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Student Section


This project addresses the following Illinois Learning Standards:

1.A.3a, 2.A.3b, 2.A.3c, 2A.3d, 2.B.3b, 2.B.3c,

   Content Information:

The information in this unit will help you understand some of the common themes, terms and purposes of folklore. It will teach you valuable lessons about living. You will be able to compare and contrast great heroes.

This unit will allow you to use modern technology (the internet).

You will be able to use the computer, work independently, and at your own pace.



You will need to complete four activities using the world wide web.

Using your computer skills:

Compare and contrast myths from various cultures. (25 Points)

Write a contemporary creation myth of your own in the internet. (30 Points)

Present a myth you find on-line to the class in an oral presentation. (15 Points)

Complete a test on elements of folklore. (30 Points)


Click on these Links to work on your lessons:

  Lesson 1

Objective: Enrich reading by making connections with modern heroes.

Procedure: Look up the meaning of Myths, Folk Tales, Fables, & Legends.

Create a word web with "folklore" in the middle, then add details. (meaning).

Look through these web-sites for ideas and understanding.

The Encyclopedia Mythica
FolkloreFolklore,Myths, & Legends , Legends & Myths in Cornwall
Greek Gods , The Roman Gods and Godessess, Little Myths

Greek Mythology, directory of creative, artistic, literary, and inspiring aspects.

Greek Mythology in text, images, tables, and maps

Lesson 2
Objective: To examine the concept of myth (write about prior knowledge). Expand and master vocabulary
Enrich reading by making connections with modern heroes
  1. In an well-organized paragraph tell me what you know about myths.
  2. Find some myths in the internet.(Compare different myths )
  3. Click on Greek Gods.
Lesson 3

Objective: Enrichment by making connections with modern heroes

Procedure: You will create your own creation myth.
                  You  will share oral reports on gods & goddesses. Create a myth explaining common natural occurrences ( the rising and setting of the sun, the cause of the rain or snow, the nature of clouds).

 Click, Create your own creation myth

Click, Great Heroes

Lesson 4

Objective: Making connections with modern heroes.

Procedure:  Compare and contrast modern heroes with great heroes.

Modern Heroes

Great Heroes

Lesson 5

State Goals 1 & 2

Objective: To express understanding of folktales ( write about prior knowledge).

Expand and master vocabulary

To enrich reading by making connections

Pocedure: Folktales
Lesson 6
State Goals 1 & 2
Objective: To express understanding of fables (students can write about prior knowledge
Procedure: : Aesop's Fabels
Lesson 7

State Goals 1 & 2

Objective: To express understanding of legends (students can write about prior knowledge
Procedure: Legends & Myths in Cornwall Lesson 8

State Goals

Procedure: Final Exam Folktale Quiz