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Needs Assessment:

This curriculum project is being developed to meet the growing needs of students and educators integrating modern technology in the classroom. Technology is growing so vastly that it is important being aware that there are other methods of learning.

This project on, "Elements of Folklore," includes legends, myths, and folk tales of long ago. They also include heroes of old legends and the superheroes of today. Folklore can be defined as all the traditions, customs, and stories that are passed along by word of mouth in a culture.

This unit is designed for 6th grade students, they will learn to appreciate literature and recognize it in different forms. Students will be able to define Folklore- myths, fables, legends, and folktales. They will write a tall tale and identify with their own heroes. Students will create their own creation myth on the web. They will be exposed to technology by using the Internet to work on this lesson.

Needs addressed:

This unit, Elements of Folklore in the internet addresses several issues:

1. It allows exposure to modern technology. (the internet)

2. Students can work individually on the internet at their own pace.

3. It satisfies the Illinois State Education Goals and Standards for Language Arts and Social Studies.


Illinois Learning Standard:

4. Using modern technology immediate feedback will be provided. (Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and interpersonal.)

Who will it serve:

This unit on Elements of Folklore will serve 6th grade students studying Language arts and social studies and anyone else interested in folklore.

Why is this needed:

To maintain students interested in literature by using modern technology.

Philosophical and theoretical basis for unit:

The Elements of Folklore unit in the internet is flexible and it can be worked on at anyone's own pace.


1. Read with understanding and fluency.

2. Understand explicit and implicit meaning in literature representing individual, community, national world, and historical perspectives.

3. Write to communicate for a variety of purposes.

4. Use the Language Arts for inquiry and research to acquire, organize, analyze, evaluate, and communicate information.

Illinois Learning Standard: