~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #33 01/17/98

Hello everyone! Welcome to issue 33! Well, this issue whould have a silverchair news section but it won't since silverchair are on a bit of a break now, and I really haven't got any news about them. So from now on this list will basicly just consist of posts. So keep posting everyone! We wanna keep this list arond for a long long time! And if you have any friends you think might like this list please tell them to email me, we can always use new members! thanks everyone! Now on with the list!
To: Schubert@uic.edu
From: Schubert@uic.edu
Subject:silverchair and stuff like that!!

Hey everyone!

Well first of all I just wanted to thank everyone for telling me who the people were on stage with silverchair on the Outtakes and Mistakes video.. just one question, was that from the famous concert with the blow up doll incedent? just wondering!

Now last week the song lyric quote was "her parents colided and left you behind" so now I'm gunna talk about it: Alright, well I read in the book "Hi Fi Days" about Australian rock (silverchair, Spiderbait, and You Am I) that Undicided was about Daniel's parents, cause he thought they were breaking up or something. But what I don't understand is if it's about him, why does he say "HER parents.." ?? Just wondering if anybody knew about that. But I think that that line is just saying that when your parents are fighting, sometimes they can forget about the other things in their lives.. like their kids. And I kinda feel that way sometimes, cause my parents have been fighting a lot lately.. and it just basicly sucks.

Um, last week's question was about a silverchair unpluged, well I've always seen it like on a beach at sunset or something with a lotta candles around and the three of them in suits, like they were wearing in the cemetry video or something, and the songs I would like to hear would be: Tomorrow, Shade, Suicidal Dream, Pure Massacre(I think it'd sound kinda cool unpluged), Cemetry (of course!), Abuse Me, Petrol and Chlorine (with the indian instruments), Nobdy Came, and maybe the Closing.

And for the quote "sometimes daniel always says how muscle-y he is, being very sarcastic 'cause he's like a puny bastard---mega-skinny. he picks fights with me and chris but we always show him who's boss"-Ben: *lol* this just always makes me laugh, cause Daniel is a mega skinny bastard *heh* and it's funny cause it's like he always saying how he's gunna beat up this person and fuck this and fuck that ect ect and it's just really stupid! I love how Ben and Daniel had make fun of each other all the time and stuff as well.

And that's it! Alright I gotta go!

To: u64247@uicvm.uic.edu
From: "Ivy Green"

the quote is about how people continually find your weak spot and hurt you. we all have a weak spot and Daniel's happens to be his fame. he's probably been screwed over a lot by people pretending to be his friend and then telling things to the press or trying to make money. i don't blame him. i wouldn't trust anyone if i was in his situation.

the lyric is about how when you reach a certain age everything in life seems to disintegrate. nothing is the same anymore, not even yourself. it's scary and that just makes eveything seem worse.

sorry i'm late on this one but i didn't use my computer for the whole winter break. shade is the sc song that affects me most. i got really depressed a few days ago, just after new years, and i put it on. it just lets me know that i'm not the only one to feel pain. someone else has been through this before and i just have to find someone who cares enough to listen. then everything can feel better. love, kelly (ivy) hope your holiday was great, mine was.

To: u64247@uicvm.uic.edu
From: Chairgirl1
Subject: all that you are

heyyy ok, so let's see.
for the question, ooh, i want an unplugged session at me aunt's cabin up in wisconsin. that's totally irrelevant to any of you, so i'll try to explain. there's this biiiiig hill up from the driveway, and i've always thought it would make the best place for a lil concert. so that's the setting. as for the setlist, i would want to see the general accoustic song types, cemetery, shade, faultline..i'd also want tomorrow (even though i can't stand that song anymore), abuse me, nobody came, and for the closing i'd like to see none other than me fave song, the closing. :)
the song quote~ i luv that song. but i see it as like, the rents are fighting, and they totally lost you. ya knnow how you rents fight, you have no flippin clue why they are and you're totally confused. ben's quote on johnsy~ that's ben just being a dumbarse.. :) nah... i can see this is me mind, like daniel will start picking on ben or chris and they get a wrastling..and like, johnsy gets pinned down by ben n chris...heh...ok, that's enough :)

luv n silverchair
ps~ heyyy heidi, i'll call ya...better yet i'll email you all this

From: Trombone
Subject: rain clouds and sunshine....a post on silverchair

Hey all you fellow s c freaks,

I'm very curious about Daniel and his eyebrow rings....how does one get their eyebrow ring stuck in a chair??? oh well, don't even try to understand.

