~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #31 01/04/98

Hello and welcome to the 31st issue of silverchair freaks, and welcome to a new year! I hope everyone is having a good year so far, and has been enjoying this list so far! Thanks for sticking with us! Anyway, I'm sorry this is getting out so late, but I've been super busy, and so this is gunna be a rather short issue. Also next week is exam week for me, so I'm not sure if this will come out on time, but don't let that stop you from sending heaps of posts in! And thanks heaps to Christy and Ariela for sending me the 29th issue again, it really means a lot to me. 
                                                         ~*SILVERCHAIR NEWS*~
This week.. as probably with the next few weeks is rather short on silverchair news, because for the next 6 months or so silverchair will have nothing to do with the band, and just take this time to relax. Alrighty then. Well the news I do have is that silverchair have been in several of the local radio stations best songs of the year, which I am very proud of, the highest I believe was 'Abuse Me' at #4!! And they also were on Much Music's video count downs, but saddly enough not on MTV's :( Also, Daniel has gotten rid of his eyebrow rings, due to getting one caught in a chair (how? I don't have a clue) That's about it!
To: Schubert@uic.edu
From: Schubert@uic.edu
Subject: the quote and stuff..

Alright Hey everyone,

This week I don't really have time to say very much, but I wanted to talk about Daniel's social life quote.. so um this is what I think.. I believe that it is pretty much true..
that having a social life sucks.. and I don't really have one.. strange thing is I stil want one.. so I kinda wish I could have Daniel's addatude about that. Acording to what I've read about him, he never really went out a lot even before silverchair.. but I guess that being in the band has made it hard for him to go out and make friends because people mob him.. or like he can't trust people because he can't always be sure that they like him, or are talking to him because of his fame or because of him.. that would be rather hard I would imagin.

Alright, well the other thing I wanted to bring up was in the Mistakes and Outtakes in the section where they are all on stage, who are all those other people on stage with them? Like the boy (or girl) wrestling with Daniel? The person on Chris' back? The guy banging on Ben's drums? ect ect? if anyone can help me out with this I'd be very happy! thanks heaps!


To: Schubert@uic.edu
Subject: Social lives suck - at least Daniel knows that!
From: headchick27@juno.com (My Own Summer)

Hi guys!

I wanna post for the first time in a few weeks.  I think the quote: "I've never had a social life, don't ever want one because it's boring," means that for Daniel, hanging out with his friends can't ever be completely normal, like it is for other teenagers.  Like, he's used to touring and chatting with roadies and stuff, so going to parties seems weird... or something.  Does that make any sense?  And the girlfriend aspect part of a social life is probably kinda difficult, since he's off touring sometimes, and she probably can't come with or anything.  Well, I'll shut up now!

Take care,

@--}--}---                          @--}--}---
"Why do I miss you even though
  I just saw you 20 minutes ago?"
         ~ Johnny One-Note ~
                    ~*THE CLOSING*~
Welcome to the closing, next week I would like if you guys could answer these questions, I'm going with all three that we asnwer usually alternating every week this week cause I'm not postive I can get the list out next Saturday, but I'll try. So the song quote of the week is "As he got older things got worse, like he was born under a curse" - from 'Cicada' the question of the week is if you could disgen a 12 group concert with silverchair headlinging who would the other bands be? and the quote of the week is..: "I find it hard to make friends with people, because I don't trust many people. I used to, but I don't anymore. It's not like I hate everyone. It's just hard to find people I trust. That's why I love Ben." -Daniel. Alright that's it and if you haven't already go vist my web pages! Thanks heaps!

    "Life's a bitch, and so am I, so get used to it"
                      -Ben Gillies
           updated!! - DeAd RoSeS - updated!!
                  my silverchair page
              updated!! - my page - updated!!
                  !!sign the guest books!!
         Moderator of ~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~
     Send all posts, subscribtions, unsubscribtions,
     questions, or comments to: Schubert@uic.edu
  Co-Moderator of the I WANT IT NOW- The Venus Fan Trap
  Send subscibtions, unsubscribtions, posts, questions,
          or comments to: Verucalist@juno.com

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