~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #2 05/27/97

Hi everyone! Welcome to the second issue of silverchair freaks! We have some new members. So that's a great thing. I will be putting out the section of this list, that has new info on silverchair everyother week so don't think i trashed it. I hope you enjoy this Issue. Please send in some posts!
*Age: 16
*Where from: CHICAGO
*Favorite silverchair member: CHRIS
*Favorite silverchair song: PUNK SONG #2
*Favorite silverchair CD: FREAK SHOW
*What other bands you like: MXPX - KORN - HANDSOME - INCUBUS - UNWRITTEN LAW - EVERCLEAR - DEFTONES - LOCAL H - TRIPPING DAISY - THE NIXONS - ASH -RANCID - i suppose i should stop soon, huh?
*From: Phoenix, AZ, USA
*Favorite Member:Daniel
*Favorite Song: Suicidal Dream;
*Favorite CD: Frogstomp
*Why I like 'em: i adore silverchair cuz they making such fucking *awesome music and they are my heroes cuz they are so young. and me and daniel should get married.
*Other bands I like:ole and Nirvana and Soundgarden and Pearl Jam and Green Day and Smashing Pumpkins.
*Name: Colleen.
*Age: 13(14 in June but!!!)
*From: Australia
*Favorite silverchair member: probly Daniel
*Favorite silverchair song:probly The Door, No Association, Abuse Me, Suicidal Dream, Cemetry, Tomorrow, or something like that... I don't know.
*Favorite silverchair CD: I LUV them both.
*Why you like them: I dunno just cos they RULE...
*What other bands you like: Nirvana, No Doubt, Smashing Pumkins, The Prodigy,Foo Fighters, That Blood Hound Gang thing, The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Spiderbait, that's all I remember right now...
*Name: Jewelee (aka, Jewels)
*Age: 17
*Where from: St. Louis, MO
*Favorite silverchair member: -pass....all of them:) -
*Favorite silverchair song: (At this moment..) Pop song for us reject
s *Favorite silverchair CD: Freak Show
*Why you like them: I don't have a page to write do i? ok, then. just cuz they know how to rock and they are good guys...need i say more? well, i prolly do...
*What other bands you like: whew....bush, helmet, korn, everclear, bloodhound gang, fiona apple, self, nixons, ammonia, local h, reel big fish, chronic future....
*Where from:manila, philippines
*Favorite silverchair member:daniel
*Favorite silverchair song:no association
*Favorite silverchair CD:freak show
*Why you like them:cos they're sincere and they rock ;) and they aren't stuck *up and pretentious... and what else, they're talented and the lyrics are *smart, and they're just honest and not into the rock star bullshit.
*What other bands you like:tool, KoRn, =w=eezer, hole, everclear, liz phair, *ash
To: Schubert@uic.edu
From: u64247@uicvm.uic.edu (Heidi)
Subject: Topics
Hi everyone,
Now since this is only our second issue I didn't think we'd be overwhelmed by posts right away. But since we have such a small out turn of posts this time, and I don't want this to happen again, cause I want this list to become really good!! (did that sound totally stuck up? sorrie) So anyways, I decided that I'd get some topics started.
1.Every week I will pick out a song by silverchair, and you guys can post on what that song means to YOU. Not what you think Daniel was trying to say when he wrote the song, but your personal feelings about that song. Like if you ever had felt like what the song is about or something.
2.I wanna get a list of everyone's trade lists so that we can help each other out and get some good trades done too.
3.Meeting the band, might be an interesting topic for some of us who haven't met silverchair (and yes that included me)
4.silverchair's television experinses. What do you think of live prefomences that silverchair have done on TV?
5.Your storys on how you first found out about, and/or started liking the chair.
I think that will hopefuly get more posts to me:) You don't HAVE to post on the list. But if you feel it might be something fun to do then do it! If no body posts I could always start talking about the wonders of pixie stix every issue! ;)
Later Heidi
Welcome to the closing everyone! We've made it through another issue! This upcoming week's song to discuse will be Nobody Came. And send all posts to me Schubert@uic.edu. Vist my shitty silverchair web page if you like but PLEASE sign my guest book! thanks!
~*I love a good disaster I love to fall apart*~ They tell me I'm a master of loving and losing heart
-Louise Post
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vOlCaNoGrRrL's Rawkin Home Page
vOlCaNoGrRrL's vErUcA SaLt Page
~*You can go and burst my tiny bubble*~
Blow me off without a care
But I am sleeping where I want to.
-Nina Gordon

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