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Hanson Penpals Page #2

This is the second page of Hanson penpals. If U have an entry that U sent me and its not up here, it probably got deleted so resend it. Just keep those submissions coming!!

Name: Jennifer P.
Age: 14
Loves Taylor the Best
Message: I would like a penpal who loves Hanson, or Taylor as much as I do!

Name: Caroline
Age: 14
Interests: gymnastics, Hanson, soccer, volleyball, rollerblading, reading, listening to music, shopping, going to movies and talking on the phone

Name: Helena
Age: 14
Message:I'm from Brazil, and would love have a pen pal that like Hanson, 'cause I really do! I think they are the Best!!!!! Well, I love talk, send and get e-mails, dance, listening to music and a ton of others thinks!!!!! As I said I love get e-mails, so if you do I promise I'LL RETURNED BACK!!!!!!!!!!! So, I think it's all. E-mailed me!!!!!

Message:I am looking for a penpal, who is totally, madly, in love with Hanson just as much as I am!If anyone is obsessed with them, like me, then please E-mail, because Hanson Rules!!!!!! Taylor is the hottest, and Zac is the cutest!

Name: Juliette
Age: 16 (i feel like such an old-timer in this bunch)
Interests: Hanson, reading, writing (alot), the Net, and making music
Homepage URL: and
Message: This is a mass-produced response to Hanson pen pals who piqued my interest and an entry as one. I am a devoted Hanson fan (doi!!) but I AM NOT OBSESSED!! People who say they luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv Zac or Tay or Ike nauseate me!! Come off it, you don't know them how can you luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv them? Especially Zac, he's not even allowed to date. he's only 12!! Try back next year people!! Know I know you are wondering this so I will tell you. I do think Taylor is the most handsome one, and I do like to think about him alot, but I don't neglect Ike and Zac!! They are great guys too and all three of them deserve to be appreciated for who they are not what they look like. Plus there's a whole big bunch of creepy signs that say I'm destined for Tay I'M SERIOUS!!!!!! I read a book called "The Ultimate Zodiac Guide" and it said that Pisces and Libras have "days of wine and roses" and basically that they go together like PB&J. Not to mention all the stuff it says about Pisces personality fits TO A T what I want in a guy. AND then we have a whole lot of other stuff in common, and I'd really rather not go into the details unless ya wanna hear them (little tidbit, we both loathe cottage cheese. I gag just seeing it). I'm looking for a pen-pal who is likewise concerned but not obsessed about Hanson. Someone who sees and respects all aspects of who they are, can see their flaws and isn't afraid to point them out (Lord knows if I met Hanson the first words out of my mouth would probably be "Ew Tay you have a zit on your nose" or something). It helps if you've had some sort of special Hanson experience cause I haven't and I'll pry you for every detail, so it helps to like to brag too. I need someone who can help keep me up to date on Hanson TV appearances and concerts (in the Dallas area, I don't care if they're performing in Tokyo) and other trivial things that may come up cause I love trivia! My love of trivia is the only reason I seek out these microscopic tidbits on them, I could really care less if zac wears blue boxers but i will ask if the topic comes up. so i hope that gives you a pretty extensial view of me, and I hope I get lots of replies cause I LOOOOOOVE..... EMAIL!! Thought I would say Hanson didn't ya? Ha, ha fooled you. Ok I'll go now. Buh-Bye. Sionora. Adios. Adieu. Auf Veiderzein. That's all the goodbyes I know.

Message: I love Hanson sooooo much, but I especially Love Taylor. I also like sports, and talking on the phone. Please E - Mail me if you love hanson and if your 12 or older:)
