~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #40 03/08/98

Welcome to silverchair freaks #40!! amazing it really doesn't seem that long that we've been together does it? Hmm well I haven't got much to say as far as an intro goes but if you look in the section below this you'll see that we actually have some silverchair news once again! Well now on with the list!

Well guys, it's been awhile since we've had this section but hey! We have news now. As most of you have heard by now from the chairpage, FML, or some other mailing list (why don't I ever get any news first??) silverchair are working on a song to be put on some major monster movie this summer.. most people are saying that it will be Sony's movie 'Godzilla' but nothing has been confirmed yet. I'll keep you all posted!


To: Schubert@uic.edu
From: Schubert@uic.edu
Subject: lalla it's almost spring break..

Hello everyone..

I dunno about all you guys but my spring break starts on friday and I can't wait! It'll be so great getting to like sleep in and not having to do work! woo hoo! Anyway, I just wanted to say two weeks ago Christy was taking about her idea for what silverchair.. the movie should be like.. and I forgot to mention how cool I thought that was! I just love the idea of Daniel .. I think it was running around in the woods in pajamas *lol* Oh and last week Melanie was talking about how she reacted when she got her first ever issue of LAS and I have to admit I was that exact way too!! *hehe* I never shut up about any new fact or whatever that I find out about silverchair.. I guess I'm lucky tho that my best friend likes silverchair as much as I do as well *heh*

"A Frozen Statue Can't Walk Away" - Nobody Came : Alright .. my thoughts on this are.. since to me Nobody Came seems to be a song about somebody who feels horibly depressed and alone.. and their father beats them ect ect and just feels like over all incredibly horible.. so I think that it means since the line before it is "as he lies wounded his father turns to clay" then that leads me to believe since statues can be made from clay.. that if they could only freaze there father he couldn't walk away from all his problems..and ignoring his son..

So if one or all of the guys in silverchair were just Ben, Daniel, and Chris and not in silverchair would I be friends with them..? hmm well I don't actualyl know cause I am extreamly shy. I could see myself being friends with Ben if he were to make the first move in starting a conversation or whatever.. which he probably would knowing Ben.. cause I could just see the two of us hanging out and telling strange jokes to one another. And I could actually see my being friends with Daniel cause I think our personalitys are somewhat similar and I dunno I think we'd just get along.. but I think with Chris we'd both be too quiet and probably not say anything to each other.

"We don't really drink on tour. Sometimes for special occasions we'll go out and have a big night. The big drinkers are our crew! And Daniel doesn't drink at all." - Ben : well yeah I mean that's probably true .. going along with the fact Daniel likes an sXe band (Minor Threat), he's a vegan and doesn't smoke or do drugs or other harmful things to his body so it just all kinda fits together..

Annyway I gotta go now!

Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 20:00:03 -0500
From: silvergirl
Organization: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palladium/7848/home.html
To: Schubert
Subject: hey, it's me again, aren't I annoying? =P


"A frozen statue can't walk away":
I Think that this represents how people see something that scares them, and they wanna leave right then and now...but they're so scared/horrified that they just can't budge. sorta like the deer-in-the-car-headlights syndrome...they see you, and they just freeze in the road so you either fly off the road, or hit 'em! That's sad...I hate it when I see a dead deer on the side of the road...

About Nobody Came itself:
I think this song is really depressing...whenever I'm really sad I listen to it and let out all my sadness through the song...I usually end up crying like a weak little sentimental fool...oh well...

If they weren't silverchair...:
I definitely would hang out with them if they went to my school...from what I've read about 'em, they seem like great guys, and I personally think that all three of them are wicked hot! (Pleez don't call me a teenie, I AM NOT!! I just think they're hot...!) There is a definite lack of cool guys at my school...i hate it! Also, of they went to my school, I would probably be unnerved when around them just by their accents! Australian accents are the BEST ever! I would try and be their friends, but I dunno if they'd lemme hang out with them... I sure hope they would if I ever had the chance! My reason that I sorta doubt they'd lemme hang out with them is cos I'm only 14 and they're 18...so...I just shoulda been born 4 years earlier!!!!

Quote o' the week:
Does this mean Daniel's straight edge?? That's cool... I'm glad they don't drink lots, cos alcohol can really mess people up... Same with smoking... I bet their crew drinks from the stress of having to deal with the guys being teens... Just kidding, I'm sure they're perfect little angels! =P

OK, that's it for this week... =)
-silvergirl (Melanie)

P.S.~Hey, can this be included as maybe part of the question of the week? OK, if it can, here goes: Who's your fave member of the 'chair and why?

Welcome to the closing.. it's the end of our 40th issue and I'd say it was a pretty good one.. Anyway well to start us off the quote of the week will be from Findaway "Giving up just makes no sesne" .. and since Melaine asked so nicely.. (and other people can sugest things too) we'll have two questions of the week 1. Who's your favorite member and why.. and 2.What do you think this new sound for the monster movie that the chair are working on will sound like? and the quote of the week will be : "What? You want Ben to put his head thru the kit drum? Heads aren't meant for kit drums, kit drums aren't meant for heads. Hats are for heads, heads are for hats. Which would be good if you worked in a hat factory" - Daniel

Alright that's it! Bye!
"There are a lot of wankers, and a lot of people who think they are really hardcore and cool but they're not." ~Daniel Johns
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Co-Moderator of the I WANT IT NOW- The Venus Fan Trap Send subscibtions, unsubscribtions, posts, questions, or comments to: Verucalist@juno.com