Anywze, i don't have much to say about the song quote. I guess it's just saying that this person had a tough childhood, and hoped things would change and get better as he got older, but instead they just got worse and worse. Unfortunately, that happens to a lot of ppl :(

As for the question: If I could have a 12 group concert with the mighty silverchair headlining, who would the other 11 bands be? well, here's my list in no particular order:
1. Metallica
2. KoRn
3. Black Sabbath (with Ozzy singing once again!)
4. AC/DC
5. the Pumpkins
6. Hole
7. Soundgarden (if they would ever get back together)
8. L7
9. Led Zepplin (hah...fat chance!)
10. Pink Floyd
11. Alice In Chains

And finally, my two cents on the quote: I know exactly what Daniel is saying. He's saying that in the past he's put his trust in people, and they've totally betrayed it. When you've been betrayed by people you love as your friends and who you trusted, it's real hard to trust people again. It seems that Daniel's been pals with Ben for a long time, and Ben has never really broken Daniel's trust, so Daniel feels comfortable and safe around Ben.

Well, that's all from me....signing off

peace luv empathy rock forever
SaLLiE* a.k.a. RockGrrrl
Ziness of All That Stuff, A Zine For The Teen-Age Life
To Subscribe, e-mail Trombone@aol.com

From: "Temporary Arms"
Subject: weeeeeeeeeeellll then.

Hello all!!!

Ok! Heidi said she would kick my ass and since I fear her sooo much I am letting you all know the bands I would have at my festival of kick-ass bands. The following bands are who I'd pick to play. silverchair
Rusty <---- from Toronto, Canada
finger eleven <---- just ask Heidi, these guys kick ass!
The Monoxides <---- from Moncton, NB
Glueleg <---- from Toronto as well
Mr. Machete <---- kinda local band
Econoline Crush
The Tea Party
I Mother Earth (with Edwin)
Veruca Salt

There ya go!
"die to get another glimpse in
so i'll watch the water rinse
until we all get washed away
i never needed someone comforting me"

To: Schubert@uic.edu
From: dbollman@mail.techplus.com (Dawn)
Subject: Wouldn't it rock if silverchair actually did an unplugged special?

ok, so here is my post because I've been feeling bad since I haven't been posting lately!

About the sc unplugged thing-- I think that the setlist should consist of some of their heavier songs like No Association and Learn to Hate so we can actually hear what they sound like unplugged. They shouldn't play Cemetery since we all have a pretty good clue as to what that would sound like unplugged. As for the setting, I think a bunch of candles would be cool, and they could have stools for Dan and Chris to sit on--silver stools :)

The quote "sometimes Daniel always says how muscle-y he is, being very sarcastic 'cause he's a puny bastard--mega skinny. he picks fights with me and Chris but we always show him who's boss"--Ben. I think this is Ben just being his normal, sarcastic self. When he says they "show him who's boss", I'm sure he means that they do fight but not enough to actually injure eachother (except for that Ben-giving-Daniel-a-black-eye incident). So I think that this quote is just Ben joking around. Anyway, that's all I have to say..

Welcome to the closing, this issue is over now. Next week insted of havinga song quote I would love to hear your thoughts on what the hell 'The Door' is about, cause I have NO clue.. if anybdoy have any idea on it's meaning no matter how weird they are please post them! Thanks heaps! The question of the week is: if you could trade places for a day wth a members of silverchair who would it be and what would you do during your day as Daniel, Ben, or Chris? and the quote of the week is: "Never be a dumbass and walk outside naked, 'cos your friends will lock the door. Trust me, I know from experience"- Chris.

"You can see the stars here in Newcastle"
-Chris Joannou
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Co-Moderator of the I WANT IT NOW- The Venus Fan Trap
Send subscibtions, unsubscribtions, posts, questions,
or comments to: Verucalist@juno.com
