The Band..

Well, if you are on this page,you probably know the group is referring to silverhcair.. and hopefully you also know who silverchair are if you came to this page in the first place! Anyway, some little known facts about silverchair are:

*Daniel and Ben had a band beofre Chris joined called Short Elvis. It involved Ben playing the drums, and Daniel singing. Or Daniel Playing keyboard and Ben singing.

*Chris and Ben have known each other since about Kindergarden or Preschool

*Daniel and Chris met in band at school where they both played the trumpet

*The band are all big Sinefield fans which inspired them to play a surprise show in which they played under the alias of The George Castanza Trio

*For Daniel's big 18th birthday party after their Chicago gig in April, the band hired strippers to surprize Daniel.And acording to him, he knew nothing about any of this (un huh sure Daniel...)

*Chris' 18th birthday was celebrated with a small party with family and very close friends.. on the other hand Ben's was not. He had a huge party at a local surfers club and made everyone dress as hippies!

*As their graduation present from their ex tutor now body guard, Jim, the band got to go sky diving! Which they all loved!

*Before silverchair Ben had thought about becoming a doctor, or scientist, or a plumer like this old man is..Chris thought about becoming a mechanic, and Daniel.. he'd always just thought about being in a band.

*When Daniel first started playing guitar he'd sit around and watch Deep Purple videos and try and immitate his hero Richie Blackmore, so far that sometimes he'd wind up laying on the floor doing the guitar solos!

*During the break between Frogstomp and Freak Show Ben had a girlfriend whom he spent most of his time with, and him and Daniel had a bit of a fight because Ben was pretty much ignoring Daniel while he was with this chick. When Ben realized how much he was hurting Daniel he broke up with the girl(aww isn't he sweet?) and they worked things out again.

*Also during the break between Frogstomp and Freak Show Daniel went into a major depressive state (and suicidal) where he stayed in the house for weeks, and wouldn't talk to anybody. Their manager John Watson, was so worried about him he had Daneil come and live with him and his wife for a while so he could make sure that he was doing alright

*Speaking of breaks between albums, the post-summer freak show tour break of 6 months, was spent like this: Ben says he spent a lot of time with his mates and girlfriend, went out, and basicly did anything fun. Chris also spent time with his girlfriend and mates, he went camping on the beach, and also took part in a celeberty car race for charity. Daniel on the other hand moved out of his parents house into an apartment with Sweep and spent about 3 months cut off from everyone but his family, as a way to try and pull himself together and recover from all the stress he'd been going through. That is also when he wrote the 112 poems that would later become song lyrics for Neon Ballroom.

*The dog featured on the cover of the "Ana's Song (Open Fire)" doesn't belong to anyone in the band. It actually was walking around the area where they were doing the photoshoot, with it's owner, and the guys liked the dog so much they asked if they could borrow it for the pictures.

*During this tour both Ben and Chris have gotten themselves laptop computers which they've been using a lot. They've been keeping in contact with their friends and their girlfriends back home, surfing the web, and playing some computer games as well.

*silverchair's roadie who joined them to play guitar on Abuse Me during the freak show tour (Bailey) and the keyboardist that joins them on the road this time (Sam) share the same last name of Holloway, but are not related.

*Daniel's beloved dog Sweep makes her apearance in the song "Steam Will Rise" at exactly 3:20, and it's a bit of a whimper.

*A lot of famous people have been showing a huge intrest in the chair. These people would include Limp Bizkit, The Offspring, Blink 182, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Finger 11, and Gillian Anderson (of the X-Files) among others.

*The bickering between silverchair and Ben Lee has recently come to an end. Ben Lee stated in a recent interview that him and Daniel talked backstage at a show in Australia and he also said that he has a huge amount of respect for them now.

*Contrary to what silverchair have previously said about the origin of their name, on Rockline 09/13/99 they said that the story of Chris messing up the name of Nirvana's song "Sliver" and writing it down as Silver, and adding Chair from You Am I's song "Berlin Chair" is completly untrue and they just made it up cause they thought it was a funny story. In truth when they were trying to choose a new name the record company people showed them a huge list of name and they just thought silverchair sounded cool.

*Some movies they love to watch on the tour bus are "The Prediter" "The Terminator" and anything with Arnold Schwartzinager.

*During the past summer's Edge Fest tour in Canada, Ben and Chris spent a lot of time hanging out and having nights out on the town with the rythm section of Hole.

*Their tour of Australia late July-August of this year was their most succesful tour ever!! More than 45,000 people came to the shows.

*The guys really got into the video game "Golden Eye 007" which is a shooting/spy game based on the movie of the same title (I've played it before and it's really fun btw) which is one of the things they do to pass the time on the tour bus.
