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Objectives :


 Multicultural Connections:


Links: Ask Eric Lesson Plans
The Encylopedia Mythica


Lesson 1
State Goals 2 & 5

Objective: Students will understand and appreciate folklore

        Students will recognize strategies for reading folklore.
  1. Explain to students that "folk" means people and "lore" means information. Stress that folklore is not only the stories of groups of people but also their arts, crafts, games, sayings, celebrations, and so on. Ask students to share examples of folklore in their heritage.
  2. Teacher has students look up the meaning of Myths, Folk Tales, Fables, & Legends.
  3. Students will create a word web with "folklore" in the middle, and they will add details. (meaning)
Lesson 2

State Goals 3 & 4

Objective: To examine the concept of myth (students can write about prior knowledge).

Expand and master vocabulary

Enrich reading by making connections with modern heroes.


  Procedure: Student clicks on, Greek Gods

Assign research on Gods or Goddesses for an oral report (5 minutes).

Students will create  their own creation myth.

 Lesson 3

State Goals 1 & 2

Objective: Enrich reading by making connections with modern heroes

Listen and respond critically to gain knowledge from spoken messages.


Procedure: Students will share oral reports on gods & goddesses.

Create a myth explaining common natural occurrences ( the rising and setting of the sun, the cause of the rain or snow, the nature of clouds).
             Students will create their own myth on the web.       Create your own creation myth  ,

Students will relate to, Great Heroes  Lesson 4

State Goals 2 & 4

Objective: Making connections with modern heroes.

Procedure: Students can compare and contrast heroes with

Modern Heroes

Great Heroes


Lesson 5

State Goals 3 & 4

Objective: To express understanding of folktales (students can write about prior knowledge).

Expand and master vocabulary

                  Enrich reading by making connections with modern heroes.

Pocedure: Folktales

  Folktales, fairy tales,


Lesson 6

State Goals 1 & 2

Objective: To express understanding of fables (students can write about prior knowledge
Procedure: Aesop's Fabels
Lesson 7

State Goals 1 & 2

Objective: To express understanding of legends (students can write about prior knowledge)
Procedure: Legends & Myths in Cornwall
Lesson 8

State Goals

Procedure: Final exam