~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #3 06/05/97

Hi everybody, welcome to this issue of ~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ this list is hopefully getting better each time! We have one new member and her info will be posted in this issue. Please tell all your silverchair loving friends about this mailing list, and to email me OK? Thanks. Now on the the fun stuff.
Well this time I'm kinda low on silverchair news. silverchair is now back home in Australia for a little while. But they still will be doing the summer fests in Europe in a few weeks. Also this is just a strange little coincidence but in the Thank Yous in Veruca Salt's latest release "8 Arms To Holed You" They thank The Gillies Family. Now I know that Gillies is a very common Australian name, but Veruca Salt also have a song on that CD called "Benjamin" Now it probably has NOTHING to do with Ben Gillies. But it is a strange coincidence to think about. I'd love to hear your insight on this topic.
*Name: Jasmin
*age: 15
*where from: Carberry, Manitoba Canada
*fave member: Daniel!!!!
*Fave song: No Association
*Fave CD: Freak Show
*Why I like em: Coz they are so talented and they just shrug off all the
*things that critics say about them
*Other bands i like: Bush, Veruca Salt, Smashing Pumpkins, No Doubt, NIN,
*Marilyn Manson
To Schubert@uic.edu
From: "melissa"
Subject: trade list
Hey~since Heidi needs some posts i decided to put one up =) Well she has done a good job starting it!!! I like it so far.  Well she asked to put some of our trading lists up.  I like to trade especially silverchair =) So if anyone is interested go to my trading list at https://www.angelfire.com/ny/thebatcave/trades.html Sometimes you can't get there cuse angelfire crashes.  If that happens e me and I'll e mail you my list.  Latah (\/)e!iSsA
To: Schubert@uic.edu
From: Brain
Subject: Little Green Spacemen
Hey there,
    One of the topics Heidi brought up for us to talk about, was silverchair's performance on TV..iv seen them on SNL, Lettermen and Conan (also live and direct on MTV, but im not counting that one:) i'd have to say, thir best one was...Conan cuz they seemed pretty lively, maybe a bit tired, but daniel didn't seem to show it when he was jumping around a bit they all seemed to be more relaxed. hell, Ben was so relaxed he played NAKED (thought that would get your attention! ;P calm down, it was from the waist up :) I thought when they were on Lettermen, that they were good, but they seemed a wee bit camra shy. Daniel didn't seem to look into the camra too much (did he even look once? i can't remember) and Ben liked the moniter..they didn't seem to happy about performing..until they shook hands with Lettermen.....they were really good on all shows, but i just think Conan was the best one cuz the band seemed more lively..and also it could be becuz they played FREAK, which i just happen to love! ;) I think it's kick ass to see them on SNL again..on Leno..on Rosie..on ANY show! :) what'd you guys think about them on lettermen, conan, sNL? welp, im gonna make like a baby and head out, see ya! Keeon on rockin
~~kAtE~~  **silverchair and veruca salt kick ass**
To: u64247@uicvm.uic.edu
From: headchick27@juno.com (Cristalena is me)
Subject: ska song for this reject =)*
hello everyone on this list!
first, i would love to know if anyone knows where they are still giving out copies of out-takes and mis-takes! because i just sent someone $15 to buy me another freakshow cd so i could get a tape, but they're not giving them out by her anymore! so, if anyone could kindly let me know if they could get one, it'd be greatly appreciated =)* second, if anyone wants to trade bootlegs, mail me =)* i have heaps of silverchair and KoRn stuff... and i also want more! ;)
kay, maybe i should just be asking heidi about this... but i was wondering, is this kinda like a graduated FML? i mean, i think a mailing list that comes out every once a week (or as often as heidi likes) is just fine, so is that kinda what we're making this? i was just curious, since i think the FML is just about non-existent! ;) just don't post about daniel's hair being "yucky" and i'll be a happy camper =)* haha, bernice! *camper* =)* sorry, i'll shut up now ;)
take care,
From: "me"
Subject: sc freaks
The song Nobody Came is one I really relate to. It's depressing to listen to, and it sounds hopeless..... an emotion that I have felt a lot before...... anyways, it's a kick ass song, and I just wished they had played it live at the gig I was at.
silverchair and other trades? I don't know about trading (I like all my CDs), but I wouldn't mind getting some items ($$$) so tell me if you've got anything you wanna get rid of.
I started liking silverchair back in late May '95 and I could have sworn they were atleast 21 or so, until I bought Frogstomp and the guy working at the store told me they were 15 & 16. I was just like, "Yeah right..... they can't be!" I thought their entire album kicked ass (and I still do) and I just thought, "whoa, I gotta do this!"
Most of the sc performances on TV have sucked, especially on Dave Letterman, 'cuz the bass and the vox were way to quiet. I haven't seen any MTV appearances 'cuz, well, I'm from Canada.
Meeting sc..... I'd love to 'cuz I'm sure they'd be really cool, and I have lots of friends that have met some or all of sc and told me they were super-nice. Oh yeah, and if anyone knows how to get backstage at one of their gigs, tell me please!!!!
Subject:the list that will one day be kewl...
Hey everyone,
I'm happy that this time we got some good posts this time! Un like last time when our posts were just about non-exiscent.
In response to Christy this is kinda like, just a place for people who like silverchair, but don't want to deal with the LONNG, dull, FML's or who do and just love silverchair and can't get enough of them ;) I'm kinda both. I mean don't get my wrong I love.. Well used to love The FML's but lately they've been so stupid, and about things I'd rather not talk about or hear about I just decided that I'd better start my own list. I still read the FML.. Well I scan them for good info.
About Nobody Came. Well, even though this song is mainly about abuse, or at least that's how I've heard the song. I can still relate to this song. Especially the feeling of being left alone, and no one caring if things happen to you. Feeling hopeless and depressed. Feelings I've felt a lot of the time.
I've only seen silverchair perform on SNL and Conan. I thought that on Conan they played pretty well but, that they looked bored. Personally I think that was just a kinda "look" or something, that they were trying to look serious and "bored"  I could be wrong, I mean the only people who will ever know how they felt while performing on Conan will be Daniel, Ben, and Chris. And the SNL performance I barely remember. Although I do remember it being on the day I got Frogstomp. And that it rocked!
And it has been a dream of mine to meet and hang out with silverchair. Not just because they rule the earth! But because they seem like really cool guys to know. Hopefully one day I'll get backstage passes or get a chance to hang out with them. If anybody wants to help me out on this please do!!
Don't think twice on telling me how I can get back stage or meet them:)
                          ~*THE CLOSING*~ Well here we are, the closing of our third issue. Next weeks song to talk about how you can relate to it, or what it means to you, is "The Door" And Attached to next weeks issue I would like to have a list of everybody's silverchair trades. So please send me JUST your silverchair trade lists if you want them to be part of this upcoming issue. Thanks.
              ~*I love a good disaster I love to fall apart*~
            They tell me I'm a master of loving and losing heart
                            -Louise Post
                        DeAd RoSeS Webpage
                     vOlCaNoGrRrL's Rawkin Home Page
                     vOlCaNoGrRrL's vErUcA SaLt Page
              ~*You can go and burst my tiny bubble*~
                   Blow me off without a care
                 But I am sleeping where I want to.
                           -Nina Gordon

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