~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #27 12/07/97

Hello, and welcome to issue #27 of ~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ First of all I wanted to apoligize for last weeks issue, because my writing in it was not at all how I wished it to be, but I was kinda having a hectic time in my life and things are a little better now, so hopefuly I'll be able to concintrate on this issue better then the last one. Alright, well that's it! On with the issue!
                                     ~*SILVERCHAIR NEWS*~
Well by this time, silverchair have now all graduated from high school (go them!) and are in the midle of the summer freak show tour. If you want to read reviews of the concerts on this tour, go to www.chairpage.com and it has heaps of them! Also, if you have been to any ofthe summer freak show tour dates PLEASE send in reviews! Thanks a lot! From what I can tell the tour is going well, and they are still playing as great as always! Anyway, in other news silverchair just had a one hour long special in Australia on ABC on a show called Recovery. I hear it was quite good, and if anyone has a copy of it taht they could transfer to American veiwable tape then please email me personaly, thanks.

To: Schubert@uic.edu
From: Schubert@uic.edu
Subject: no one hears a sound...

Hello everyone,

Well, looks like this week no one really felt like talking about Slab which was the song of the week, so it's now my duty to talk about it! yup here goes:

I think that Slab fuckin kicks ass! It combines three of my favorite silverchair songs, 'Slave', 'Learn To Hate', and 'No Association' and I think that they combined the song very well.. it sounds awesome! One of my favorite parts of the song is where they have the "As you pump drugs.." verse from learn to hate directly followed by the 'burn' from no association, if you haven't heard this song I recomend finding it cause it's awesome!

I also wanted to say that I was watching mistakes and outakes over the weekend with my bestfriend and we realized that Ben, Daniel, and Chris are such normal guys, I mean I think that video shows a side of them that isn't really shown in other places you know?

Also, I lately, these past few weeks, I've been going through a kinda rough time, and I think that silverchair has really been helping me though all of this. Not only have a few of their songs directly related to how I was feeling and stuff, but also listening to their interviews took my mind off of what's going on in my life, and also made me laugh.. and as weird as it may seem, I had times where I just wished that I could call them up and talk to them about my problems.. I know it's strange but I just have this feeling like I know them even though I don't..and they somehow would be able to help..I dunno, I'm strange *heh*

Hmm.. well that's really all I can think of to say right now.. but post more you guys!! pleasee??? thanks!

From: "All That You Are"
Subject: i can't change just becuz you want me to

hey ;-)

so what has everyone's mind been on lately with silverchair? perhaps it's been the recent gig you saw them at, or the gig you will be seeing them at in the near future (aussies are so lucky!), or maybe it's The Freak Box (i know i, along with heidi, meghan, and kelly, have been waiting very patiently for Dr. Disc to get the order right), or maybe it's the ABC Recovery show... well, there certainly has been quite a bit going on in 'chairland, so let's discuss some of it! like the abc recovery show, maybe someone can write up a review? or rundown highlights? or send some concert reviews for the summer freak show tour.... someone out there has to be going/have gone to ONE of the dates! and the freak box.... is the interview disc any good?? well, hope someone picks up on these suggestions and decides to write!!

                    ~*THE CLOSING*~
Welcome to the closing, here we are at another end of another issue. And only two posts this week? Come on you guys! I know you have stuff to say about silverchair! Well next week's question will be what member of silverchair would you most like to be related to? and explane why.. alright and then the quote is "The next song's about suicide and um, and if you're still thinking about it, don't do it, because it's fucked." Daniel, from the Newcastle show on the 3rd I believe. What do you think is behind that quote, do you think Daniel is talking from a personal expreience or something? I wanna hear what you guys think! and a few weeks ago I promised you guys a survey and I'll be doing that probably in the next two weeks or so.. alright that's it! It's the end.
    "Life's a bitch, and so am I, so get used to it"
                      -Ben Gillies
                      DeAd RoSeS
                  my silverchair page
         Moderator of ~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~
     Send all posts, subscribtions, unsubscribtions,
     questions, or comments to: Schubert@uic.edu
  Co-Moderator of the I WANT IT NOW- The Venus Fan Trap
  Send subscibtions, unsubscribtions, posts, questions,
          or comments to: Verucalist@juno.com

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