The House of Blue - Mrytle Beach, SC 06/04/99 - Internet Broadcast

Well, I just got finished listening to yet another mind blowing silverchair concert. Unfortunately this one I wasn't able to see the performance live since I live in Chicago And didn't really have a way of making it to South Carolina tonight. But at least I got to hear the internet broadcast of it right?

The performance started at about 10pm central US time, but my stupid real player Wouldn't let me hear it until they were nearly finished with "Emotion Sickness" which Was their opener. But from what I did hear of "Emotion Sickness" Daniel sounded like He had sore throat.

Next they broke right into "Israel's Son" Which of course was as great as ever. The Only disappointing thing about it was that I wasn't able to be moshing! But ah well, I'll Get to do that soon enough.

Then came "Slave" and then "Abuse me" in which Daniel added some interesting 'Ohhh's' to. At first I was sort of confused by this, but now I think they actually sounded really nice. Then they Went straight into "Pure Massacre". I think that the transition between those last two songs is very Cool, I'm not sure what it is about it that gets me..but I just love how it sounds!

After that there was a small break where Daniel talked. I tried to get as much of what he said down as he was saying it, but please let me know if I got anything wrong: "Thank you very much. Myrtle Beach is very nice.. Very coastal. This is off our Latest album" and they started to play "Ana's Song" which as usual gave me Goosebumps. "Ana's Song" was followed by a wonderful rendition of "Suicidal Dream" (I love the addition of the keyboards in it).

I was surprized not to hear "Faultline" come after "Suicidal Dream" as it has in the past, But instead they played "Point of View". But before that, Daniel talked again: "Thanks Myrtle Beach! You're very nice… Very relaxed… Very un-New York. This is off our latest album as well. I've got a Soft drink up here on stage, so sorry if you were expecting ( and here he said something else.. but I'm not Sure exactly what."

Then they began playing "Paint Pastel Princess" which I was extremely ecstatic to hear because that song Is becoming one of my very favourites on Neon Ballroom, and it's just such a beautiful and sad song. I hadn't heard that one live since the March Chicago show, and at that point I wasn't familiar with the songs On Neon Ballroom yet, so hearing it live this time was really special for me. Following that was "Madman" and once again Daniel began to talk: I'm playing this song by myself cause Ben and Chris are tired cause they played 18 holes of golf, well it was either that or water polo. I can't remember which… Actually it was water polo." And he played the solo rendition of "Tomorrow" with some different guitar parts than usual, which gave it a very cool effect.

"Tomorrow" Led into "Miss You Love" and then Daniel began on another tangent: "Yes! That's the answer to all America's problems. American's are too busy always saying no to things, but I say just say yes! I don't know what to.. but whenever anyone asks you a question, just say yes! When you're watching TV and they say 'Are you teaching your kids about the dangers of drugs?' Yes! And when someone asks you if you believe in Jesus, say yes! Does anyone here believe in Jesus? **Crowd screams yes** That's what priests should do. They should all just join rock bands instead of (something I didn't catch…) It's fucking easy! I don't know how I think up these things, I just do.. Laying awake at night.. Can I get a hallelujah? **Crowd screams hallelujah** Can I get a hallelujah? **Hallelujah** Can I get a halle-fucking lujia? **halle-fucking-lujah!" and that of course, led into "The Door"

After that was "Anthem For the Year 2000" and along with the usual "We are the youth" echo Daniel had the crowd since all the "We are the youth's" that are in the first verse, which I thought sounded rather cool. "Anthem.." as always was just fabulous live! Then they left the stage and everyone started screaming "sil-ver-chair!"

When they came back Daniel said something, and then counted "1-2-3-4" into "Satin Sheets" I was very worried about Daniel's voice at this point, since it had sounded rather hoarse to me all night, and since he had just screamed a lot on "Anthem" .. not to mention "Satin Sheets" sounds to me like it'd be hard on your voice.

Anyways, after that came "No Association". They added a slightly different opening guitar part to the song which was very spooky sounding (I'm not sure if spooky if the best word for describing it, but that's all I can think of right now..). And sadly that was it.
It seemed to me (from what I could tell from the cybercast) that they were very into the set, the music sounded excellent, Daniel was very talkative (and funny.. in his odd way of course) and it just gets me even more hyped up about the next time that I'll see them in concert!
