It was before Thanksgiving when I appeared to be in the right place, at the right time. But on this night there was a new security person. A small framed thin figure of a women. And she seemed okay.
I approached the door and she let me in. And I had passed the desk as I always done. When I heard this little voice say, “Sir, it appears that you failed to sign in.” I tried to explain my position without giving up my true reason for being there. She listened, then demanded me to leave or she would summon the police.

Of course I left,
she seemed to be very serious. So I went out to my car and sat. Thinking how it was so easy getting past those other security personnel, and this one being so different. In fact I have been in and out so many times, most people think that I actually work there. So I thought that there has got to be a story here somewhere.

And I watched every night that she worked. And I started noticing things. Small things at first that turned into bigger things later.
First I noticed when she would walk people to there cars her face showed a real discomfort in the cold. And how quickly she would make it back inside. Then when those vans and trucks came in how hard it was for her to lock the gates back-up (I know how hard it is to lock that gate, you have to hit the lock real hard to lock it).

In fact, I have seen how some of the employees treated her. And I heard how three ladies block her way from doing her key rounds. In fact, one of them actually tried to provoke a fight with her. But she stayed her ground, and kept doing her job.
I even seen her doing work that maintenance should have done (Spreading salt on the sidewalks). She even was seen helping a driver unload a van. I’m sure she did these things on her own. I’d say a very professional employee.

I noticed that she seemed to be in pain, especially when she went outside. Then I noticed the manner of the way she took in her food. This got me to do some deep checking. This path took me to see a doctor friend of mine. I told this doctor what I had observed.

The doctor told me that she might have T.M.J. (TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DYSFUNCTION).
And the symptoms are; headaches, aching or stiff neck, arching or stiff shoulders, backaches, earaches, ear fullness, ringing in the ears, or pain associated with the ears, jaw pain, popping or clicking in the jaw joint, facial pain, numbness in the fingers and toes, vertigo dizziness, and un-diagnosable tooth pain.......... Now! it appeared clear.

When she walked all those people to there cars, and unlock that gate, or doing her outside key rounds she was in unbearable pain. When she did her inside rounds going up stairs gave her pain and dizziness, going from the warm to the cold computer room gave her more pain. Then we might ask WHY DOES SHE LIKE HER JOB AND FUNCTION THROUGH THIS PAIN.
When she received additional pain because a few days before Christmas they let her go, without explanation. And now it is plain to see the reason she was working was to get her hospitalization and the money for the mounting bills to get corrected. She appeared to be very independent, the type of person that wants to do it on her own, with no outside help. And to be let go just before the Christmas holiday..

Without any explanation. I can only hope for her. Where ever you are my friend, my heart and prayers are with you on this special time of year. And I know that someday you will get the help that you truly need. God loves those that suffer in him...

We feel that this story tells and reminds us of the pain and hurt that a homeless person must indure in this time of season when so few care about those around them. MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!


Bony degeneration -Destructive changes in the bone,
which may take the form of erosions, holes, Ect. This is another part of T.M.J., that people do not know about.
Because the medical and the DDS can not get it together these people are doomed to suffer. Only lots of money can help those that have this disorder. People that suffer from this do not want people looking at them.
They are embarrassed by the manner they have to eat, often finding the back corner at the restaurant, with their backs turned to those there. They may have to crumble their food to eat it. Chew it up before they put it in their mouth.

They live in this world of hiding. Not letting those around them know there disorder. Facial changes also occur. As well as there thin appearance . People think that there starving themselves. Because they can’t eat they can’t get the nourishment the rest of us get.
These people need help in the biggest way. I do not understand why the other news papers have not picked up on T.M.J. and wrote about it. Its been around since 1811 A.D.
People do not know and realize that they could also get it. Whiplash could start T.M.J. a fall, Tripping, a sudden jolt, or even stress could start it.
You may have it and you don’t even know it... You have seen her and you will not see her pain. Unbearable pain at All times. If she yawns it could cause her jaw could lock up. Even a large sneeze could cause damage. To open her mouth could also cause damage.
So to chewing is impossible. These people are starving to death because the medical and the DDS can not get together.
People are suffering and we are letting them suffer and not helping them . We all are to blame to let this happen to people in this city. These people need your support also and we will continue this fight. To end this mis-justice in the medical field.. ITS TIME TO MEET THE CHALLENGE .....

BY ... The Unknown !

Richard, Went with Joyce to the DDS office here in town that deals with T.M.J. Joyce went through Two X-rays and had to open her mouth so that they could take a Polaroid shot of her mouth.
It was indeed painful for her. But since the visit she has received no help from no one not even her family. And R.J. has not been able to be much help either. Trying to work two jobs and getting little sleep.
The doctors are looking for a oral surgeon that will be able to fill out the papers she needs to get filled out so she can began getting help. And no one will do nothing for nothing any more. So Joyce has to suffer because of it.
But to my understanding. Joyce has got to the point that her jaw even locks open at times. And she has gone without eating for days because of the pain. She needs the help but no one cares for us or the homeless.
Especially when life threatening is at stake. What has become of this community to allow such misery and pain. And not helping it . There last words were that to help her is like untying a knot. Step by step.
At lease five to six years of surgery . First to correct the T.M.J. They must put the joints back in place . They must go in to do this. A good oral surgeon is needed... Can you help


The TMJ Association - changing the face of TMJ
TMJ Stress Education Self-Help Support Newsletter Headaches Dentistry Diseases
Non Chew Cookbook - Cookbooks, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, Dentist, Periodo

Email: TRINITY20@aol.com