~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #17 09/11/97

Welcome! To another great, fun filled issue of silverchair freaks! Well frist of all I need to let you all know that I'm a fuckin moron. I deleted issue 16, so could someone please send me a copy of it? and if you know someone who gets it and subscribed last issue could you please tell them that there issue will be coming soon. I just fucked it all up, I'm sorry everyone. Well this will be a big issue I can tell you that cause we have like 5 concert reviews, pluss normal posts! Aliright here we go...
                          ~*SILVERCHAIR NEWS*~
                           First of all we should all be very proud or something because silverchair won an MTV Music Video award! Go them, I was so happy when I was watching the show, at least that was one good thing about it. Other news: silverchair has finished it's last American tour date for the Freak Show tour(s?) and will now be finishing school in the next few months. Starting in November, I believe it is, they will be doing a big Australian tour with opening band Magic Dirt (who btw is really wonderful! go check them out!) and silverchair's next single will be "The Door" and it will be released in October in Australia, a video clip should be filmed soon. And it has been confermed that Daniel has dreds and Ben has a mohawk. That's it!
                           ~*NEW MEMBERS*~

*From:Canada but right now I live in Virginia
*Favorite silverchair member:Daniel
*Favorite silverchair  song: "Pop Song", "findaway", "slave",
*"suicidal dream"
*Favorite CD:Freak Show
*Why I Like them:I like silverchair because of their great musical talent!!!
*Other bands I like: I like a whole lot of other bands....KoRn, Local H, The *Smashing Pumpkins,Blink 182, The Suicide Machines, Helmet, Nirvana, For *Squirrels, and a whole load of other punk stuff that I can't even start to *name. :)

Subject: ..all idiots are useful... i think..

Heeey well since i deleted everything from last week, i can't respond to letters you all sent back then, so that makes me really upset, cause i think with a list that has like a nice amout of people (but i always am looking for more!) without too many posts (please send some!) is that the desscusions seem more personal, i dunno maybe that's just me. alright.. so as i was saying i'm really sorrie for being the idiot i am and screwing up last week's issue and everything, i hope you still all like my list :)

now, on to other things. to all of you who i am trading with right now, yr trades are still being made, i just started school last week and have heaps of homework, but i'll try and get them done this weekend or something. so hang in there, they are still coming! speaking of trading, i remember a while ago people were talking about an interview in which daniel starts singing cornflake girl, does anybody know about this? cause if you have a copy of it i would love to get one from you guys! i have a bunch of silverchair and non silverchair stuff worth trading, so just let me know! 

i'm gunna try not to talk too much here cause i have a review by me as wellto post and lots of other posts but here are my thoughts on suicidal dream and what i'd say to silverchair if i met them...

sucidal dream: i have to admit, i realate to this song a lot of the time, when i am feeling depressed it always seems to pop into my head.. strange how my mind works, but anyway that's another story. this song is a song of pure emotion you know? it's like really to the point, and when i listen to it when i'm depressed or suicidal, it kinda makes me feel not so alone. also the line "people making fun of me.." reminds me of how like people would make fun of me and do really horible mean things to me at my ballet school, because like the teacher tended to favor me.. even tho i hated her. and the "help me comfort me.." is just how i feel when i'm depressed it's like people are always saying "stop feeling so sad, stop crying!" or something like that. but you can't just stop it, it feels like yr almost, stuck or something in these horible feelings, and that line is like a cry for help, cause it's not like i want to be depressed i just can't help it, and i want to feel better. this was one of my favorite songs off of frogstop when i frist got it, and it still is one of my favorites as well.

what i'd say to silverchair if i met them: i've been thinking about this a lot, but i can't really come up with anything, i'd want to tell them how much of an insperation they have been to me, and how much they have affected my life, and made it easier for me to cope with stuff because their music really is stuff i can relate to. i'd also want to tell daniel to eat something damnit and smile once in a while!! *l* i'd want to hang out with ben, and ask him for math help (he he he) since he used to be in advanced maths, and chris,um.. i think i'd ask him if he had a lot of sugar before the rockstock concert ;) it's stupid, i know but those are the first things that came to my head!

