What's been changed?

::071299:: Added update area. Updated Ben and Daniel''s bio's. Fixed all dead links on the link page, and added some new picture links.

::071399:: Added another picture links in the link page. Joined a new webring. Added two more back issues of ~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~.

::071799:: Well I suppose it's actually 0718 now but it's only like 12:02am. Anyway I just added a link and updated my trade page.

::073099:: I updated my trade list a bit, added something to the group info area and changed some html stuff around a bit in various sections.

::080199:: Added two new interviews to the interviews/articles section thanks to two awesome friends.

::080399:: Updated trade list

::080599:: Updated trade list some more...Added the vote for my page in the page for the year 2000 thingy(and remember you can only vote once or my page will be taken out of the race!) and a new award.

::080899:: Added new pictures to the guy's bio areas and to the group area. Fixed the broken html for the page for the year 2000 thing... so vote vote vote!!

::081999:: Updated trade list and took down the member bio area of ~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ because it's a bit redundent since once all the issues are up you'll be able to read all member bios in there.

::082799:: Updated trade list and links area

::090199:: Added new questions from recent Metal Edge issues to the "Round Up" question area of the interview page. Updated trade list.

::090599:: Fixed some broken links and images, added more info to the group section, updated my trade list.

::091399:: Updated trade section, added a bunch to Ben, Chris, Daniel, and the group areas.

::092499:: Added two new articles to the interview/articles area and updated trade list.

::100299:: Changed main page a bunch, added a new quote to Daniel's area, added a new link, a new roundup question/answers to the collection of them in the interview/articles area, updated my trade list.

::100499:: Updated trade list, added new info to the group area and also to Ben and Chris' pages.

::102299:: Added four more back issues of ~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~, updated trades, added a new roundup question/response from Metal Edge, and added more links.

::102399:: Added two more back issues of ~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~

::110999:: Added two new interviews and updated trade page.

::112199:: Updated the Metal Edge "Round Ups."

::120199:: Updated trade list.

::120399:: Updated trade list again.

::122599:: Updated trade listy

::010500:: Updated links, Daniel bio, awards, scfreaks history, and I took off the link to vote for the page for the year 2000 contest as it's now over (this page got #28)

::010700:: Fixed some stuff on the main page and added a new q/a to the Metal Edge Round Up area

::012400:: Updated main page

::021500:: Updated trade list and scfreaks area

::022300:: Udated trade list.. again

::121600:: Started trading again and added new interview with Daniel.

::122400:: Added new photo to Chris' section, new quotes to Daniel's.

::122500:: Added Ben's top 10 favourite albums of 2000 to his bio area

::082107:: Removed last names and other personal details from archive of scfreaks mailing list.

Go check the new stuff out!