do. To gather people together for a common cause. It will be called ELGIN WATCH CITY MUSIC FESTIVAL. It will be A three-day affair that will feature local bands, food from local restaurants, games, raffles in the downtown area. Emilio Garcia operations director introduced the line up. The dates are July 13 to 15th at Fountain Square Plaza. It will start Friday evening and Ends Sunday afternoon. The Goal of this year is to raise $10,000. If you wish to help this cause please call
(1-847) 688-9744
Arts and craft venders will want to be part of this. Will be asked to call.
Christine Kendrick at
(1-847) 741-9793.
We hope you all help and join not only us but these people also. We can use all the help we can. Join us..?

Thank You, With Love Joyce Pager 868-8730 Email address

BIG TIMBER GRAPHICS FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS In a forest of printers, We stand TALL 12 East Main Street East Dundee ILL. 60118 phone 1-847-428-1655 Email FAX 1-847-428-1656's.html Mr. Craig Martin Pager 1-847-802-1758
Roberto Garcia At A L E X I E ' S AUTO REPAIR 348 N. STATE St. Unit #1 Elgin IL. 60123 The people that do the best work on cars than any one in the city. Are waiting to serve you today.. Call 1-847-468-1930 for an appointment Or you can fax Roberto Garcia at 1-847-468-7237 Get your car checked out today and drive with a smile. ALEXIE'S Also Helps the homeless with this ad.
Bob Zackery By Richard Faykosh

All you can do is work as hard as you can, to keep this from happening. And after the pattern has been set it’s real hard to get the spiral motion to stop so, he has some things that can work out for him. But then again, they may not work out. So he sits in limbo, hoping to get something to work in a positive light. Then the things really started to move. On Christmas Bob and I went out in my car and we gathered homeless people up and brought them to the car 3 people at a time and warmed them up. These people would get warm and the two would gather another 3 people. All day Christmas Eve night into the Christmas Morning. Bob kept up his spirits.

And we went home at 5:00 am. Then Bob started Christmas dinner for his family.
He never told me of the problems he was facing. And that told me, that like most people, almost at this point of Homelessness, fully believe it will pass. But sometimes it just gets worse.
But Bob made dinner for the family. And spent some time with his family. It was hard for them. But they kept each other up. Bob was indeed tired for the night he spent with the homeless. So he went to sleep praying that things will change. The next few days he spent on the Internet. Working on his web sites and talking to people on the web. As well as sending out resumes. But for the next week he got the same response. We are waiting until the start of the New Year, to make any changes. So once again Bob had to play the waiting game.
They had enough money to pay the rent and that would delete all their funds. Bob know that he needed to act fast in the next week. He needed to make something happen. He knew that he had an interview for the 3rd. And he knew that he had better make it work for him.

The morning of the third he got himself ready. And went to his interview. He met with two people and it went well. So well he got a phone call 1/4-hour after he left the place. So when he got home he made the return call. And was hired. They wanted him to come back by right then. But Bob just wanted to relax and unwind from the worry of his mind.
So Bob was back in the running again. But he knew that he would need to catch up on the bills, and try to keep things going until the money started to come in. That was now his wives job. And now she was relieved that money would be coming. But when?
And she would have to make the calls to make the promises on money and not knowing how much of it was coming to plan. Its like promising rain and not knowing that it would be there. So she had to make sure that these things would be stretched.
Bob loves his family. And he is one of those that will do what ever he has to do to make it work. Even if he has to do without himself. But he knows that sometimes he does not know where he stands. And he has to rely on the wisdom of his family. Because he is a family man that cares for far more then his family. He has avoided Homelessness. But will he avoid it again if it happens? He was Lucky this time, and he knows it.

You Are Here!

BY R. J. 9/16/91

The trumpets are blowing,
With tears they wail,
The dead Children ,
Play upon the hill,
The dark clouds gather,
And thunder begins to roll,
Is truly a tale?
The pictures on the wall,
So full and red,
Fall to the Floor,
Broken Glass,
Broken Dreams,
My whole life,
Lighten striking,
The rain falls,
My heart is heavy,
It cries a loud,
I rub my eyes,
And it clears,
A tombstone reads,

by R.J.

You asked me to tell you,
The things I love about you.
So if your ready,
Kick off your shoes.
I love the way you touch my shoulder.
As I set in the chair.
The way you hold me close,
When I feel sad.
I love the way you don't answer questions,
That tells me you have class.
I love the way you get away,
But the quiet treatment will pass.
I love the way you look at me,
As in a sleep.
I love the way you look at me,
After that wink you dread.
I love the way you touch me,
In that special way.
I love your arms around me,
Every single day.
I love the way you say "I miss you",
It's been a nice day.
But right now I miss you,
And you seem so far away.

We are looking for a sponsor for this page of poems. If you are interested in paying for the printing of this page please let us know by paging me at 1 - 847 - 468 - 9616 We can tell you a payment with your information will be needed. At a cost of $75.00 per month.
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