alright that's it for now,

To: schubert@uic.edu
From: u64247@uicvm.uic.edu (~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~)
Subject: silverchair, chaos, and teenies - heidi's rockstock '97 story

Go here to read the review

Subject: Christy's Rockstock Review
From: headchick27@juno.com (Time Bomb)

ROCKSTOCK - The World Music Theatre - September 6th
Well, the nite before the show, it was decided that Jenn and Mike would be staying by my house... they drove up from Purdue and crashed here for 2 days. It was fun... and that was when I realised that I was going to see silverchair for the SIXTH time! ;) Saturday morning, we woke up and got ready.  Jenn and Mike rode with other people and there was only 5 of us in the car on the way there - thankfully.

We arrived at the World at about noon. I had a disposable car in my pants leg, resting on my boots, right next to my ankle. After the announcement about cameras, I was praying that the security bitch wouldn't find it. She checked my pockets and up and down my leg. When she got to my ankle, she asked what was there. I explained, "I have big boots," and she let it go! ;)

We got our booklets of the line-up and almost fell over after discovering that silverchair was on the 2nd stage. What good would 5th row do us if they were on a different stage?!? We explored and then Limp Bizkit was about to play on the 3rd stage. We ran over there with the sun beating down on us and stood in the front... It was really hot and no one was comfortable.

Limp Bizkit was late and I was fuming because their set ended when the Nixons set began and I would already have to run! About 15 minutes late, they came on and started playing, 'Everything.' Fred was singing about how it was really hot. They busted into 'Leech' and everyone went crazy! I got knocked over and fell. I counted 6 people get off me and my head and discovered that my watch band was broke.

I found a new spot to stand where it wasn't as dangerous.  They began 'Pollution' followed by, 'Stinkfinger' and then, 'Nobody Loves Me.' After that, Fred asked for requests. Of course, they started to play, 'Faith.' Everyone started singing and Fred just smiled. Then, they stopped playing and he said, "You motherfuckers can sing!" and they started playing again. They stopped again and the 3rd time, Fred sang.

It was awesome. He sang, "Well, I gotta think twice before I give my dick away," and "Time to pull my dick up off the floor," instead of "heart." After 'Faith' he began rapping 'Wicked' and I went absolutely nuts! Then, the started playing 'Counterfeit' and it sounded great. They finished off with 'Stuck.' Fred asked if anyone liked Rage Against the Machine and they played part of a Rage song in the beginning of the set.

Also, he mentioned that the show was being recorded for CD tracks and that everyone must have eaten their Wheaties. People were jumping around like crazy and security couldn't deal with it. They had security pushing around IN the mosh pits! He mentioned that we could NOT get up on stage, too. He said something about how Chicago loves them, too.

And the thing I found coolest was when he said, "If you see any of the guys in silverchair, tell 'em I said 'What's up?' I ain't never met them kids!" I loved that! So, after Limp Bizkit's set, I was all red-faced and sweaty and ready to pass out already, but I took off running because I knew the Nixons should've started about 15 minutes ago... and I was really mad!

I got to our most wonderful 6th row seats just in time to catch the last 2 songs, being 'Sister' and 'Happy Song.' I love the Nixons so much! They announced that they'd be playing at House of Blues in October and I already got my tickets! ;) The 2 songs I heard were both wonderful! ;) So after that, we headed off to walk around, even though I was already falling over...

We discovered the *autograph booth* where Limp Bizkit was signing stuff. They singed my book and I took pictures because (at the time) security didn't say anything. I told them how I love them - blah blah blah - and they were all like, "No, we suck." I thought it was funny.  After that, we walked around for a few minutes, and then the Nixons were signing stuff!

We waited in line again and I start talking pictures of each of them. The table cloth said "LB" and "you suck" and I asked if Limp Bizkit wrote it. Zac told me that "a very mean person" did it and I laughed. I took another picture and the security guy was like, "Do you know that cameras aren't allowed?" I acted all surprised and said, "Oh, I'll put it away!" and I was terrified that he'd take it. Then I left - real quick!

