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Chapter 12

Chapter 12--Taylor

Taylor couldn't believe it. He had been on his laptop in the hospital when he saw his sister's SN. He wanted to tell her what happened, but he got a surprise. She wasn't even at home. She was running away! His father was pacing around the waiting room. This was just what they needed. Everyone was worried enough about Zac. Now they had Jessica gone.

Walker blamed himself. He said that giving her a seperate account was a big mistake. Now she could be hurt. But it wasn't his fault. Jessica just felt too pressured. Taylor knew how she felt. He had been in the music business for many years. People were constantly hounding you for gossip, and they had concerts and interviews. They hadn't done many in a while, but they were still bothered by the press.

Next to him sat Isaac. His head was in his hands. Alexis was to the other side of him. She was crying softly. Taylor stood up and sat next to her. He put his arm around her shoulders. "Lex, it's okay. Zac'll be fine."

Alexis only cried harder. Next to her, Isaac was struggling to keep his tears in.

A doctor walked into the room. The whole Hanson family looked up. Taylor felt a strange sense of de ja vu. This was the same scene when his brother died. It was even the same room. He sensed that Isaac felt the same thing, because he got a strange look on his face.

'No!' he thought. 'Please let Zac be okay!'

The doctor spoke up. "Zac is in critical condition, and will have to stay here overnight, but he's most likely to pull through." Alexis and Taylor jumped up. Isaac sat on his chair, a sigh of relief escaping him. Alexis flung her arms around Taylor, tears pouring down her face. "Thank God." she whispered. She was crying, but they were tears of happiness.

Taylor rubbed her back. "See, he's okay."

Isaac stood up and Taylor released Alexis. She fell into Isaac's arms. They were both crying.

Mrs. Hanson was talking to the doctor. Avery was sitting next to Mac and Melissa, explaining what had happened.

Then Mac looked around. "Shouldn't Jessie be here?"

Mrs. Hanson looked up. She burst into tears. Mr. Hanson hurried over to her. Taylor watched his father comfort his mother. 'This is so terrible.' Taylor thought. He flipped on his laptop and silently prayed Jessica was on. It had been an hour and a half since he had talked to her.

Just in case she turned off IMs, he tried locating her. He didn't see her name. He went to the lobby and decided to try something. He typed quickly.

'I have something important to ask all of you. Has any1 talked to BabyBop14??!! It's an emergency!'

bud354: sorry dude
cyberwoman: why? she your girlfriend?

Taylor typed in 'sister'

girlzrul: i haven't. sorry
hyperchic1: actually, i have

Taylor got excited. 'when??!!'

hyperchic1: about two nights ago. me and a bunch of ppl were talking to her.

'meet me in room HAN'

Taylor soon went to his private room.

hyperchic1: okay, I'm here.

'who are the other ppl??'

hyperchic1: umm, there's sk8dude21, babyspice2002, dfreak3632, um, sailorv169, SKAtegrl39, windex420, tacoboy5, and, i don't know. maybe some more.

Taylor wrote all those names down.

'thank you very much. ~Taylor Hanson'

hyperchic1: you're her bro?

'yeah, she's jessica hanson'

hyperchic1: i know. what happened to her?

'she ran away this morning. she's meeting some friends from the internet'

hyperchic1: WHOA! that's terrible! i'm friends online w/some of those ppl. i'll ask around.

'don't mention that i'm looking for her'

hyperchic1: i'll write to ya in a few minutes after i ask.

Taylor waited nervously. "Hey, guys, I got someone here that's talked to Jess online. She's checking some people to see if they know where she is!" Taylor told everyone.

Mrs. Hanson hurried over. Five minutes later, they got a response.

hyperchic1: i found someone who talked to her last night.

'hold on a minute, i'm gonna switch screen names.'

He switched to his parents' account because for some reason, his was having problems.

He went into the chat room.

DiWalkHan: okay, i'm on my parents' name
hyperchic1: this is cool, i'm talking to Taylor Hanson
DiWalkHan: yeah, umm, so who said they talked to her
hyperchic1: her SN is dfreak3632. WARNING! She has a major major crush on u.
DiWalkHan: I'll IM in a few minutes, i gotta go talk to her
hyperchic1: okay, bye

Taylor located dfreak3632. She was in HNSNLUVR chat room. He logged into that.

dfreak3632: hehe, tay is the finest
dude69: i'm going out w/Jessica
DiWalkHan: Joey, that u?
ikeizmine: ike is waaaaaay cuter!!
dude69: hi taylor. why u on your parents SN?
dfreak3632: OH MY GOD! TAYLOR HANSON IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DiWalkHan: jess is gone. dfreak3632, i need to talk to u
dude69: what do u mean gone????
DiWalkHan: she ran away
dfreak3632: no kidding
dude69: WHAT!!!!!!!!!??????? Why didn't she tell me??!!
DiWalkHan: it was this morning. she talked to us from her plane
dfreak3632: DUH!!!!
DiWalkHan: please tell me where she's going!
dfreak3632: can't, sorry
ikeizmine: dfreak, u should tell him. he sounds worried
ikeizmine: by the way, taylor, can i talk to ike
DiWalkHan: he's busy, we have an emergency
dude69: w/what?
DiWalkHan: tell ya l8r bro. dfreak, please tell me.
dfreak3632: listen, um, i promised not to. I'll tell her to call or email when i see her.

Taylor got an idea. He looked up a profile for dfreak. She said she's going to see her. He could see where she lived. When he saw her profile, he was disappointed. Under location, she put 'hell, or the middle of nowhere'

He went back to the chat room.

dfreak3632: i know yu're checking my profile. my loc. isn't on there
dude69: i'll keep an eye out for her to see when she's online. she'll prob email me soon
DiWalkHan: dfreak, thanx a lot. bye joe
dfreak3632: sorry, but i promised. i'll tell her you want to talk to her.

Taylor got out of that chat room. He checked his buddy list once more. Jessica wasn't on. Mrs. Hanson was looking over his shoulderat the screen. She took his laptop and went back into the chat room.

DiWalkHan: Dfreak, are you still here?
dfreak3632: yup
DiWalkHan: This is Jessica's mom. Can you please help us?
dfreak3632: well....the only thing I can say is she's gone south. bye
DiWalkHan: wait!

"She logged off." Taylor commented, looking over his mother's shoulder. She sighed and handed him the computer. Taylor IMed hyperchic1.

Taylor logged off. "We should try major, southern cities." he told his family.

Mrs. Hanson and Melissa and Mackenzie stayed at the hospital with Alexis and Isaac, and Taylor, Mr. Hanson, and Avery went to the police station. They filed a report and gave the police a picture of Jessica. Not that they really needed it. Almost everyone had seen her before. It was scanned in the computer and emailed to every police station in the southern states.
