September 2001

Printed By our friends at: Big Timber Graphics 12 East Main St. East Dundee IL. 60118
All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

Bouncing C.E.O'S?
By Richard Faykosh
Bouncing CEO 's is not good.
I have seen this CEO go to another place and the one he replaced going elsewhere. This is not good for the economy at all.

More people are becoming out of work. And that is not good either. And all of this comes down to one thing.

More homeless people on the streets. More breaking up of family's and less houses being built. Because people just can not afford them. Jobs are not out there for someone living in a poverty level. It seems that not only are the low income jobs not there but also the higher ones also. The trend seems to be more for the specialized end. Like plumber, electrician, heating and AC.

The unions are trying to keep a hold on what they have. But it seems that they are loosing also. Because more and more people are taking those non-union jobs over the union jobs, They need that money paid to the union for other things. So of course union jobs are dying in many areas. And their foothold is not taking hold. You might fall into a job where you have to join. But you will not keep that job for long. Because the unions are not doing there jobs anymore. Not giving the protection it once gave. They can not help even their members, because they are too busy counting their money. Some of these people drive around in BMW's Or better. They have expensive homes and boats and all. The union members pay their dues to get their protection and when it comes for that protection. It's not there. A new person gets hired and the initiation fees comes first. These fees are higher then the dues. So, by bringing in more new members the union is making money. Unions are no better then the company you work for. Neither one will protect you. So if the unions are not there and the jobs are not there where will you be in a few years?

Any comments to this article send your replies You could use a library Computer


If you would like to volunteer.
Or make a donation.
You can contact me at 45. Wren St. Carpentersville Illinois 60110.
Thank you and together we can make Carpentersville better.


Then we ask about the OPEN LAND ON Rt.31? What happens to this land should be up to the people of Carpentersville. And not the big time Public Bankers, Yet this is still unsolved, The more land that we take away from our farmers will put us in dire need of this resource. Let me explain. The corn crops go to make Gasoline for your cars, as well as feed grain for live stock. Now if we loose this land for houses and such. We loose the use of the gas products. So I guess its what you may want more housing or higher gas prices.

HELP WANTED: Trinity News is looking for Sales people. From $1,500 per year to $50,000 a year. Work own hours. When you want, As long as you want. Self-starter. Call Pager # 868-8730 this call will cost you .35 cents.

Daily Survival Kit
By Joyce

A Toothpick-- To remind you to pick out the good qualities in other people.
A Rubber band --

To remind you to be flexible, Things may not always go the way you want, but they always work out.
A Band-Aid --

To remind you to heal hurt feelings, Yours or someone else.
A pencil --

To remind you to count your blessings.
An Eraser --

To remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay.
Glue --

To remind you to stick with it. If you do, you can accomplish anything.
A Mint--

To remind you that your worth a mint.
A Candy Kiss--

To remind you that everyone needs a

KISS or a HUG or both every day.

Thank You, With Love Joyce Pager 868-8730 Email address

Some of those that has stood with us in our fight against homelesness.Please Check out there web pages.


Roberto Garcia At A L E X I E ' S AUTO REPAIR


Terri Slatton , Ministries Christian singing artist!

By Richard Faykosh

And she tells the rest of the party that Tina is out cold.

Now those at the party knew that it was PARTY TIME. So For a few days they party and party hard. And from the start drugs were introduced to heroin and many other types of drugs. She would pass out. And one of the three would shoot her up. By the time she awoke she would be back into a party. It was so over whelming. After a few weeks the party stopped. And Tina needed the shot or needed the drug. she was hooked. John told her that there was no more money. And that there had to be a way to raise the money. And he let her come up with the answer to that.
She thought of many ways. And John would give her a reason that it would not work. So Betty and her were sitting and talking, Tina told John that she would sell her body, Sex .. John agreed to this. Betty and Tina went on ahead as planned. But Tina never found out that the whole thing truly was John’s idea. Betty just let on, so Tina would go along with it. Tina & Betty went out that night and many more nights. Got all hung up in the money, and the drugs, Became even more of the hype to do it.
Then it became necessary to do it. John started to demand more and more. He even got the two girls(Woman) to talk to other homeless woman into the ranks. The more pretty ones like Tina got the big bucks. While the others made chump change on the corner.
These girls could be expendable. If some one got killed it was no big thing. Because there was always another to take the place. Tina got so strung out at times she did not know where or what she was doing. After some time, Tina stopped caring how she looked; the only thing was the drugs.
Tina found herself on the corners. She lost the care for her self, and fell back to the drugs and the money. The money that she never saw, because it went to the drugs. One night as Tina was on the corner, When the john she picked up was a policeman; she ended up in jail. But she had to go get tested at Sherman hospital. While she was there she felt her lowest. A 21 year old. That looked 45 years old.
She wanted to take a chance. She spoke to the hospital counselor about rehab. So when she appeared in court the judge sent her to rehab and counseling with probation. While she was in rehab for her 8 weeks. And was sent to a half way house, where she tried to over come her problem.
She once again found her self on the street. Once again she was on the corner pulling tricks. She was unsuccessful with her endeavors. One morning Tina met a man named Sam, a strange man that was homeless but stayed to himself.

He took her to a minister friend of his, and the minister got her some needed help. Helped her get onto welfare, and got her a place to stay. She went back to the hospital to get treatments on her Addiction as the judge ordered also the counseling.

She also learned that her three years of drug abuse took its toll on her. For she now had Aids (HIV). And the effects of this were also taking hold. Tina died a little over a year ago ….

The Ending was a real hell for her: We had to redo this story to show the pain and hurt a homeless person sometimes find themselves. It is no fun being homeless. New Story next Month!


part 2

BY R. J. 6/18/90

Seem to be the only thing left to hold.
You rise to walk to that desk
To touch all those ,
Expressions of old.
In your hands slowly you unfold and set in place.
All those pages of old.
Press out the wrinkles.
Put page to page.
Wrap and tie to protect from age.
To read and reread.
And now you wished ,
you would have told him,
about those feelings.
Instead of keeping them ,
in a bottle locked away.
Hidden for such a very long time.
Now it's all vanished into the dust of your memories.
The skeleton of your past.
Don't let it pass.
Speak out before its dust.
Change that dust to shining smooth,
And make it last.
Because those notes get old,
and brittle real soon…..<

We are looking for a sponsor for this page of poems. If you are interested in paying for the printing of this page please let us know by paging me at 1 - 847 - 468 - 9616 We can tell you a payment with your information will be needed. At a cost of $75.00 per month.
We are looking for some needed workers. Either volunteers or those that would like to make a little Monthly cash money. If you're interested please contact us by the pager number above or email us at

Join Going Platinum

HELP WANTED: Trinity News is looking for Sales people. From $1,500 per year to $50,000 a year. Work own hours. When you want, As long as you want. Self-starter. Call Pager # 868-8730 this call will cost you .35 cents.
We are looking for a sponsor for this page of poems. If you are interested in paying for the printing of this page please let us know by paging me at 1 - 847 - 468 - 9616 We can tell you a payment with your information will be needed. At a cost of $75.00 per month.


We are looking for some needed workers. Either volunteers or those that would like to make a little Monthly cash money. If you're interested please contact us by the pager number above or email us at