Chapter 20

"So, Raych..."
Raychel spun around when she heard the voice behind her. She saw Taylor standing there, leaning against the doorframe. They were out in Heather's backyard. Raychel walked away from Taylor and sat on a swing. Taylor headed towards her, the screen door that he had been holding open shutting behind him.

Taylor sat next to Raychel. "Hey, what's up?" he asked, noticng a slightly distressed look on her face.

Raychel looked him in the eye. "I've been thinking about this all evening. About the other night when you and me..." she trailed off, and Taylor knew what she was talking about.

"What about it?" he asked, putting his arm around her and pulling her close.
She signed and tried to find the words. " was a mistake. I shouldn't have. I wanted to wait until I was married to do anything. I'm sorry I did it now. And I just wanted to tell you that it won't be happening again."

Taylor stared at her. "I understand. Why..don't worry. It's not a big deal. We can live without doing it."

"I'm just, maybe I don't wanna settle down 'till I'm a little older. No marraige or living together. What we were thinking was just...we were dreaming. But I don't think it'll happen."

Taylor nodded. "Okay. We are a little young to settle down. We should think of our future."

Raychel leaned against him. "I just wanted to make sure...I mean, some people...well, nevermind. It's okay now."

Taylor kissed her softly. "It's okay." He brushed her hair lightly for a few minutes, and she slowly began to fall asleep.

After about twenty minutes, Mrs. Hanson came outside. Taylor looked closely at his mother. It was obvious she had her share of everything. There were bags under her eyes and she looked like she lost weight. Taylor hadn't noticed this yet.

His mother walked over to him and kissed the top of his head. She gestured to Raychel and smiled. "How's she doing?"

Taylor shrugged. "Sleepy." He brushed away a few starnds of hair that fell in her face.
Mrs. Hanson pulled up a lawn chair. "So, have you talked to Ike yet? About the group getting back together?"

A familliar feeling surged through Taylor's body. He recognized the feeling as what he had felt every time he and his brother and sister played at performances. The adrenaline rushing through his body. He would jump around during performances, bouncing everywhere. It was often said that if he had the guitar and was able to roam the stage like Isaac...hoo boy!

Mrs. Hanson could tell her son was excited. She saw how his eyes lit up at the prospect of playing for crowds again and having fun with music. He still played piano and kept singing, just not like before.

Taylor grabbed his mother's hands and held them tightly. "Did Isaac say he wanted to get back, as a group?"
Mrs. Hanson nodded. "He said he wanted to know what you and Jessie thought. But it'd be a while before anything could happen. Jess is in a bit of restriction right now."

Taylor tried to contain his excitement. He almost jumped up but he remembered the sleeping figure that had her head leaning on him.
"Do you think we could do it?" he asked.
Mrs. Hanson nodded. "Of course. You've always had the talent. You'd have to talk to Jess and see if she'd like to continue playing drums."

Taylor nodded and nudged Raychel, waking her up.

Raychel opened her eyes. She saw Taylor's excited face and Mrs. Hanson's smiling one. "What's going on?"

Taylor almost shouted "We're getting the group back together!" but he managed to keep his voice at a normal level.

Raychel smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "That's great! When are you planning on doing anything?"

Mrs. Hanson cut in before her son could start making plans. "You guys need to discuss if the three of you will even be getting together..."

Taylor jumped up and ran into the house. "Ike! Jess! Get your butts over here. We need to talk!" he yelled.
You could here stomping as everyone ran downstairs, wanting to here what Tayllr had to say. "I said Isaac and Jess, not the whole clan.

Zoe tugged on Taylor's slightly baggy pants. He leaned down to reach her eye level, which was hard, considering he was over six foot and she wasn't even four feet.

"What Zoe?" Taylor asked, poking the small child in her belly button. She giggled, he slightly curly hair bouncing. "Where's mommy? I wanna tell her what I learned."

Taylor smiled. "What did you learn?"
Zoe whispered in his ear and Taylor jumped up. "IKE!" he hollered.

Ike came into the room, Alexis at his side. " rang?"

Taylor turned to Zoe. "Go tell your brother what you told me."
When Isaac heard what she said, his face colored. "Zoe, when did you hear that?"

Zoe smiled. "Today."
"What did you hear?" Mackie asked, pulling Zoe's hair. She was not one to pick on, so she shoved her older brother away. "Go away Mack. You're stoopid."

Avery tried a nicer approach. "What did you learn?"

Zoe smiled again, showing her teeth, which you could see two missing on the sides.
"I heard Ikey saying to Alexis that tonight they could..." "Okay, that'll be a BIG secret between us, okay Zoe?" Isaac interrupted. If his sister went on, he would not hear the end of it. Avery was old enough to understand, so she hid a grin behind her hand. And Jessica just smirked and raised an eyebrow at Isaac.

Mackie still didn't get it, so he began tapping Jessica. "I don't get it."
"Tonight they're going to play Monopoly, right Zoe?" Jessie said, winking at her sister.

Zoe looked confused, but caught on quickly. "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh."

Taylor looked at Alexis, who was blushing. He winked and jerked his head towards the kitchen, meaning 'follow me'. He walked in, and a moment later, Alexis followed.

"What's up?" she asked.
Taylor decided not to tease her about what Zoe had said. "I think the group may be getting back together. I can't wait. I just have to make sure everything is okay with Jess, cuz I think Ike still wants to do it."

Alexis nodded. "He does want to do it, but now isn't a great time. I mean, we have little Zac at home with the nanny. I hated to leave him but he's young and I didn't want him traveling and getting caught up in the excitement with Jessica and all."

Taylor nodded, thinking about his nephew. It was weird. His old girlfriend had a baby. She was his age...well, a little younger. And the baby was his brother's.

