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As many of my friends on and off the computer know my dear Wizard came to see me agian for my senior Prom. This page is dedicated to that visit and to let everyone know how it turned out. *S* It will be very surprising.

On May 1st my baby's plane was scheduled to arrive in Springfield at 8:39 pm, however due to a TWA strike the flights were all delayed and he missed his flight to Sringfield and got stuck in St. Louis. Well I wasn't about to let him stay the night there, we only had a few days together and him being there took that time away from us. So with the help of my dad's girlfriend and her two boys we talked my dad into giving us his car and allowing us to go to St. Louis to get him. (This is where it gets very interesting)

My dad being the loving man that he is knew that if I drove it would be my first time driving to St. Louis so he gave me directions to the airport, and even gave us the cell-phone. So here I am in my dad's town car with 2 boys that remind me of Jeff Foxwothy's Redneck jokes. *HONESTLY SPEAKING* We made it in St. Louis at about 1:30 and found the airport, however it was the wrong one. *L* So we were trying to figure out where we were at and decided to pull behind a cop who had pulled someone else for speeding and ask for directions.

We finally did find the airport, and went inside to find my honey sitting on the floor with this AWFUL orange and white (cat in the hat type) of hat, he was reading. As soon as saw him I went running to him, he laughed about how long it took me to get there but as I told him at least I did make it. So the oldest "REDNECK" (who is 17) drove back to Jacksonville, that was the easy part. Wizard just held me in the back seat and kept wispering how much he missed me and loved me. We did make it back to J-ville of course but it was 4:30 am and everyone was too tired to do anything but go to bed.

Saterday of course was the day of my SENIOR PROM, so being as excited as can be both of us woke early that morn. We sat and listend to music, watched TV, wrestled, and talked that morning and afternoon. Then it was time to get ready for Prom, we had dinner at home because of money and the fact that I didn't find the time to make reservations for dinner that night. But believe me it turned out perfect. Vickie, dad's girlfriend, dressed like a maid, and dad dressed like a waiter, served us a formal, full course, candle lit dinner. Oh there was romantic music in the backgound, and we had a wonderful dinner in which dad waited on us and Vickie cooked. We were both surprised at how much they went into this dinner, it was so funny and wonderful. (Of course it was a free dinner so remember we had the same service of those that spent anywhere between $12-20 for a dinner at a restaraunt but paid nothing but a $20 tip. *S*)

Then dad gave the keys to the town car to Wizard and we went to my friend's house, Holly, and her mom got pictures of all of us of course. And we chilled out of course for a bit before Prom, both Holly and I were nervous and excited. It was to be a night to remember always. We left and met everyone at the dance, and may I say that Wizard look great in a tux. (As soon as we get pics back I'll post a few up.) And of course we danced the night away, just like the winter dance. And agian everyone is still talking about how well he really does dance. *L*

After Prom we went to the Post Prom Party at the YMCA and I watched him play vollyball with all of my friends. It was very wierd how well he fit in here with all of us, it was like he belongs here, but that is just my opinion. *S* But we stayed there until 3 am then came homw to go to bed. *EG* Of course agian this is the last night together, it was a short trip because he had to work on Monday.

So Sunday it is hitting home that we have a short amount of time left together, and when it was time to drive to Springfield it was silent the whole way. Neither of us wanted it to end but knew that we had no other choice. I do have to say that this time it was much harder to say goodbye then last time. We spoke of my trip to see him in June and hugged, kissed, hugged more and kissed much more. *S* Then off he went back to NJ. as the tears were streaming down my face with goodbye on my lips. And of course he wanted to be strong for me so he didn't loose it in front of me but everyone could see the tears swell up in his eyes.

So now i'm awaiting Graduation June 5th because the next Monday, June 8th, I'm off to see my Wizard for 2 1/2 weeks in NJ. I'm so excited, nervous, and happy, all in one. This will be my first time on a plane since I was probably about 7 years old and my first time to NJ and of course meeting Wizard's family. I can't wait to get back to tell that story. this will have to do until then, I hope you all liked the story.

Please remember to come back to see more changes on my entire site. And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, sign my guestbook, thanks. *S*


One of the pictures of Prom.
Another Prom pic.
And last but not least of the Prom pictures.
To read about Wizard's first visit here in December.
To go back HOME
