Chapters 1 through 4
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Chapters 1 through 4

Chapter 1

"Alexis Samantha, please come down here right now."

"Oh great, what did I do now?" Alexis Neilson thought. Her father,

Bruce Neilson, sounded pretty serious. She turned off her sterio and went downstairs. She saw her mother, Bonnie, and her twin sister, Heather, sitting at the kitchen table. Heather wore the same curious expression that Alexis did.

It was one of those rare times when the twins were wearing the same outfit. They had stopped dressing alike in fifth grade, three years before. Alexis was wearing dark blue JNCOs and a plain black tee-shirt, instead of the usual shirts with band names and pictures on them. Heather was wearing dark blue slightly faded levi's and an oversized black baby tee. Alexis was the twin that listened to heavy metal and alternative, although she listened to a little pop and oldies. Heather was into R&B and dance music.

"Your mother and I need to discuss something very serious with you girls." Mr. Neilson told them. "Alexis, please sit down." Alexis sat down quickly. 'What's going on?' she thought nervously. Mr. Neilson looked over at Mrs. Neilson, a nervous look on his face. Alexis and Heather realized what they were going to say.

"We're getting a divorce." Mr. Neilson informed them. There was a long pause.

"It's just not working out."Mrs. Neilson added.

"No." Alexis whispered. She grabbed Heather's hand and held on tightly.

"I'll be moving back to Florida to live with my sister for a while. Your father will be moving to Oklahoma."

Mr. Neilson cleared his throat. "My friend from high school, Walker Hanson, has six kids that are home schooled. I'm going to help tutor them. The three eldest are in a popular band."

"So who will me and Alexis be living with?" Heather asked.

"Well, we didn't want to do a big custody battle, so it would be easier if we each took one of you." Mr. Neilson avoided their shocked eyes.

"'re splitting us up?!" Alexis asked in amazment, tears coming to her eyes.

"You're both of our kids." Mrs. Neilson said softly.

"But we're twins!!" Alexis and Heather screamed together, tears streaming down their faces.

The girls ran to Alexis's room. They sat on Alexis's bed, hugging each other.

"I can't believe they're splitting us up. Twins are supposed to stay together." Heather cried.

"I know." Alexis sat up, a gleam in her bright blue eyes. "Lets run away." she suggested.

Heather just shook her head sadly. "We can't. I guess we have to go. Alexis pushed her red hair out of her face. She had gotten bored having brown hair, so she dyed it fire engine red. Heather had stayed with her normal hair, but a big streak of blond on each side of her head.

"I guess we should go see who we're going with." Alexis said. As they got up, their parents came into the room holding a baseball cap with two small slips of paper in it.

"We thought you could decide who you want to go with. But,"Mr. Neilson added,"you can draw names out of this hat if you'd like. It's your choice."

Alexis and Heather put their hands in the cap. They each pulled out of a piece of paper.

"Mine says 'mom'." Heather told them.

"Mine, obviously, says 'dad'." Alexis said.

"Okay, start packing. We're leaving this weekend. It's Monday, so get everything packed." Their mother said.

As their parents turned to leave, Alexis cried out."Wait! Oklahoma?! That's,like 'Hickville'!"

Mr. Neilson chuckled. "The people are very nice. They aren't hicks. You'll probably get along with the boys. they're right around you age. Alexis just groaned and started packing.

Chapter Two--Heather

"I'll really miss you. Promise me you'll write me every day." Heather told Alexis.

"I promise. And don't forget, we have to visit all the time." Alexis reminded her.

Heather hugged her sister. All around them, heads were turning. It was quite a sight. Two identical girls, one with flaming red hair, and the other with two huge streaks of blond in her brown hair, hugging each other. They're both tall, 5'7", and quite slim,so they were used to getting looked at. They were 13 years old. They had done some modeling when they were younger. People in show business loved using twins. They were in a few barbie doll commercials, not to mention a few for diapers. They were offered to be in a movie a year ago, but their parents didn't want them getting mixed up in the Hollywood scene. Heather started crying. "Heather!" her sister exclaimed."Don't cry. You know that'll make me cry."

