Hey everybody!
Well, I'm really upset right now cause I can't seem to find a copy
of my trade list, I believe I lost it when my eudora was updated..
so if any of you have a recent, or any copy of my list please send
it to me, I would be very very happy if you would do so.
Has anybody been to any of the summer freak show tour dates on here?
I know we have some members from Australia, and if you've been I would
love if you'd type up a little review of your show and I'm sure everyone
else on the list would love to read them too! I can't get enough of
silverchair reviews, info, anything, and if anybody hears any interesting
silverchair news please email it to me right away and I'll give you credit
in the issue that I talk about it alright? Thanks
Now, last week's quote was: "The next song's about suicide and um, and if you're still thinking about
it, don't do it, because it's fucked." -Daniel
And I 100% agree with Daniel on this, suicide is fucked, and even though
I have been though times in my life where I wanted to kill myself or I
wanted to die I know how messed up it is, and I know things can get better
for you if you wait them out, and I also know what pain it can cause someone
you love if you are talking about killing your self.. I know that Daniel
recently had a friend who killed himself (i knowthat because he dedicated
a song to him at the luna park gig) and I can imagin that Daniel must really
be in a lot of pain because of that.. I also think, from some of their songs
Daniel himself has been suicidal and I just think that he doesn't want anybody
else to die around him.
And last week's question was: what member of silverchair would you most like
to be related to? My answer would be Chris. I dunno, I just think he'd be a good
brother or something and he seems to be the one that would most fit in with my
family... well maybe not as my brother cause I'd probably get jealous of him,
maybe it'd be better to have him as a cousin or something, but yeah, it would
defonitly be Chris.
Hi Guys.
I just got the silverchair Freak Box and I don't know what to do with my
extra Door single. I am giving the other 3 singles to one of my friends,
but I can't give her the Door single, because she already has it! So...
if anyone wants to buy it off me, for like $8, I'd be happy to send it to
you! It's in perfect condition. Just write me
Also, I went to a talent show thing in Tinley Park last week at this high
school. There was a kid who looked like he was in about 9th grade with a
silverchair shirt on. His band started playing and they covered
silverchair's "Freak." It sounded kinda empty without a bass player, but
other than that, it was pretty good. I just thought it was kinda cute
that they were covering silverchair!
Take care,
hey guys!
Hey all,
Gosh, it's been a while since i've posted...sorry, but sometimes i get so busy
with my own zine and stuff that i just forget :( anywaze, on with post!
I think i would most to be related to Daniel. I dunno, he just seems like the
one i can relate to most, and so i think it would be fun to have him as a
cousin or something. I would also get him to teach me some of his guitar
tricks and techniques cuz i think he rocks. Plus, he's the most logical one,
considering i have blond hair and big blue eyes too :)
I think that there probably is some personal experience behind Daniel's quote
about suicide. So many people consider suicide at some point....i certainly
used to. But then when my ex-boyfriend threatened me with suicide i realized
how it can hurt the people who love and care about you. i get the feeling
that Daniel has experienced that horrible pain first hand, and would never
want to see other people go thru it.
Well, sorry this post was so dreary, but hey, i can't help it ;)
bye...and keep rockin'
hey! ok i've been on this list for awhile, and lately i am feeling the
urge to post on every list that i belong to! yeah! hehe! ok! i'm a little
hyper right now! yes, amanda me and kelly have been waiting VERY
patiently for the freak box! hehe! even though i already have all the
stuff that's on it! i have the interview disk taped, but i want the
actual cd. oh and i am getting the ABC recovery show. so if anyone is
interested in getting it, email me personnally and we can work out a
trade! ok about the question for this week: i would probably want to be
related to ummm...i don't know! any of them, they seem so nice and cool,
that they would be cool brothers and stuff. so any of them would be fine
with me! about the quote, i think that daniel was a little depressed/sad
during this concert. cause he said during suicidal dream (or was it
faultline?!) that his friend recently committed suicide. i don't think
that he wants to see more and more people killing themselves.
freak of nature
~*~"I have a sore throat. Aww, poor Daniel"-Daniel Johns-Buzzfest '97~*~