The Q101 Jamboree at the New World Music Theater 05/22/99

Well as some of you might know already the last couple of days have been insane for me because on Wednesday my mom basically told me that I couldn't go to the Jamboree on Saturday because she's been pretty sick and didn't think she'd be able to take me there. I was really just going nuts about that, because as all of you know silverchair mean the world to me.

Then on Thursday she sort of changed her mind and said that if I found out what time silverchair were playing she'd drive me out there and just wait in the car or something until they were done playing. But the thing was that I became really sick with some version of the flu and I could barely move.. so I didn't really think I'd be able to make it even if I could find out what time they were playing at.

Then today I had decided that I'd just watch the cyber cast since I still wasn't feeling very good and I hadn't been able to locate a place that told what time they'd be playing at, and I was super depressed about it. Especially since the stupid webcast link didn't even work! But then my mom was like "Why don't you call the theater and ask what time silverchair will be playing?" So I did and they told me 4pm. My mom said that if I felt that up to it she'd drive me right out there. Of course I didn't actually feel up to it, but I told her I did because I wasn't about to miss the chair!

After almost getting lost on the way there, we arrived at the new world theater's parking lot at about 3:58 and I rushed into the place just as silverchair's opening music began to play. Suddenly I felt all this energy and excitement and I ran to my seat in section 203 (which actually were pretty good seats and no one was in front of my so I could see perfectly). Daniel was wearing his black shirt and pants and his silver tie. Chris was in his orange adidas and a black (or maybe dark blue?) t-shirt. And Ben was of course just wearing shorts and shoes.

They opened up with "Freak" which of course was wonderful and everyone was going wild! They had two movie screen monitor type things up, but I didn't really look at them because I'd rather just watch silverchair live and look at what I choose rather than what the camera man did.

silverchair seemed really into their set and very energetic and happy, so I'm betting that the break was well worth it! Chris and Daniel were jumping around alot on the stage, and Daniel of course was doing his arm movements once again.

Next in their set was "Slave", followed by Daniel saying "Thank you chicago" or something close to that. Everyone around me was very into the music. The bunch of about 5 or so guys who must have been in their 20s were drumming along on their seats and head banging and stuff, and I saw a lot of people in silverchair shirts. I of course was singing every word along with Daniel, and screaming at the breaks *l* and trying to head bang and jump as much as you can in a seated venue. I've also noticed at the last couple of shows I've been to I've felt this need to drum along on my legs.. now I know that sounds really odd but for some reason it's fun *heh*.

Then Sam joined them and they played the best live version I've heard of "Emotion Sickness" yet! Which I guess isn't really saying all that much since I've only heard it live twice..But this time was different for me because the last time I heard it (at the 03/15/99) show was the first time I'd heard the song period, and now that I've listened to it a billion times on the CD, and declared it as my theme song, it felt a lot different to hear live. I nearly started crying during that song, which isn't a surprize cause the CD version of it always make me. I also got chills from it. During the "Get up.." part the screams were much stronger (I don't know if that's the right word..) then the CD version.

One thing I love about seeing silverchair live is that you can see that when Daniel's singing every word, it's coming straight from his heart, and I think that's something that a lot of bands live shows lack.

Then they played Israel's Son which of course got a great reaction from the audience. Then was Ana's Song (which was greeted from a LOT of screams as soon as Daniel had sung the first line), and once again I found myself near tears. Next came Suicidal Dream and after that was over Daniel said "The next song is a new song. The last one wasn't, but the one before that was. So yeah, this is new" and they played "Point of View" which I thought was one of the high lights of the show because I'd never heard that song live before.

Now I'm not sure which was next "Pure Massacre" or "The Door" but I'm pretty sure that it was "Pure Massacre". I was expecting Daniel to have the crowd sing the last "No one hears a sound" like he did last time, but instead he just screamed "No". That was followed by Daniel talking again (I'm not sure if I got this word for word, but I think it's pretty close): "Thank you Chicago! *everyone screams* It's been awhile since we've been here, so it's good to be back. What are all these people doing at those big cement blocks back there? We have big cement blocks where we're from..Newcastle! Who believes in Jesus? *everyone screams* Yeah!! Who believes in Jesus? *everyone screams* Yeah!! Who believes in Satan? *screams* Yeah! I said who here believes in Satan? *screams* yeah!! Can I get a hallelujah? *hallelujah* Can I get a hallelujah? *hallelujah* Can I get a halle-mother fucking-llujah? *halle-mother fucking-lujah*" and then of course came "The Door" and in the middle of that Daniel sort of stopped and pointed to Sam and said "Sam Hollaway on keyboards!".

After that was "Anthem for the year 2000" which was just amazing!! Daniel did the "We are the youth" echo thing with the arm movements and pointed to different areas of the audience. Something about that song live just gives me chills and stuff, I'm not really sure why.. but I just feel so motivated or something. And as it was playing I started thinking that this is the first show that they've played at on this tour that hasn't been at a club or smalish venue (the new world is HUGE!!!) and so this is the first time where it's been played in a setting sort of like the one in the dream that Daniel had that inspired the song. A lot of people were either clapping along or raising their hands in sort of a protest type of way and it just seemed very powerful.

That was the end of their set. So then I had to make my way out of the massive crowd, during which I got to meet up with my friend Stef from online which was cool. When I went and joined my mom in the car in the parking lot she said that she had the windows rolled down and got to hear their whole set really clearly (she really likes silverchair and sort of has a thing for Daniel *heh*) and she said she was singing along to the songs she knew and commented on how loud the drumming was (go Ben!) she also said that she was really impressed at how nice Daniel's voice sounded live.

The End

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