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Hello. You must be wondering "What The Hell Is This!?!?" WELL....this is my personal Web Ring. At this point you must be wondering "What The Hell Is This!?!?" Well just forget about. Just join it now. There are only a few requirements:
  1. Have a Web Page.
  2. Join my webring.
  3. Put the fragment on your page.
  4. Visit my site every once in a while for updates.
  5. Promote MY page. Just a little bit, please.
  6. Shave your head. Promote world peace. Buy flowers. Go to airports and hand them out while dancing around singing incoherent gibberish about pink lambs taking over the Earth. Recruit others. Stand naked on street corners prophesizing the end of the world. Leave you family and move to a strange house in California that you share with all the other members. Do my biding. And kill yourself because you think I will take you with me to a planet via and spaceship travaling behind a comet named Bob.
Sweet deal, eh? Come on you know you really want to. So what do you say? If you want to join this webring click on here now (that way you can't read the real contract on the way bottom that states that you will sell your immortal soul to me). Click on this.

Web Ring submission page.

So did you do it? You better have. I didn't just sit here wasting my time making up a stupid webring page for nothing. I meen what good is a webring if no one takes the time to join it? Come On!

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Phoenix Fire.

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Webring for Webring Managers

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I Have No Idea What This One Is, I Just Saw A Line And Stood In There, Just Like I Did In The Army

A Member of the Silly Goose Clubİ

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