~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #46 05/30/98


Hello and welcome to the 46th issue of silverchair freaks! Wow, I'm really amazed I got this one out on time, but then again school's out for summer so I'll have a LOT more free time on my hands. I have to let you all know that we now have a total of 80 members on the list!! Go us! Now you think with 80 members we'd get more then like 3 posts a week eh? *hint hint* Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this issue and now on with the list!


*Name: Jon
*Age: 15
*Where from: Portage IN USA
*Favorite silverchair member: Chris
*Favorite silverchair song: Spawn
*Favorite silverchair CD: Freakshow
*Why I like them: I Heard Tomorrow on Mtv Back in the day and I was *like these guys are cool so i got Frogstomp and have been listening *ever since.
*Other bands I like: Nirvana, Green Day, Alchemy, Frozen, Jack in *the Pulpit, Mingo St. and Our Lady Peace



To: Schubert@uic.edu
From: Schubert@uic.edu
Subject: silver spice??

Hey everybody,

Well first of all before I go any further into my post I must say that I think Sarah's post last week was the funnist post we've ever gotten! *hehe* I just loved her ideas for the talk shows they'd be on and also the idea of silverchair and the spice girls teaming up *lol* I can just see Ben dropping his drum sticks and chasing (or just drooling at) ginger spice.. as well as all the others! *hehe* and Daniel would probably want to get like makeup and fashion advise from them *hehe* I can see him getting along with Scary spice tho.. it's strange.. and Chris.. I dunno he wouldn't be drooling over them or asking them for makup advise.. hmm maybe they could teach him how to dance or something ?? *hehe* I dunno!

The song quote of the week was - "When there is trouble well she just gets the blame.." from Undecided.. and I can't tell you how much I realate to that.. It just seems like everytime there's something that gets screwed up or my dad gets mad he always takes it out on me..

And I can't answer the question of the week cause I haven't listened to untitaled yet.. but the quote of the week I will now talk about.. " why, why do you want Ben? I guess he has nice silky hair." - Chris from some online chat they did responding to some girl who said she wanted Ben.: well that's just basicly chris being the .. um.. wonderful guy that he is! *hehe*

Alrighty that's it!


From: "slow burn decay"
Subject: i'm not asking for opinions

Hey! Ok first off I wanna say to Sarah (Chairgirl1@AOL.COM) that your post was fuckin' hilarious!! I loved the talk show ideas! And second, can we drop this thing about "Oh I am good friends with someone who is good friends with silverchair blah blah blah.... As much as I'm sure we all care =) It is getting kind of dull.

ANYWAYS, who bought the Godzilla soundtrack?? Anyone else think the majority of it is rather.... umm, crappy? IMO I think a lot of it sucks. But silverchair's Untitled kicks ass! Meghan (meghan_is_cool@yahoo.com) and I worked very hard at attempting to figure out the lyrics for it. I thought I'd send them to the list! A lot of it may or may not be corect, and as you can see some lines we still aren't sure on. If anyone has any ideas for what the lyrics actually are let the list know or something! Anyways, here they are:

UNTITLED BY SILVERCHAIR (question makrs mean not sure about the line)
Line Lyric

1 I'm just another part of town (??)
2 Internal bleeding round and round
3 & 4 And all I can think of are ways to die alone
5 A portrait of my skeletal being
6 Left selfish and hungry so feed me the pain
7 Escape reality with new pain
8 Then let the cycle start again
9 & 10 And all I can think of are ways to die alone
11 Dream of content
12 A pain ______ (the pain filled to follow) (filtered farm) (??)
13 All I can say
14 Dreams are bad when all they do is leave the truth behind
15 Dreams are bad when negativity's a state of mind
16 Dreams are bad when all they do is leave the truth behind
17 Dreams are bad...
Once again I have no idea if these are right, so don't scream down my throat if you think they are wrong!
Check ya later freakz!

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ICQ# 1729692



Welcome to the closing.. alright so it's the end of another issue and next week we will talk about the line from Roses "But I won't fall down, no I won't fall down.." the question of the week is what are your oppinions on "Untitaled" ?? and the quote of the week is..
"I'm never coming back to Santa Monica again!! The first time I come, I get hit in the head with a bottle. The second time, I get arrested" - Daniel

That's it! It's the end!
"There are a lot of wankers, and a lot of people who think they are really hardcore and cool but they're not." ~Daniel Johns
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