~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #43 04/06/98


Hello and welcome (finally) to the 43rd issue of silverchair freaks. First of all I'd like to say that I don't normaly wait this long to get out an issue, I mean this is two weeks late and I am SO sorry. I hope you all can forgive me. It's just lately I've been suffering from a pretty bad depression and I really haven't wanted to do much of anything, not even stuff I enjoy like listen to cd's or go online or anything (so if I've writen you lately you're really lucky) but now I'm basicly trying to force myself out of it and get things back to .. kinda normal. Anyway, please forgive me and now on with the list!

Well as all of you LAS members, chairpage goers or members of some other mailing lists already know, the rumor is true, silverchair will be doing a song for the Godzilla soundtrack this summer. They took time off their break in Feburary to record a song called "Untitled" which includes some piano and cello in it, so that should be really interesting to hear! Also, they are aiming to get the new CD out by the end of this year, or at the latest first thign next year. And that's about it!


*Email: taclasaad@VIP-CGR.COM.BR
*Favorite silverchair member:Daniel Johns
*Favorite silverchair CD:frogstomp and freak show
*Why I like them:i love their songs,i love their music
*Other bands I Like:nirvana,u2,offspring,bush.

*Name: Lauren
*Age: 13
*Email: Slvrgrrl13@AOL.COM
*From: New Jersey
*Favorite silverchair member: Ben (cause we r perverted)
*Favorite silverchair song: Pop Song or The Closing
*Favorite silverchair CD: Freak Show
*Why I like them: i like em cause they rock!!
*Other bands I like: Sublime Everclear OLP Rage Metallica *schmuffs like that

*Name: Kris
*Age: 16
*Email: tudor@netway1.mdc.net
*From: massachusetts
*Favorite silverchair member: Ben
*Favorite silverchair song: israel's son
*Favorite silverchair CD: freak show
*Why I like them: cos theyre a good band
*Other bands you like: minor threat, sex pistols, the vandals, *black flag, mxpx, less than jake, ministry, sepultura, tool, led *zepp, n pink floyd. a nice mix.


To: Schubert@uic.edu
From: Schubert@uic.edu
Subject: i'm a lazy dumbass..

Hello everyone..

Yes, the subject line is entirely true, believe me, I feel bad about not getting up and going over to the computer and typing up the last two weeks worth of issues, but now I'm going to try my hardest to get these out on time, promise! and to all the new people, I'm not usualy this bad .. but hey.. oh well now on to talk about other things..

Alright, well so I said we should talk about the line from spawn that says "why can the livestock be free when trading soldiers for steak?" I think that's Daniel talking about how stupid it is that we keep all these animals inprisiond to make steak and other meat.. and he has said that 'Spawn' is about animal ilberation and so that pretty much makes sense.. unfortunitly I haven't got anything personal to say on this excepting that I think killing animals for any reason.. or keeping them imprisoned is stupid.. I'm really big into animal rights and I've been a vegitarian all my life (my parents are too) and recently I became a vegan so .. i can see where Daniel's coming from..

If I could hear any band cover a silverchair song what band would I like to hear cover them and what song would I chose.. hmm I'd like to see..KoRn do a cover of 'No Association' cause I think they'd be able to make it into an even heavyer song then it already is since they have the seven string guitars and also two guitarists and everything.. and that would just sound amazing! but I'd also like to see as strange as it might be Tori Amos do a cover of like 'Learn to Hate' I think she should do something totally like.. haunting with it you know? Like her version of 'Teen Spirit' or some of the other 'Rock' songs' she's covered came out really cool..

"You get these really weird mosh pits here in the states, it's like everyone runs around in this big circle. And there's like, a leader, like the biggest, heaviest guy in the circle, no one messes with him. So that sounds pretty good. Actually, I've never in one of those circles and I don't think I will. I want to live." - Ben - this just makes me laugh because Ben's got this total image of being the like... wild one of them and stuff and yet he'd never go into one of the moshes here *hehe* but it's true.. his disciptions of our pits are pretty much like that.. but you know "americans are like.. psychos" *heh*

Alright that's it from me

To: Schubert
From: Bloody Mary
Subject: Re: ~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #42

And the plot thickens =) This is kind of a cet homey-ish kind of list hehe.. I likes =)

>well that was a quote that was directly pulled from a post that Pete Walton >posted on the FML so I would asume he'd know what they said..

Pete =P hehe... you should see me rolling my eyes right now =P Pete's not qualified for the job he's got... there's a far better man who had chairpage literally snatched out right from under his nose. 1/2 the time Pete doesn't know what he's talking about either =P he likes to umm... "pull things". Like getting certain nice people pulled off guestlists at certain shows so they have to go through huge hassles to actually get their passes just because he hinks he's the big dude on campus =P =P =P He's a total try hard Aussie... you should have seen him at the summer of freakshows tour. He's got a totally alterior motive to liking da- uh.. sc =P Anyhow.. I've got loads of reasons that I will never trust nor like that man and some pretty horrible stories about him and silverchair and related incidents. Lets just leave it at that ok?

>I mean i've >heard about the Champagn incedent (as mentioned in Kerrang! magazine) that >happend like what.. two years ago? but Bourbon? I've heard that Ben drinks >that but I didn't know Daniel did too..

oh yeah that's right... it was mentioned in Kerrang! eh? but yes.. bourbon hehe =) Ben does drink more then Daniel does.

>well yeah we all know that Ben drinks, but how do you know that Daniel >isn't straight edge?

because he drinks! Not like... all that much or anything.. he's not a DRUNK =P But Straight Edgers don't drink alcohol.

>~*BEN*~ >He'll become a famous producer of music that is.. like he's been interested >in doing eventually and he'll try and organize a silverchair reunion tour.. >which will of course be a great success!!

hehe =) all i can say is "Pimp Daddy Ben" hehe.... if sc ever broke up Ben would probably end up being the king of Australia's Underworld hehe

Anyhow... here I go again flapping my yap and Getting more people angry probably =P oh well..


From: "Army Ants"
Subject: if you kick me out tonite i'll be sure to come again

Hello silverchair freaks :)

Well I hop everyone is doing good this week!! I think the song quote is kind of from a vegan's/vegetarian point, well OF COURSE it was since Daniel is a vegan! But I think that he's saying ya know like why doesn't the animal have a say? You kill it and trade it for "soldiers", which I think represents something else. What, I don't know.

Alrite, I am selling some of my silverchair stuff, just singles at the current point in time, and most people probably have these but I am selling:

Abuse Me (Undecided #2 & Freak Remix)
Cemetery (Slab & acoustic Cemetery)
The Door (Surfin' Bird & three live songs)
So if you're interested please e-mail me! And I am also looking for peopel who trade one or some of the following bands: The Tea Party, Econoline Crush, finger eleven/RBM, Glueleg, Bif Naked, and Rusty. Ok that's it!! (Thanx for the free advertising space Heidi!!)




Welcome to the closing, that's the end of our 43rd issue, I hope you all enjoyed it! Next week the song quote we will be discussing will be "You're state of mind's improved but we're still apart I visted you'd moved don't know where to start" from 'Pop Song For Us Rejects' the question of the week will be if silverchair were to get another full time member of the band .. how do you think it would change things? would it make them better? worse? what do you think would happen? and the quote will be ..: "There's one problem in society today, do you want me to tell you what it is? Social prejudice and hatred...and a belief that Santa Claus is real." - Daniel

Alright that's it! Bye!
"There are a lot of wankers, and a lot of people who think they are really hardcore and cool but they're not." ~Daniel Johns
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keep going!