Before long, both were crying, in the middle of a busy New York airport.

"I have dad's cellular phone number. I'll call you tommorrow night." Heather said.

"Okay, Bye." Heather started walking backwards to the gate where her mother waited. She watched her twin join their father. Alexis turned around, a heartbreaking look on her face. Heather was sure her face looked the exact same way. She gave Alexis a small wave. Alexis waved back, then followed her father onto the plane. Heather felt her heart break. Her other half was gone. And she was moving far away, all because some spoiled little kids had to be tutored. If it weren't for them, she could be living close to her sister, not almost all the way across the country. 'I will never forgive those Hansons.' she thought as she boarded the plane behind her mother. She quickly took a window seat and put the En Vouge cd in her Sony Discman. Then she turned the volume up all the way so she could get her mind off everything.

Chapter Three--Alexis

Alexis walked away from her sister and stood by her father at the gate. She turned around and saw Heather give her a small wave. She waved back, then boarded her plane. Her father offered the window seat, and she took it. She took out her Sony Discman and put on the 'Smells Like Children' cd by Marilyn Manson. Then she turned the volume up. Then she removed her headphones. "Dad, I get to visit Heather all the time, right?"

Mr. Neilson nodded. "Of course. Now I'm going to take a nap."

She nodded and turned to look out the window. She listened to Marilyn Manson sing 'Sweet Dreams'. Soon, Alexis felt her eyelids droop. 'I guess I'll take a nap too.'

"Lex, wake up. We're almost there." Alexis groggily opened her eyes. She looked around and remembered that she was on an airplane.

"Already? Jeez,"she said, glancing at her watch,"I've been sleeping the whole time."

"Me too." her father told her.

"I was having a great dream. Me and Heather and you and mom, were living together in this mansion. And we were all happy." Alexis felt tears come to her eyes but quickly brushed them away. She didn't like having her dad see her cry.

Mr. Neilson looked at her sympatheticlly. "I know this is hard. I'm sorry for splitting you two up, but you'll get used to it."

She grumbled something that her father didn't catch.

"Well, we'll be in Hickville soon. Yippee!" she said sarcastically. Her father gave her a silencing look. She heard two girls ahead of her talking. "When we get back home, we can see if we got a letter back from Isaac or Taylor. And I heard they might be doing a concert." Alexis leaned over the seat."Sorry for listening in, but are those boys you just talked about in a band?" She asked curiously.

A blond girl turned around and nodded. "Yup, they're great. And very cute. There's three of them. Isaac, Taylor, and Zac. They are very cute."

A girl with jet black hair that sat next to the girl with blond hair pulled out a picture. "This is them. They're called Hanson, because that's their last name."

Alexis's eyes widend. "Did you say Hanson?"

The blond girl nodded. "Do they by any chance have any other brothers or sisters?" Alexis asked, getting excited.

The girl with the dark hair looked at her. "Yeah. I wish they went to school with us, but they're all homeschooled."

"All six of them?"

The blond girl narrowed her eyes. "Uh huh. How did you know there was six of them?"

"Because my dad is going to be tutoring them. We're moving in across the street from them." Alexis replied.

"Oh my gosh!" the girls shrieked. "You'll know Hanson! What's your name?"

"Alexis Neilson. You?"

"I,"the blond said,"Am Chrissy Novel, and this is my friend, Amanda Hagar. Where are you going to live?"
The girls traded addresses and phone numbers.

"Now, my phone won't be hooked up for a few days, so you can probably call on Thursday." Alexis informed them after they had gotten off the plane.

"Okay, bye. We'll see ya."

Alexis waved to her new friends. Her father turned to her. "See, you're already making friends. You won't miss Heather that much." Alexis realized she hadn't thought about her sister in hours. "So, you now know everything about the Hansons'." Mr. Neilson said, laughing. Those girls sure liked them.

Alexis nodded quietly. The first thing she was going to do when she got to the Hanson's house was call Heather. She would already be at their aunt's house. She and their mother were staying there for a few days, just like Alexis and Mr. Neilson were staying with the Hanson's until the moving van with their stuff came.

