The Aragon Ballroom 04/20/97

My dad told me he called up the Aragon Ballroom(where it was) and talked to some guy who worked there and he said that there were like bout 50 people outside in line and it was only like 2pm or something, and the concert didn't start until 7pm so I said to my dad "alright we're going NOW". So he takes me there and only bout ten people were out in front, but I had a bottle of water and some recess pieces with me, and a camera and some paper and a pen (in case i met them after the show). So I stood out there for a long long long long long long long long long time with these teenie boppers who every time a public buss came buy would go "OMIGOD!!! IS THAT SILVERCHAIR'S BUS?" and i'd just roll my eyes. Luckly I met this girl there who was pretty nice and from portugal, so I talked to her, which is kinda weird cause I'm really shy most of the time..then they finally let us in and we had a mad rush to the door. They made me give up my camera so that kinda bummed me out.. and the lines were really long so I decided to wait until after the concert to buy my stuff. Then I went to where the stage was and I was looking around for my online friend christy who was supposed to be there but I didn't find her.So I went and got a spot on chris' side. The pit got crammed really fast and then handsome came out and they rocked!!! have you ever heard them? if you haven't go and buy there cd cause they rule!! But they only played a few songs. It was weird cause all the front row was girls and then behind us was all guys huh.. then these assholes were screaming to handsome "get off the stage you fags! go and suck your dick" and crap like that. Then Jeremy of handsome(the singer) threw water on us. Then Local H came out. I don't really like them, but they were on for a long time and all the guys seemed to think they ruled the earth.. and I thought I was gonna die in the pit watching them!! Then the lead guy (scott i think that's his name...) says to us "now when silverchair comes out here be sure to wish daniel a happy birthday cause he's gonna be legal in a few days and then that means most of you girls won't be able to fuck him!" and i'm like "grrr die..." what was the point in that it's like calling all of us teenies then after they were done scott stage dived and ran past me and gave a high five on his way out and sprayed us all with more water so by this time I'm soaked! then we waited and waited some more and on the speakers fight for your right to party, highway to hell, and "I wanna be sedated" played then FINALLY the circus music came on and out they walked! Ben's head looked pretty good, although I couldn't really see him he was way too far back and also by this time, well during Local H most of the girls left the pit so it was basically me and all these guys..*L* and um Chris shaved off his goatee, I didn't get to see what Ben was wearing other wise I would tell you that too. Chris was wearing a Korn shirt with the bottle on the front and grayish shorts and Daniel was wearing his yellow t shirt and kakkis. They played slave, roses, and findaway with no stop then daniel goes "thanks, guys fuckin rule, chicago fuckin rules!!" and everyone went nuts.. then they played abuse me w/ who daniel said was the ex black sabbath guitarist. Then I think they played pure massacre, then chris and ben left the stage and daniel plays cemetery but his guitar sounded really outta tune and he was looking really depressed. The whole concert up until about the ending or the show but I'll get to that later.. they Ben and Chris came back and they played suicidal, faultline, and then daniel says before the door "this song is about different kinds of ways to masturbate", freak(in which they had the weird lights from the video on stage), then daniel says "thanks, this song is dedicated to jackie (i forgot the last name) the new york world federation of masturbation champ" and they played tomorrow and Daniel changed it to "the water in chicago's very hard to drink" (my set list's may be screwed up but i remember what daniel said for the most part), then no association in which I started crying.. i don't know why..,then some where in the set list i don't remember when but daniel say "when we first came here we saw these three guys fucking over there but that's ok to be gay make love not war ben doesn't like it when i talk about gay people but i love you ben" or something along those lines anyways then they played madman and were off stage for a while then they came back and daniel says "alright has anybody ever heard of a band called minor threat" and people were wooing and crap but I yell out REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY LOUD " MINOR THREAT ROCK!" and then daniel looks RIGHT AT ME(i am NOT kidding, i don't make crap up okie?) and he smiles and then like everyone around me is staring at me and i felt like just dying then and there but daniel goes on he says "well this is a cover of one of there songs" and he brings out jeremy from handsome to sing and they played the song called minor threat and then they did Israel’s song .. the weird thing is on the FML it said that they changed the ending song to the closing(which i LOVE) but they didn't.. huh.. then it was over and so I went back to buy something but everything was sold out *sob* well except like the t shirt I had already and local h stuff which i didn't want so I went out side to wait around back for them to come out and I found my friend Christy she was really nice it was the first time we met in real life. and then after about an hour of people thinking that they saw ben, chris, or daniel this gard comes up to us and tells us that daniel is having his birthday party so they won't be out until like three am and therefor hardly any of us could stay because here in chicago we have this stupid curfew law thing that says that anyone under 17 who isn't with there parents can't be out after 11!! isn't that insane?! the end.

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