After that, we headed off to see Helmet. Page was walking around beforehand and Jenn said hi to him. Amy and I went closer to the stage and then they started playing. They opened with something I didn't regonise, followed by 'Wilma's Rainbow.' They sounded awesome, but the power kept dying! They played, 'Driving Nowhere' and it sounded really cool...

Then, my moment came - they played 'Birth Defect' followed by 'Like I Care,' which is the one song that Amy wanted to hear. They finished their set with 'In the Meantime.' Their set was really short. Crista saw Daniel and Ben watching Helmet in the front, but we didn't know until later cos we headed off to the autograph booth to meet Helmet! ;) There was a delay though so we wandered around for a while.

We saw some of Jimmie's Chicken Shack and they really got the crowd going.  The singer looks like a dirty old hippie though. I saw him at the side of the stage while Limp Bizkit was playing, which I thought was cool, because I recognised him.  There were lots of booths set up with chains and stickers and shit, too... It was dumb cos they made Amanda leave her chain in the car and then they sold more!

Eventually, we got in line to meet Helmet and Amy was freaking out. They all signed stuff for us and they were really nice. When I got to Page, I said hello and he said, "Hi, how are you?" I told him, "Good... how are you?" and he said good.  Then, he looked at my shirt - which happened to be my Handsome one - and he said, "I like your shirt. They're a good band." I couldn't believe Page Hamilton complimented me! ;)

Then, we went to our seats to watch Local H and they were awesome, especially from the 6th row! ;) I don't remember their setlist because they played for a whole hour... Scott said something about all the bands playing and played pieces of some of their songs. He did part of 'Abuse Me' and sang the "need to ask a question" part. Joe beat the shit out of his drums and hurled water bottles at the crowd. It ruled.

After Local H, we walked around for awhile until it was time to see silverchair! We found Jenn who was chatting with the security guard. There were people squished already and we had an hour to wait! So Amy and I staked out our places in the front. There were a few people that were cool and a bunch of stupid little girls that were complaining about people pushing. It was retarded.

Amy and I were watching Ben set up his drums and discussing his mohawk. I think it looks really cool. He had on a navy blue Billabong shirt and tan pants... and the little girls didn't even notice he was there. Bailey was tuning Daniel's green PRS and that was cool. It was getting kinda crowded (even for a concert) pre-band and the security guards were already telling us to back up. I tried - it didn't help.

So, we got jostled for another few minutes and then we started harassing the little girls. We pretended that one of the cooler chicks that we were talking to had backstage passes.  One of the 9-year olds asked, eyes wide, jaw dropped, "How did you get that?!?" and I looked her square in the eyes and retorted, "She blew one of them..." and I think she almost fainted ;)

After another 15 minutes, it got darker out and the safety lights went out. They walked on stage and everyone went crazy.  Daniel's dreds are awesome. He had on that blue 'bouncers' shirt - I think - and those same cream colour pants with the tan stripes from the last 2 tours! Also, he had his same belt on.  Chris had on the 'bud' shirt and Ben was shirtless, like usual.

Then, I heard the opening riff to 'Madman.'  I couldn't believe it! Where were the elongated pauses to the beginning of 'Slave'?!?  I was ecstatic!  Daniel was all over the place, riding his guitar like a horse. Then, they started to play, 'Freak.'  The security guards were lined up all across the stage, blocking my view... and everyone was crushing my ribs, so I strayed to the side of the stage.

I couldn't see from there, so I wandered thru the whole crowd - which was fucking enormous -  while they played 'Abuse Me.' I got to the right side of the stage and it was much roomier over there.  They began 'Pure Massacre' and I made my way up to the front - directly in front of Chris, about 4 people from the front.  They busted into 'Tomorrow' which the crowd really loved. Of course, he said, "The water in Chicago..."

After that, Daniel commanded all of us to jump and they started playing 'The Door.'  Chris was jumping around a lot, like usual, and they all seemed really into it. After that, they started 'No Association' and I knew that they were almost done.  He said, "You say you care, but fuck you... Fuck you... Do you?!?" instead of the usual lyrics on Freakshow. I thought it was a nice touch.