He knew he loved Raychel more than anything, but now he knew he wouldn't be settling down or even really having fun. He felt disappointed. And knowing that maybe he could get something out of Alexis made him start to open his heart to her again. She had been there since the beginning of Hanson. Well, close to the beginning. She had seen them through the death of Zac, their fame, everything.

Taylor leaned closer to Alexis, hormones taking over. Inside his head, warning bells were flashing. But it was his hormones talking. He knew in his heart that this was wrong, but he didn't resist.
"Alexis, I miss you." he whispered. His lips brushed Alexis's and before he knew it, she shoved him away. "Taylor!"

Taylor was instantly ashamed. What was he doing?!

"Lex, I'm sorry. I didn't mean...I don't know." Taylor stuttered, not really knowing what to say.
Alexis looked at him, her eyes showing no emotion. "What did you think would happen? Taylor, for Christ's sake, I'm married. I have a baby at home, waiting for me. Did you want me to leave Ike and go to you?! I love him!"

Taylor tried to quiet her. "Shh!" he said, "Do you want everyone to hear?"
After a moment, Alexis sighed and shook her head. "No. But Taylor, I thought...we stopped liking each other a long time ago. And you know it. Why all of a sudden....?"

He sighed. "Well, Raychel...she feels she isn't ready to go any farther. I mean, we lready know, but she thinks it was a mistake and wants to wait until she's married or whatever."

Alexis nodded her head. "Well, good for her."
Taylor nodded. "I know, but what about me?"

Alexis shook her head. "Tay, that's selfish."
"I know! But I can't help it! I mean, I'm a guy, and that's how I am."

Alexis shrugged. "Well. sorry. But if you truely, in your heart, love Raychel, you can wait, just like she is." With that, she left Taylor alone in the kitchen, to collect his thoughts.

Taylor went outside to find Raychel and his mother talking.
"Hey, mom. Can you excuse me and Raychel. I have to talk to her." Taylor said quietly.

Raychel took in his serious face, and thought the worst of the situation.

What could've made him so down? He was just so happy a little while ago, when he was thinking about the band.

Mrs. Hanson stood up and went inside the house, in search of Zoe. It was really getting late, so she need to get to bed.

Taylor sat next to Raychel. She looked at him, a little nervous. "What did you want to tell me?"

Taylor's blue eyes stared into her soul, looking to see if she truely loved him. His gaze was returned with warmth and love. He knew.

"Raychel, I love you." he said, wrapping his arms around her. He felt horrible about what he did only a few minutes earlier with Alexis. Or what he had tried to do.

Raychel was surprised. "I...I love you too, Taylor."
Taylor pulled away and stared into her eyes. "Do you really and truely mean that?"

Raychel nodded. "Of course. Why...?"

"Raychel, will you marry me? Not right now. But will you promise me that when the time is right, we can get married?"

Raychel's eyes widened. She couldn't believe it. She never knew Taylor's feelings for her were so strong.

"Tay, of course. I promise I'll marry you. And I can't wait to do so!" She threw her arms around him and they embraced for a few minutes.

Taylor felt tears spilling down his cheeks. He knew she was perfect for him. It was so emotional for him.
"Taylor, let's not wait so long. Let's get married sooner. I know you really love me, so why wait?"

A huge grin appeared on Taylor's face. "Let's get you a ring this week and then tell everyone!"

Raychel's eyes shone with tears. This was the happiest day of her life. She had to tell Alexis tonight!

"Tay, I'm going to tell Alexis. She's one of my best friends. I can't hold it in." Raychel told him, her hands shaking with excitement.

Taylor nodded. "Ok, but only Alexis. Everyone else will be so surprised!" Then he thought. Alexis. Raychel's best friend. He prayed a silent prayer that she wouldn't tell Raych what had happened.

Raychel jumped up. "I'll be back in a little while." she said, hurrying into the house. Her excitement showed: her face was glowing and her eyes were sparkling. As she passed everyone in the house, she was greeted with strabge looks. But she soon found Alexis, and dragged her away from everyone.

"Lex, I have the best news!" she exclaimed, trying to keep her voice.
Alexis sensed something big had happened. "What!!??"

"Taylor asked me to marry him!" she shrieked.

Suddenly, Isaac's head popped around the corner. "Did I hear correctly!? You're getting married? To my brother?"

Raychel nodded her head furiously.
Isaac hurried over and hugged her. "Congradulations! Everyone will be so happy for you guys!"

Raychel's mouth formed an 'O'. "Well, don't tell anyone just yet. We're going to get a ring and tell everyone else later this week."

Alexis felt something tugging at her heart, but she ignored it. She hated the feeling of guilt. Even though nothing had happened, Raychel deserved to know. But she'd have to talk to Taylor about it. He might want to be the one to tell her.

Alexis hugged Raychel. "I'm so happy for you!"

Raychel grinned from ear-to-ear. "Anyway, I just needed to tell you. I'm going back to talk to Taylor."
"Okay." Isaac and Alexis said at the same time. Raychel hurried back to Taylor and Alexis stared up at her husband. She felt another feeling of guilt. Isaac, too, needed to know.

Isaac looked into her eyes and saw what she was feeling. "Lex, don't worry. I know."

Alexis was shocked. "Wh...what?"
Isaac nodded. "I was right outside the kitchen when you and Taylor were in there."

Alexis hoped that he wasn't mad. But she sensed no anger.
"I'm not mad. I'm happy about what you said." he replied, pressing his lips lightly on hers.

Alexis was happy with the decision she had made when she was young. She loved Isaac with all her heart, and wouldn't trade him for the world.

They pulled apart and went back into the family room, where almost everyone sat talking and playing.

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