
Name:Christopher John Joannou
What his name means:Christ bearer(Christopher) God is gracious(John)
What he does in the band:Plays bass
Other Instruments Played:Guitar and Trumpet
Nickname:Chris, Joannou
But his fans call him..: Cithy
Birthday:November 10th 1979
Which makes him..: A Scorpio
But his moon is in..: Leo
Pet: A dog named Khan, a pug named Gus, and he just got a new dog named Kira
Siblings: Twin sister Louise and a younger sister Nicole

Other facts about Chris:

Not so long ago Chris had blue hair and as far as i know there isn't a pic of him with the blue hair
He has a girlfriend whom he's been going out with for a very long time
Is really into mechanics and would be one if he wasn't in silverchair
He was the last to join silverchair
He ocasionaly has a goatee
Wore the same outfit for every freak show tour date
He is the youngest of the three
While the guys were on the big silverchair break he helped coach his 7y/o cousin's soccer team
He likes banannas
His favourite 'American' food is chilli fries
He's left handed
Recently enjoyed seeing "There's Something About Mary"
He couldn't tell you a thing about Marine Biology, although he studied it for 2 years in school
Acording to Daniel, if he were a spice girl he'd be Sporty Spice
Also acording to Daniel a dream of Chirs' is to be a race car driver


On the topic of cold sore cream:

"ok! when daniel gets on stage, and he sees like, ugly female, he has this reaction to just...scream. and like, i reckon it's heaps funny, cause the crowd thinks it's cute, but they don't know what he's screaming at!"

"elvis presley is alive. I saw him the other day. yeah, he does (live in newcastle) he lives next door."

"Never be a dumbass and walk outside naked, 'cos your friends will lock the door. Trust me, i know from experience"

"we used to have spurts of stupidness"

"I'm gonna sit ringside and watch it..."

"You can see the stars in Newcastle"

"Ben wants to answer this question.. I don't know why.."

"First I said it as a joke. Then I said no, I'm going to do it. And I set a day, I said the first day of christmas holiday and I went home and did it! i just thought oh, this is so much more better! And there's no more worries - you know, just get up and go you know. Don't have to worry about having a big old mangled knot in the back of your head, you know, just waking up with bedhead and stuff like that, you know. Short hair's heaps better."

"I must admit that I was a bit nervous after our big break in 98.. But I'm back!"

Click here to see a brand new picture of Chris!! 12/24/00

quick! get off this page before it's too late!!!