~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #34 01/25/98

Hey everybody and welcome to this issue of silverchair freaks, well this one is going to have to be rather quick because I have to go to bed, and my parents are going to kill me! Alright, well since we've covered that here goes the rest of the issue! Also tho I wanted to mention that my silverchair web page (address at the end of this issue as always) has had a new feture added to it, which is an interviews section, which will be updated very very soon with HEAPS more stuff, so check it out and PLEASE sign the guest book! Thanks!
To: Schubert@uic.edu
From: Schubert@uic.edu
Subject: life is so strange...

Hello silverchair freaks!

Well here's my thoughts for this week! about the song.. the door.. as I said before I really don't know what this one is supposed to be about! I mean, I have tried to think of what it's meaning could be .. and I feel like it's something more then just a door.. but I serriously can't figure it out! Anyway, then about what member I would like to trade places with and what I'd do if I were them for a day.. I think I'd like to trade places with Chris.. becuase well.. he doesn't get trampled by teenies everywhere he goes and I think it would be the easist to adjust to being him.. not to mention you could more closely observe their fame if you were him and stuff like that.. and what I'd like to do is really just hang out with Ben and Daniel.. and maybe get to do a gig.. just see what it'd be like to be Chris! and then about his strange strange quote... "Never be a dumbass and walk outside naked, 'cos your friends will lock the door. Trust me, I know from experience"- Chris.: *LOL* I dunno! but if anybody knows where that quote comes from please let me know! I just stole it from someone's sig once.. *lol* but it's really great isn't it?

Anyway, someone mentioned last issue about Daniel and his eyebrow rings and getting them stuck on a chair or something HOW THE HELL DOES SOMEONE DO THAT?!?!? was he just joking about that? what happend? does anyone know? *lol* I just find that the strangest thing in the world.. anyway I gotta go now so that's it talk to you all next week!

bye bye!!

PS. Christy and Sarah, I gotta call you guys! Sorry it's taking me forever to do this! But don't worry! I'll call you sometime this week or something! Hope yr play went well Sarah!

To: Schubert@uic.edu
From: silverado
Subject: late, as usual...

Geez... I'm still trying to catch up on this shitload of mail from during the holidays!!! I can't do anything cuz of the upcomming exams, so that's why I'm so behind!
Anywayz, I just wanted to comment on your ? from issue #31, the people they were moch-fighting with were the boys - Art, Craig & Greg - of Everclear... and I think a few of the roadies, too! (can't keep track, but I think there were more than 6 ppl involved. It was all in fun, tho, which I'm sure you already know. Infact, you probably already know all of this, cuz I'm so late in sending this toi ya! Sorry... better get thru the rest of it so I can stop feeling like a knob lick... Cya
To: Schubert@uic.edu

From: silverado
Subject: "HER" parents colided....

I think that Daniel might've possibly been writing about his sister? (does he have one? My brain is friend from having to read all my e-mail all day long, and I'm still not done... only 2 more 2 go!!) Or possibly just combining a friends parental problems with his own? Or a TV character's similarities? I dunno, just my opinions.... Gotta go b4 I make myself feel evern stupider. Cya

To: u64247@uicvm.uic.edu
From: headchick27@juno.com (My Own Summer)
Subject: Daniel is the blow job king, baby.

Hi guys.

Heidi, the concert with the blow up doll was in Europe in summer 96 or something. The show on the Out-takes and Mis-takes video is from South America in Septemer 96, I think... So no, it's not the same show. Oh, and where the hell did you get that quote about walking around naked from that Chris said?!? Tell me, tell me, right now! I think he was being sarcastic about experience. Hmph.

Sallie said, "I'm very curious about Daniel and his eyebrow rings....how does one get their eyebrow ring stuck in a chair???" That is a damn good question! I can only think of reason to be that close to a chair... and that would be if someone else was on it... and I don't think Daniel was doing that... althought it's his business if he was... Uh-oh, I better shut up right now!

Take care,
Christy - Punk Rawk Girl

Welcome to the closing.. blah blah blah.. anyway we finished issue 34, and time is growing nearer to the 1 year anniversery of Freak Show's relase! So I was thinking that maybe on the fourth of Feburary.. we could play some kind of chat.. and hopefully this one will go better then our last planed chat.. any ideas on this would be great! So post em!! Next week's song lyric will be "Need a change, not to immitate, but to irritate all the ones who hate.." from Cemetery so tell me yr thoughts on that! The question will be.. and yes I will admit this question is totally insane.. but I'll ask it anyway.. if silverchair were on My So-Called Life .. who would they have been? *l* this should be interesting.. and then the quote is: "We're not playing Tomorrow tonight, sorry. So if anyone's got a problem with that, they can try and get their money back. You won't get it because you love it! We opted for the Minor Threat song because you look like you want to rock. You don't want to sit there listening to a fucking song about some fucking water being hard to drink, all right? So don't fucking worry, and just rock the house. 'Cause that's what we 'chair men like to do, 'cause we have no friends. We're friendless and we love each other, and sometimes have sex amongst each other. Yeah." - Daniel..

That's it it's the end!
"You can see the stars here in Newcastle"
-Chris Joannou
updated!! - DeAd RoSeS - updated!!
my silverchair page
updated!! - my page - updated!!
!!sign the guest books!!
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questions, or comments to: Schubert@uic.edu
Co-Moderator of the I WANT IT NOW- The Venus Fan Trap
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or comments to: Verucalist@juno.com

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