~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #42 03/21/98


Hello and welcome to the 42ed issue of silverchair freaks (wow and it's out on time too!) ! I hope you all enjoy this issue, we have another new member which makes the total member count 68! amazing isn't it? And we also have some more news this week so read on and enjoy this issue of silverchair freaks! Now on with the list..

Well this week we don't really have much, but it's better then nothing right? So the 9th issue of the LAS (Llama Appritiation Society) should be arriving at your houses very soon (if you're not a member look into joining! It's great!) it will have news on the new album, the monster movie soundtrack they're working on, photo's form the famous Perth show (from the summer freak show tour of Australia), and also info on what they've been up to during their break! and that concludes our silverchair news portion for this week, I'll keep you all updated!


*Name: Carrie
*Age: 18
*Email: lilly@sk.sympatico.ca
*Where from: Canada
*Favorite silverchair member: like them all
*Favorite silverchair song: Abuse Me, Freak, No Association, *Shade
*Favorite silverchair CD: both
*Why I like them: cause they make kick ass music
*Other bands that I like: Korn, Helmet, Ozzy Osbourne, Nirvana, *Smashing Pumpkins, Our Lady Peace, Tool, Fiona Apple and it goes *on and on



To: Schubert@uic.edu
From: Schubert@uic.edu
Subject: "Hello, this is Daniel, would you like to try a Big Mac value meal today?"

Hey everybody,

Well.. first of all I need to address some issues that were posted last time..

>Maybe it was true at one time but not anymore. Daniel's a >bourbon man hehe >=) Bourbon and Champagn (can't spell at 5am =P) and I know that >for ABSOLUTELY sure.. very very positive on that

well that was a quote that was directly pulled from a post that Pete Walton posted on the FML so I would asume he'd know what they said.. I mean i've heard about the Champagn incedent (as mentioned in Kerrang! magazine) that happend like what.. two years ago? but Bourbon? I've heard that Ben drinks that but I didn't know Daniel did too..

>no Daniel isn't straight edge.. loads of people used to think he >was but he >isn't. As for the rest of the guys (Ben in key point) can hold >his liquor. >He was drunk at the last ARIAS from drinking whiskey I think it >was (can't >remember at... 5:03am). I dunno about Christ tho..... I guess he >can hold >his own.

well yeah we all know that Ben drinks, but how do you know that Daniel isn't straight edge?

Anyway, alright now I'm done venting for the day.. so um I'll be skipping the line from the door cause I don't know what it means..*hehe* and now onto where I think sc will be in 20 years..

Well I could see Daniel still in the music industry as a solo artist.. doing stuff more along the lines of like cemetery and stuff..either that or he'll shut himself off from the public enterily and just become like this hermit that nobody ever hears about or rarely hears about again..

He'd probably become a mecanic.. get married to the girl he's been going out with forever.. have a kid or two and just live a normal life.. still messing around on the bass once and a while..

He'll become a famous producer of music that is.. like he's been interested in doing eventually and he'll try and organize a silverchair reunion tour.. which will of course be a great success!!

and the quote:
"he doesn't need psychiatric help if that's what you wanted to know" (about daniel) - Chris *heheh* well ..I don't know what it's from but I think it's just cause some people see Daniel as a horibly depressed person.. or like sometimes psychotic on stage.. and Chris is just basicly telling them that he's not as crazy as he seems or something along those lines.. does anybody know what this quote is from?

Alright that's it!

To: Schubert@uic.edu
From: headchick27@juno.com (Pokinatcha Punx)
Subject: Pessimism and realism have proven to be intertwined.

Hi guys.

In 20 years, I doubt that anyone will remember silverchair except us. Think about it, in three years, lots of people have already forgotten all about them... but that might depend on where you live. They overplayed 'Abuse Me' here and then they played 'Freak' sometimes... and that was the end of plugging silverchair's new album.

I heard 'Tomorrow' the other day and I almost fainted because I figured the stupid radio station probably threw out their single already... So I think in 20 years, they'll be doing normal, adult things (which I pray never happens to me) and no one will care anymore. Sorry, I guess that's kinda pessimistic, but that's what I think! =)*

Take care,



Welcome to the closing.. it's the end of issue 42, and next week we'll talk about the line from "Spawn" "Why can't the livestock be free when trading soldiers for steak?" the question of the week will be if you could hear any band do a cover of any silverchair song what song would it be and who would the band be that you would chose to preform it? and now for the quote..: "You get these really weird mosh pits here in the states, it's like everyone runs around in this big circle. And there's like, a leader, like the biggest, heaviest guy in the circle, no one messes with him. So that sounds pretty good. Actually, I've never in one of those circles and I don't think I will. I want to live." - Ben

Alright that's it! Bye!
"There are a lot of wankers, and a lot of people who think they are really hardcore and cool but they're not." ~Daniel Johns
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