~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #6 06/27/97

Hey everyone! I'm really sorry that I didn't get the list out on time, but my stupid little brother was hogging the computer all last night, and I just was too tired to stay up past 2:00am (when he was still online!!). Well we have some new members, so welcome to them, and I hope you all like the list. Also Katie, who sadly left last issue has got her internet back! YAY! Welcome back Katie! And by next issue would you please identify which E-Mail address is yours out of the following: sleepy_freak@hotmail.com,dbollman@mail.techplus.com, beavis@flash.net,Slvrfreak2@aol.com,LLamagrl4@aol.com,marney@WAGGA.NET.AU, pointlisteners@JUNO.COM,geejohn@OZEMAIL.COM.AU,silverphreak@HOTMAIL.COM. Because I am trying to get together a ~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ mailing list address book together so that all of you can make some new, silverchair loving friends! The rest of you who I didn't post your E-Mail addresses I already know who you are by heart, so don't worry about letting me know on this one. Thanks!

Joanna has a mailing list out called Supper Fuzz, which is about Jokes and stuff like that and they take all the posts that they are given, and it's free. And she also has one called Total Hate which is for No Doubt fans, it has the latest No Doubt info, and it is also free. You can subscribe to Supper Fuzz at and subscribe to Total Hate at And Jenn "The Llama Grrl" Ryan and Sarah have a brand new and SUPER GREAT silverchair mailing list called (for now at least) "The Apple Dumpling Gang" It comes out, or at least is sopost to come out every day. You can E-Mail either of the moderators here:ginrye@ntr.net (Jenn "the llama grrl" Ryan) or seitzjs@kosone.com (Sarah) with questions or for more info on the list!

*Name: Joanna
*Age: 14
*Where from: California
*Favorite silverchair member: Chris
*Favorite silverchair song: No association
*Favorite silverchair CD: frogstomp
*Why you like them: The music, and Chris is really cute ; )
*What other bands you like: No Doubt, Sublime, Bush, 311, 3rd Eye Blind,
*Reel Big Fish
*Name: Tim
*Age: 15
*Where from: Waterloo, Ontario
*Favorite silverchair member: Don't have one... i'm a guy!
*Favorite silverchair song: Pop Song for Us Rejects
*Favorite silverchair CD: Freak Show
*Why you like them: They're wicked!
*What other bands you like: Our Lady Peace, Veruca Salt, Hanson, No
*Doubt, Spice Girls, and a few more...

Subject: You Can Leave Me Out Yah.. Leave Me Out..
Hello Hello!
Well, I haven't got a whole lot to post about this time, but I do want to get out my thoughts on "Leave Me Out" Well for a while, up until about two weeks ago I hadn’t really felt any bond with it or anything, but I always loved the song, and it's hella fun to mosh too! But then my Dad and I got in a HUGE fight and things got really upsetting, and so I stormed up to my room and just blasted "Leave Me Out" And I realized that, that was how I felt about my Dad. I just wanted to tell him that "You can leave me out" and that I wasn't something that he owned and he couldn't control me, and that I didn't want to have anything to do with all the crap that he was bugging me with. The line "Oh, you can lead a thrown, but I'm something0 you don't own" Just seems to fit in my life a lot lately.
I just recently got the "Freak" singles from Jerry and I was wondering who does the weird backups on the cover of "Undecided"? And does anybody have the lyrics to "Punk Song #2" I think that I know most of them, but there are a few parts that I'm not quite sure on the lyrics.
And in case anybody wants to know there was a review (and from what I've heard it doesn't even have the right set list) of The Palace show from earlier this year I think. And it kinda pissed me off the way they talked about how it was all girls and how they all were teeny bopper girls screaming "I love you Daniel/Chris/Ben" Whatever..I mean that magazine had no right to basically call all fans of silverchair teeny boppers! I mean not ALL the girls who like silverchair like them ONLY for there looks yah know? It just isn't fair. Not to mention that heaps of boys like silverchair too!
That's about it for this weeks post from me!
From: "Sarah The_Pumpkingrrrl"
To: Schubert@uic.edu
Subject: hey all you freaks
Hello! I've sorta been the silent one on the list..which is a change from me on the FML... So, what Leave Me Out means...I think that if you had to pick one song that seems to describe what silverchair is all about, this would be it. The message is that "Hey, we aren't followers." sc is not following anyone. They are conpletely original. Look at Freak Show..when is the last time you heard, Bush, for example, use timpani drums or a sitar? K, I'm straying from Leave Me Out. But that's about it. It defines them. Well, *hopefully* you'll be hearing more from me in the future.
Love, Sarah The Pumpkingrrrl
"teenyboppers are mental" ben gillies
"i just want to be me" billy corgan
"please think for me, i can't bear to" scott weiland"
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ From: "me"
To: "Schubert"
Subject: Re: Heidi
Regardless of the amount of mistakes Heidi has made, the newsletter is still great. Better than the fml, which is really annoying because anyone can join and post any crap on it they want. Usually the stuff posted is really dumb and no one cares. I'd chose this newsletter over the fml any day.
My thoughts on Leave Me Out:
Leave me out makes me feel like I just wann tell my friends that I am my own person. With the first two lines of the song "Ooh you can lead a throne but I'm something you don't own" is basically how I feel quite a bit. My mother thinks just because she's my mother she can control my life and the way I live it. Some of my friends often think they can tell me what to do as well. I just feel like saying you don't own me and therefore can't tell me what to do. It's also a great live song!!! (aren't all 'chair songs?)
To: u64247@uicvm.uic.edu
From:"Ivy Green"
Subject: Re: ~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #2 --The Spell Checked Version:)
i'm not trying to be a bitch or anything but i'm gonna be 17 in a few days so i am definitely not 14. and on the bands i like it should be HOLE not ole. but this is cool. i don't know what you mean bye trade lists though.
Post the following: i started liking silverchair when i heard tomorrow on the radio. i really liked them at first cuz the song rocks and it sounded like GRUNGE. i LOVE GRUNGE. i love the music. i hate all the stupid fuck-whore-girls that saw their gorgeousness first and liked them for that only. those kind of posers should be burned at the stake. it's ok to think they are so attractive and i do think that but SILVERCHAIR IS A BAND NOT A THREE PACK OF SEX TOYS. Adore Silverchair for the music first then drool over their looks, but remember they are still only human. oh and daniel is mine, he waved at me and only me when they left the show in phoenix. bye. love, kelly (poison ivy green)
From: "Ivy Green"
To: u64247@uicvm.uic.edu
Subject: Re: ~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #4
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 1997 19:44:19 PDT
hi everyone. in response the thing about rumors. if you hear something, especially via the internet, take it with a grain of salt. there was a great article about exactly this in the july 1997 issue of Alternative Press. someone might start a a rumor as a joke and others don't get it and pass it on as truth. just a warning. i never heard a damn thing about daniel leaving and i think the radio would be all over that one if it were true.
hello daniel. it's nice to know this little club is not solely grrrls. welcome.
bye for now. love, kelly (poison ivy green)
~*THE CLOSING*~ Welcome to the closing. Well next weeks issue should hopefully come out on time (Wensday night) and we will talk about "Cemetery" Alrighty that's it!
Keep Moshin'!
~*I Can Feel All Pain You Give Me But I Take It And Throw It Away*~
vOlCaNoGrRrL's Rawkin Home Page
with links to my veruca salt and silverchair pages
Moderatior of the ~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ Mailing list
Send posts, subscibtions, questions or comments to:Schubert@uic.edu

Check out the next issue, or two!