Printed By our friends at: Big Timber Graphics 12 East Main St. East Dundee IL. 60118
All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

Christmas story under a News agency’s nose...
By THE G H O S T W R I T E R....
It was before thanksgiving
when I appeared to be in the right place, at the right time. But on this night. There was a new security person. Small framed thin figure of a woman. And she seemed okay. I approached the door and she let me in. And I had passed the desk as I always done. When I heard this little voice say. "Sir, it appears that you failed to sign in". I tried to explain my position without giving out my true reason for being there. She listened, then demanded me to leave or she would summon the police. Of course I left, she seemed to be very serious. So I went out to my car and sat.

Thinking how it was so easy getting past those other security personal, and this one being so different. In fact I’ve been in and out so many times, most people think that I actually work there. So I thought that there is got to be a story here somewhere. And I watched. Every night that she worked I watched. And I started noticing things. Small things at first, That turned into bigger things later.

First I noticed, when she would walk people to their cars. How her face showed a real discomfort in the cold. And how quickly she would make it back inside. Then when those vans and trucks came in how hard it was for her to lock the gate back. (I know how hard it is to lock that gate. You have to hit that lock real hard to lock it.)

In fact, I had seen how some of the employees treated her. I had heard how three ladies blocked her way to do her key rounds. In fact one of them actually tried to provoke a fight with her. But she stayed her ground. And kept doing her job. She would even do work that maintenance should have done. (Spreading salt on the sidewalk.) She even was seen helping a driver unload a van. I’m sure she did these things on her own. I'd say a very professional employee.

I noticed that she seemed to be in pain. Especially when she went outside. Then I noticed the manor she took in her food. This got me to do some deep checking. This path took me to see a doctor friend of mine. I told this doctor what I had observed. And the doctor told me that she might have, T.M.J.

And the symptoms are, headaches, aching or stiff neck, aching or stiff shoulders, backaches, earaches, ear fullness, ringing in the ears, or pain associated with the ears, jaw pain, popping or clicking in the jaw joint, facial pain, numbness in the fingers and toes, vertigo dizziness, undiagnosable tooth pain.........

It appeared clear, When she walked all those people to there cars, and unlocked that gate, or doing her outside key rounds. She was in unbearable pain.

When she did her inside rounds. Going up the stairs gave her pain and dizziness. Going from the warm to the cold computer room gave her more pain. Then we might ask?

When she received additional pain.

Because a few days before Christmas they let her go, with out explanation.. And now its plain to see the reason she was working, was to get her hospitalization and the money for the mounting bills to get this all corrected.

She appeared to be very independent, the type of person that wants to do it on her own with, no outside help. And to be let go just before the Christmas holiday.. With out an explanation.

I can only hope for. Wherever you are my friend, my heart and prayers are with you on this special time of year. And I know that some day you will get the help you truly need....God loves those that suffer in him ...

Any comments to this article send your replies You could use a library Computer


If you would like to volunteer.
Or make a donation.
You can contact me at 45. Wren St. Carpentersville Illinois 60110.
Thank you and together we can make Carpentersville better.

HELP WANTED: Trinity News is looking for Sales people. From $1,500 per year to $50,000 a year. Work own hours. When you want, As long as you want. Self-starter. Call Pager # 868-8730 this call will cost you .35 cents.
By Joyce

Always "remember to have a friend, is to be a friend"
What makes a good friend you say?


someone you can tell anything too. Someone you can talk, laugh, have fun with. Someone you can go shopping with, to the movies, someone to share your life with. Always remember, a friend is really what life is about, because without a friend life is very lonely and very hard. SO! To keep a friend always be good to them, speak highly of them. Never gossip about them and you will have a friend for life. GOD BLESS, BE HAPPY. Thank You, With Love always Joyce Pager 868-8730 Email address

Some of those that has stood with us in our fight against homelesness.Please Check out there web pages.


Roberto Garcia At A L E X I E ' S AUTO REPAIR


What has been going on with me

for the past few months
By Richard Faykosh

Several months ago before we got the surprise on 9/11/01.

I was going through some very hard times. The job had dried up on overtime.And since that is how I pay my bills. It got real hard.

It seemed that for every week we were getting a $50.00 ticket on our car. And it wasn't just me getting the tickets but everyone in the building. And it was only this building. But the tickets did stop after the landlord called the city of Carpenterville.

But I got about $200.00 in tickets to pay. So I sold the car and started riding the bike. 20 miles a day, I figure that when a city like Carpentersville turns on its residence, then I want to give them as little financial support as possible. And in those weeks the rest of the area did not get any tickets only our building.

One man had his car towed by the city for them to discover that it was ok and it should not have been towed. The man lost a day of work because of it. So the new Mayor could be even worse then the past one.

Perhaps I will vote them all out of office next time. And then we can start over with everything. So here it is going into November and I'm riding my bike. And when I can not ride it I will be walking since the busses do not run late at night. So thank you Carpentersville.


If anyone has a house to rent outside of creepsville let me know. Because I do want to get out of this town.. If you have been getting abused by the city Of CARPENTERSVILLE, We would love to here from you!
Send your note to TRINITY20@ OR to
If you do not have a computer there is one at the nearest library for you.
Continued next month.


BY R. J. 10/14/90

In all my life,
In all my days,
To wright the feelings,
Would always be true,
In all my life,
In all my years,
To wright the feelings,
With not a fear,
In all my life,
In all my weeks,
To wright the feelings,
So very complete,
In all my life,
In all my hours,
To wright the feelings,
Even while in the shower,
In all my life,
I have never felt the way I feel,
When I reach out,

by R.J. 10/14/90

It truly feels good that in life
one can seek and sometimes wonder.
I met this young lady;
She seems to touch me in a way
none has in such a long time.
I can't say that it's in her look
or in her smile,
But it's there all awhile,
I would like to call her dear love.
But that would not be right.
For she may not wish
to be part of this.
So I'll move slow
not to play the he man roll.
For this I'm not.
I'll just be me.
Perhaps she'll like what she sees.
To have a base
of understanding to build on.
Weather it be
a friendship or relationship.
This we must keep open and see.
And in wonder I'll see.
Keep it open to understand and be.

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