So, I was hoping they would play 'Spawn,' when Daniel said, "This song is off a soundtrack. It's a silverchair song." I went nuts!  All the people by me thought I was crazy!  It sounded soooooo fucking wicked! I loved it! After that, they started 'Israel's Son.'  It sounded good, but I was sad because I new that was the last song.  He did the, "Put your fucking hands in the fucking air!" thing... and everyone did.

During the feedback shit, Daniel trashed the stage and stood with his back to the crowd and his head up - screaming insanely. It looked really awesome. And then they left. It was a really excellent peformance and I couldn't have asked for better. The vocals were really loud... and the sound of the guitars varied, depending on where you were standing. They were quiet in back and muffled in the middle.

Daniel was really talkative, which was nice. He told us that we had to back up a few steps...Then, he said, "Effective... effective.  If I was anywhere else, the crowd would've went, "Fuck you!" and I would have went, "No, fuck you, motherfucker!" and I would've had to come kick their ass!" He got a few giggles out of the crowd with that. People tried to mimic his accent, too, since it wasn't strictly a silverchair-crowd.

He said something about one of the songs being about masturbation, etc... He introduced Bailey Holloway as Tommy Iommi, as usual, and everyone loved that. He looked like he was having fun and it was nice to see! ;) Chris jumped all over and Ben smiled a lot! ;) I was really glad to see them like that, instead of how they were in April. I loved every second of it... but I was still kinda expecting them to play 'Cemetery!'

Anyway, after that, we went and cooled off for a while. I got in line to get Veruca Salt autographs for one of my friends, but they cut off the line about 4 people in front of us, after we'd been in line for a half hour already. Amy and I watched some of Faith No More and there was this nutty guy hurling his body at the stage and screaming. He'd double over when he sang sometimes! It was hysterical! ;)

Later, when we met up with everyone, I learned that Raquel had met Daniel - since she works at the World and gets to go backstage.  He was really polite to her and he shook her hand... and he knew the universal skater handshake (which I don't know myself). So I thought that was cool. Also, Rob had talked to Wes from Limp Bizkit and Wes got his number because he wants one of their demo tapes!

So, finally, we left... We piled Jenn, Mike, Amanda, Brent, John, Amy, and me in Amanda's little Ford Tempo.  The whole way home, we made John duck and we covered him with shirts and my coat - because of all the police - and since there was 4 of us in the backseat.  When we got home, I had to drag my leg out of the car with me because it was asleep... but it was all worth it and I'd do it again in a second.

take care,

PS - Ben's sticks say "Ben's Wood" on them!

@--}---}--       @--}---}-- 
               @--}---}--          @--}---}--
"I'm sorry I can't relate.  
             So don't go blaming me
I refuse to associate.     
             for your bad hair day."
                                       ~ MxPx ~

From: "*zerogirl* *chairgirl*"
Subject: lalala i saw silverchair (and almost died!!)
I'm back, but sadly without pix. But anyway....

Me and my best friend Julie got to the World at about, oh, 11 am and waited in line for about an hour. The camera got in and we decided to get our stuff. I got the Grady Stilles shirt. We got the last two in the world (well...) Then we decided to check out our seats. Kinda crappy, but considering what I got, they were good enough. With about 45 minutes before the Nixons were to play on the main stage, we walked around, mostly scoping out where silverchair would be playing (they had secon stage)

main stage::
Seven Mary Three
Local H
Veruca Salt (special for Heidi =)
um... Faith No More
and maybe someone else
Second Stage (the moshers delight)::
The Tea Party
Brother Cane
Days Of The New
Joan Jett
Gravity Kills

Third Stage (these aren't in order):
Jimmy's Chicken Shack
Limp Bizkit
and someone else