She was excited a little. She would be staying with a famous group. Well, a semi famous group. From what she heard, they were only popular in Oklahoma, but her Chrissy and Amanda predicted that they would become well known world-wide. Alexis and her father got their luggage and rented a car. "Now, the house is pretty big. It has three floors, so you can have the second floor all to yourself." Mr. Neilson informed her Alexis was eccstatic. Her own floor. She grinned. "Can we say redecorate?"

They pulled into a driveway. Alexis grabbed her luggage and followed her dad to the front door. She had butterflies in her stomach. She realized that her father was right. The girls she met on the plane lived in Oklahoma,, and they weren't hicks. And from the picture they showed her of the Hanson brothers, they sure didn't look like hicks. 'In fact," she thought,"They looked pretty cute."

Chapter 4-Taylor Hanson

"Ding Dong!"

"I'll get it!" Taylor Hanson heard his younger brother, Zac, yell. Zac went running for the door. He was a split second too late. Their father, Walker Hanson, was already there. He gave Zac a 'calm down' look. It wasn't rare to see, because Zac tended to be very hyper.

"Zac, just chill." Taylor turned around to see his older brother, Isaac, coming down the stairs, running a comb through his hair. Taylor grinned. "Want to look all pretty for Alexis?" he teased. Isaac just shrugged and shoved the comb in his pocket. The whole Hanson family was excited about meeting Mr. Neilson and his daughter. They had seen pictures and Isaac, and Zac agreed that Alexis was pretty. Taylor thought Alexis was pretty, but he didn't dare say anything. Isaac had already said he wanted to ask her out. Taylor wanted to meet her first.

The girl was thirteen, the same age as Taylor, but she looked about two years older. The three oldest Hanson brothers were happy to make a new friend. They had a lot of guy friends, but all the girls were obsessed fans that had crushes on them. Taylor just wanted to meet someone he could talk to.

"Bruce, it's great to see you again." Walker lead a tall man into the house. There was a girl walking close behind.

"Hi." Zac said to the girl.

She smiled shyly. "Hi."

"Boys, this is your new tutor, Mr. Neilson." Walker told his sons.

"And this is my daughter, Alexis." Mr. Neilson said, pulling the girl in front of him. Taylor finally got a full view of her. He felt his jaw drop open. He quickly shut it. 'She's gorgeous!' he thought. She had hair as red as the shirt he was wearing, bright blue-gray eyes, that were more gray, and she was about his height, 5'7". She looked like a model, with a peaches-and-cream complexion and long eyelashes. She was absolutely perfect.

Alexis was looking at Isaac, who was introducing himself. "I'm Isaac, but you can call me Ike. I play guitar in our band, Hanson."

Alexis held out her hand. Isaac eagerly shook it. Alexis blushed.

"And I'm Zac. I play drums. I'm the coolest in the group, so just ignore my brothers." Alexis laughed and again held out her hand. But Zac didn't feel it was the time to shake hands. He gave her a big hug. Alexis looked at him strangly and forced a grin.

Taylor noticed Isaac staring at Alexis. 'Boy, I've never seen him like this.' he thought. Isaac usually was calm around girls, but today he was stumbling over his words."So, I guess we can show you around sometime." Alexis nodded, then looked at him. Her eyes widened slightly. "Uh, hi." she said nervously.

Taylor looked into her eyes, searching for a sign that she liked him too. Then he felt someone nudge him. He saw Alexis was holding out her hand. "Oh, yeah, hi. I'm Taylor." He shook her hand. She looked at him for a second longer, then turned back to Isaac and Zac. 'I guess she doesn't like me.' Taylor was disappointed. Taylor listened to his brothers talk to her before joining in the conversation. "Hey, why don't we show you around the state, I mean town, I mean, yeah." Taylor stumbled over his words. His face turned pink and he heard Isaac and Zac snickering. He noticed Alexis trying not to laugh. 'Oh great, now she probably thinks I'm the bigggest geek alive.' Taylor thought miserably
