The Round Ups

What was your most traumatic childhood experience? "Got attacked by a German Shepherd. He bit me on the hand and scared the shit out of me."
-Chris Joannou

"When my foreskin broke."
-Ben Gillies

"I used to have an Attention Deficit Disorder type ting and I used to chuck a lot of tantrums. I don't know if it was traumatic for me, but it probably was for my parents."
-Daniel Johns

What was your biggest morning after disaster?

"I drank two bottles of red wine in 20 minutes at a party. I came home and passed out in my bed and I had to get up the next morning and go to school. My head was going to explode. I was spewing for a bit - for four hours, constantly. I think Ben carried me home"
-Daniel Johns

"None yet - get back to me after the next tour."
-Chris Joannou

"When I wake up and my sheets are sticky."
-Ben Gillies
What’s the most bizarre thing you’ve witnessed from stage?

“A guy and a girl actually having sex in the front row. Somewhere in Australia, I think.”
-Chris Joannou

“Guys urinating on the crash barrier.”
-Ben Gillies

“I saw a guy having sex with a girl in the crowd.”
-Daniel Johns

What song do you wish you wrote?

“The Song Remains The Same – Led Zeppelin.”
-Chris Joannou

“Custard Pie – Led Zeppelin”
-Ben Gillies

“Stairway To Heaven.”
-Daniel Johns

If you could invite any three historical figures to dinner, who would they be?

“John Bonham, Michael Jordan and Dolly Parton.”
-Ben Gillies

“Ian McKaye, Steve Albini and Henry Rollins.”
-Daniel Johns

Who would leave you starstruck?

"No one really because if there was someone I wanted to meet I would want to ask them a million questions"
-Chris Joannou

"John Bonham - although he's dead. As for living, probably Danny Carey from Tool."
-Ben Gillies

"Ian McKaye, Steve Albini and Henry Rollins"
-Daniel Johns

What would people be most surprised to hear about you?

"This isn't fit for print"
-Chris Joannou

"I have a 10-incher. No joking -- It's the truth!" -Ben Gillies

"That I'm actually quite tough. Really" -Daniel Johns

What's the oddest question you've ever been asked?
"Someone once asked Ben if he ever got a hard-on in school when talking to a lady teacher."
-Chris Joannou

"I was asked what I would do if I was in school and had to stand up and answer a question and I had a boner. I said, 'I would have to do a quick tuck'"
-Ben Gillies

"Can't remember one in particular. A guy asked me if I wanted to marry him once. He was quite good looking, but I told him I didn't think so."
-Daniel Johns

What's the first record you owned?"
"AC/DC's Razor's Edge" - Chris Joannou

"I used to like Paula Abdul..." - Ben Gillies

"Deep Purple's In Rock" - Daniel Johns

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