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210 N. 8th St. West Dundee IL. 60118


All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published
in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

Carpentersville UN-Trustees at it again
By Richard J. Faykosh
Well here we go again.

The UN-Trustees voted them selves a raise
they did not deserve. Could not find away to hire more police officers
because of the up coming bridge plan that is now on hold once again by the way.
Now its been told to me of the internal control

problems seen in audit 2000. Darn it seems that the greedier
this group of un-trustees get the more
just bites them in the but, and they cannot get it worked out.
Its been suggested
by Kent Baldwin "that a new Financial firm be brought in
to go over the books for the past three years.
And that because of an ungoing investigation
perhaps all of the funds and accounts be frozen until
each account gets looked into.
Even though accounting firms are rotated every
three to five years.
If this shows a shortage in funds it would reflect
on the now administration,
all shortages would be placed on all the people now incharge.

In the awake of a past administration
that showed a shortage of funds,
I would think that each person
on the board
of UN-Trustees, Village President and staff, and the
villages finance department all is looked at. "

Not by local investigators
but by the federal Government,
and charges be set up for the
guilty parties.
Its time to clean up the
chicken coop,
to find the Fox in the hen house,
Because now the Un-trustees will say
that more people need to be brought
in to look at everything.
When the federal government needs to look into this with
there staff and do the investigation.
That would also give the city time to summit
a budget because it's under investigation.
And let the federal government supply all
of the staffers it needs to look at everything.
It would end this foolish spending that this group
of people that has shown it can't do anything
with out over spending.

And that someone needs to take
over looking into everything other then
the people now doing it. Because I see a bigger mess
from the untrustees of Carpentersville.

It's time for a real change,
its time to get some real serious
people in office that will do
what ever it takes to get things going right.
Six to seven years of ill management is enough.
We need to totally say good-by to those
in office and go with an all-new group of people.

Any comments to this article send your replies
You could use a library Computer

White color jobs going to India?
By Richard J. Faykosh
It was reported on TV that some
companies are trying to cut cost in their front
offices by cutting office jobs.
And how they are doing it is real mean.
They are bringing in people from
other countries and having
the American workers train them.
Little, do they know that these people will go back to their country
and do the work of the person that trained
them at a 75% reduction in pay.
Replacing that person and
putting them on the unemployment line.
Causing this country to loose work
force and weakling our economy a little bit more.

One or those companies is Best Buy.
So I say if they want to cut their cost by lying off workers perhaps
they need to move their stores to
those countries where they have hired office personal
and take the business out of the USA.
Perhaps A boycott should happen.
Since they are going broke anyway.
And Best Buy is not the only company doing this.
Any comments to this article send your replies
You could use a library Computer


If you would like to volunteer.
Or make a donation.
You can contact me at
45. Wren St.
Carpentersville Illinois 60110.
Thank you and together
we can make Carpentersville better.

By Richard Faykosh

(Part Two)

I had moved in and things
were pretty good.
I was working not one but two different security jobs
and putting in a lot of hours.

Bob the landlord and I had gotten
back into a friendly relationship.
So much that one day Bob came to my room
and we sat talking about just things.
Then he asked me what I would do if I had the building,
I asked,
you mean run it again or what?
He said that he was thinking of letting it go
and that he thought
that I would be a good person to just take it over.
I told him that I would try to keep it as a sleeping room house
until I could gather the money to put it back
as a single family home.

Then by then I would
hope that there would
be someone I would like to settle down with
and we could settle there in that house.

He told me to really think about it
and that he would talk to me again
in a week to answer any questions.
OH! Was I excited,

then it settled down and I started looking at all the money
I would have to get and how much
I would
have to collect for rents ECT. It all looked good on paper
and I thought that I could do it,
provided that the down payment
could be affordable. (To be continued next month)

"The Sky's the limit"
By Joyce

Each of us makes his own weather!
Determines the color of the sky's in the emotional
Universe which he inhabits = Fulton Sheen

The future is not in the hands of fate,
but in ours. = Katherine Hepburn

God gives every bird his worm,
but he does not throw it into the nest. = Severest Proverb

Your living is determined not so much by what life brings
to you as by the attitude you bring to life. = John Miller

He that looks for truth in hidden places,
Will find the hidden,
But it may not be the truth.
= RJ Faykosh of Trinity news

If you would like to email Joyce
I’m sure she would love to here From you.
P.S. " If you have an angel story.
Please! Send it to me.
Any comments on this please E-mail me.
Thank You, With Love Joyce
Email address TRINITY20@aol.com

SPORTS / VIEWS/ Commits from Richard’s desk!
Winner Rich's score
Sept. 7th. At San Francisco
Bears Loss

Sept. 14th At Minnesota
Bears Loss

Sept.29th Green Bay
Bears Loss

Oct.5th Oakland
Win to Bears

Oct.12th. At New Orleans
Bears Loss

Oct. 19th. At Seattle
Bears Loss

Oct. 26th. Detroit
Bears Loss

Nov. 2nd. San Diego
Bears Loss

Nov. 9th. At Detroit

Nov.16th. St. Louis

Nov.23rd. At Denver

Nov. 30th. Arizona

Dec.7th. At Green Bay

Dec.14th. Minnesota

Dec.21st. Washington

Dec.28th. At Kansas City

What is your prediction for the coming year?
What do you think? TRINITY20@aol.com

Way too much

BY R.J Faykosh 10/03/03

My day begins,
With your gentle touch,
Slowly I awaken,
From your simple nudge.
My day ends,
After doing the things,
The honey Do's done,
As she tucks me in.
It's not long,
Before my mind is at rest,
And drift silently asleep,
To full slumber.
As my guardian Angel,
Looks on ,
Taking note in every sound,
Or any movement made.
After a stressful day,
Into a peaceful night,
She has made,
Everything right.
I have no issues,
I have no fuss,
With this lady,
It's all trust.
If I have not told her,
And I know I should,
The things she does,
I say is way too much.

Good and bad!
By R. J. Faykosh 10/03/03

Good morning,
Good evening,
Too the Due.
Spending my hour's,
Only with you.
Welcome the warmth,
Fills my soul.
Really do not like the cold,
It chills to the bone.
In you warming arms,
I wish to stay.
Shutter the wind,
For it too is cold.
For when it snows,
In freezing cold.
When all these things occur,
Only you can cure.
Have I said that I love you!
Have I said that I care!
Have I said I'm sorry,
for all the hurt unknowingly done.

We are looking for a sponsor for this
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We are looking for a sponsor for this page of poems.
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We can tell you a payment with your information will be needed.
At a cost of $15.00 per month.

Hello! yes!! We are looking for some needed workers.
Either volunteers or those that would like to make a little Monthly cash money.
If you're interested please contact us by Email at TRINITY20@aol.com


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W. Dundee847-426-9440

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W. Dundee 60118

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Hanan Hall Jewelry Emporium
10 E. Main St. (Rt. 72), #106 East Dundee,

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Dundee Animal Hospital Penny Ave.

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E. Dundee (847)426-7923

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