Well, we went back to find Heidi, but she wasn't there, so we went to see the Nixons. I have seen them before, but it wasn't as good as the last time. I was sooo bored, but Julie liked them. I finally dragged her out after about 10 minutes. Then we went to the second stage and saw the silverchair shirts for cheaper. They had hidden all the good silverchair stuff by the second stage. I bought a hat =) Then we decided to see who was hanging out backstage. See, the coolest thing was that for the second stage, everyone could hang backstage. So we were talking to the security guard and we asked who's tour bus was the ugly blue one.. Helmet =). Soon we found Heidi. She's the coolest! Anyway, so soon Helmet was off, but I had managed to be broken up. Heidi went to eat and Julie was moshing. I went to the backstage area. All of a sudden I hear "Daniel!!!!" in a REALLY FREAKING HIGH voice. Those teenies sure can screech. Anyway, I swear to the silvergods that Daniel and Ben appeared out of nowhere (they came out of the ground Heidi! I swear!!!). Daniel does have dreads and Ben does have a mohawk. It looked really good =) Anyway, they didn't come to sign anything. The teenies I'm sure scared them off. Soon Helmet was off and Page Hamilton and the drummer came to sign stuff. They were being really nice. Page is one of the awesomest people. Soon Heidi and Julie appeared. Julie had gotten Page to sign her shoe. Well, Days of the New came out, and they were really stupid. Ya' know, the stereotypicial rockstars, the sex, drugs & rock n roll type. But, two of them resembled Daniel, so of course the teenies were all like, oh wow! Daniel's smoking.... geez. Well, when D.O.T.N went on, me, Julie and Heidi were staking out the crowd. This one girl, who was maybe all of 8 wearing a really scary shiny shirt and a Garfield sweater was talking all about how she was gonna ask Ben out.... it was one of the funniest things.... Then this really nice girl came over in tears and was like, "Has, has silverchair come out??" I said that they had walked by and she was telling us how she was being led around by some guys who were taking advantage of her obvious teenyness. She was really sweet, so we couldn't help but to act nice. She kept saying how she had something for Daniel (I swear everytime she said that, I kept thinking, yeah, her virginity. But, I didn't say it =) She ran to her seat and brought back a RATM poster and two other things. She was really sincere. I felt kinda bad for her.

K, I'm sick of typing. There's so much more, you're gonna have to wait though. All the important sc stuff tomorrow...\

Laters, Loves, silverchair

From: "*zerogirl* *chairgirl*"
Subject: fun in the pit (yeah, right!) part 2

K, so where was I.. oh yeah, the girl. So after she came back, she showed us the stuff and left. Didn't see her again. Well, DOTN came off and all the girls were going wild over the 2 Daniel lookalikes. I swear at least one person saw the singer smoking and thought "Ohmigod!!! Daniel smokes!" *sigh* So, um, yeah. Joan Jett came out then and about five minutes or so in to her set, this white van drivew by and voila! silverchair. Daniel's got this little puss on and Ben looked kinda weary. I couldn't see Chris 'cause he was on the other side. Well, of ocurse after about a minute, all the teenies started to scream (yes, it took them that long after a bunch of "is that daniel??" "I don't know.... I think so!" me & heidi & julie knew from the start) well, that happened and then about 15 mins. later, after all their equip was unloaded (yet another teeny thing: they didn't realize that the drumset that was being set up was indeed Ben's) Ben came out to practice his drums or something (this was all backstage). The teenies were screaming "Ben Gillies! Come here!" Gee, they knew his last name! Wow! And like he was going to come to that anyway.... Well, after about 10 minutes of them screaming and me and Julie yelling "Big Brown Eye!" *which, I swear, he heard us and he was grinning like an idiot.....* Chris came out. He was wearing a white shirt with brown shorts. He was drinking water. Barely anyone screamed...poor guy =( Well, he went to watch Joan Jett. This older woman came up to him and started talking to him...poor kid looked soo scared. ;) He was friendly and started talking to her. Ben was still fixing his drums. But, poor teenies, no Daniel....

K, I'm stopping. I cut my wrist so it hurts to type...
Until later
Loves, Sarah
silverchair crusader and Official FML Complainer (you know I do whine a lot...)
"you are dumb. you are dumb. i think you are dumb. i just think you're
dumb. i'm just putting my opinion forth, i think you're dumb, dumb,
~ben gillies
Visit my loverly page: Stomping Ground
Enter the contest! It's really cool! =)
and while you're at it, join The Closing, my ever so cool
silverchair mailing list. It comes out weekly
email the_closing@rocketmail.com with subscribe in the subject

continue on with part two of this super long issue!