WillisD vs Chris Carpenter
Best 2 Out of 3 Pinfalls Count Anywhere
MWF Violent Attack PPV - March 26, 2000The screen is then filled with a promo: "We Are In This Together" by Nine Inch Nails is heard. WillisD is seen defeating Chris Carpenter at MWF Fight Of A Lifetime last month. The shot then shows WillisD winning the MWF Heavyweight Title that same night. It then shows Chris Carpenter's interview where he claims that WillisD used a foreign object to win the match. WillisD is then heard: "Chris "Pointless" Carpenter versus WillisD for MY World Title! See Carpenter, this Sunday, I will defend MY World Title for only the second time. After Sunday, I plan on defending MY World Title numerous times. What that means for you is, that you will get your shot at MY World Title, but you will lose, and lose badly at the hands of THE Best Damn Wrestler in the MWF!" WillisD is then heard saying "Sunday night, March 27, 2000. The MWF Violent Attack Pay Per View match between Chris Carpenter and myself for MY World Title will be a Best 2 Out Of 3 Falls, No DQ, No Countout, Pinfalls Count Anywhere, affair!" as the words "NO DQ - 2/3 FALLS - FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE" appear on the screen before the scene fades to black.The shot then fades back into the arena, where Rob Zombie's "Dragula" is playing, signaling the entrance of Chris Carpenter.
MILES: "Here's the challengers, former MWF Heavyweight Champion Chris Carpenter!"
The crowd boos, and a "Pointless" chant starts up as Carpenter enters the ring. Carpenter mocks the crowd in his usual cocky way, and he waits for WillisD to enter. Then, "Bow Down" by The Westside Connection, is heard, and WillisD steps through the curtain. He walks down to the ring, with his usual cocky attitude. He enters the ring, and holds the title in the air.MILES: "And there's the MWF Heavyweight Champion, WillisD!"
JONES: "Here we go!"
WillisD and Chris Carpenter face off in the center of the ring. They stare at each other, and trash talk for a few seconds, before locking up. Carpenter pushes WillsD back into the corner, and he starts to punch in him in the head a few times, before the referee breaks it up.MILES: "These guys really hate each other!"
SKEET: "Yeah, that's pretty obvious!"
The two men trash talk each other a bit more, before finally locking up again. This time WillisD grabs Carpenter, and he locks him in a headlock. He then drives Carpenter down to the mat. WillisD then stands up, and he starts to stomp on Carpenter. He then pulls Chris up, and he Irish whips him off of the ropes. Carpenter ducks a clothesline, and then he hits WillisD with a dropkick to the face! Carpenter then pounces on WillisD, and he starts unloading on him with a series of punches!MILES: "This is intense!"
Carpenter then stands up, and he slides out of the ring. He picks up a steel chair from the outside, and he re-enters the ring, just as WillisD is standing up. Carpenter then swings the chair at his head, but WillisD ducks the shot. He then kicks Carpenter in the chest, grabs the chair, and levels Carpenter with it!MILES: "What a shot!"
SKEET: "That even hurts to watch!"
WillisD then goes for the cover! 1
..kickout by Carpenter!MILES: "Carpenter avoids the first fall of the match!"
WillisD then pulls Carpenter up from the mat, and he tosses him out of the ring. He then follows Carpenter to the outside. WillisD reaches under the ring, and he pulls out a table! The crowd starts to cheer as WillisD sets the table up at ringside! WillisD then pulls Carpenter to his feet, and he throws him on top of the table! WillisD then climbs onto the ring apron! He then leaps off of the apron at Carpenter! Carpenter moves out of the way, and WillisD goes through the table!MILES: "Wow! Nice job by Carpenter, moving out of the way!"
JONES: "He didn't really have a choice, it was either move off of the table, or get squashed!"
SKEET: "Really? Damn, youre a smart guy, dumbass!"
Chris Carpenter then stands up, and he goes for the cover on WillisD! 1
.kickout! Carpenter then pulls WillisD up, and he throws him over the guardrail, into the crowd! Carpenter then climbs the guardrail, and he leaps at WillisD, hitting him with a flying axe handle smash! Carpenter then pulls WillisD up off of the floor, and he continues to attack him, as the two men fight through the crowd. Carpenter then tries to throw WillisD into a nearby wall, but WillisD stops himself, and he sends Carpenter into the wall!MILES: "We knew that this match would be out of control!"
As Chris Carpenter staggers backwards, WillisD sets up, and he hits him with The SuperD, in the back of the head! Carpenter falls forwards, crashing into the wall once again, before falling to the floor!MILES: "SuperD! This could be the first fall!"
WillisD then falls on Carpenter with an elbow drop to the heart, before going for the cover! 1
.3!MILES: "The first fall has been awarded to WillisD!"
SKEET: "There will now be a thirty second break for both men to regain their energy, if they can!"
After the break, both men are back up on their feet. WillisD grabs Carpenter, and he kicks him in the chest, and then he sets him up for a piledriver! Carpenter drops to his knees, and he hits WillisD with a low blow! Carpenter then stands up, and he DDTs WillisD to the floor! Carpenter then pulls WillisD back up to his feet, and he starts to drag him back towards the ring. He stops at the guardrail, and he smashes WillisD's head into the barrier, before climbing back over. He then grabs a steel chair, and he smashes WillisD over the head with it! As Carpenter walks past the announce table, Skeet stands up, and he grabs Carpenter, and he smashes his head into the table!MILES: "What the hell was that!?"
SKEET: "Once again, I have no idea what youre talking about!"
The actions of Skeet give WillisD enough time to regain himself, and stand up again. As Carpenter stands up to face WillisD, WillisD charges at him, hitting him with a clothesline! WillisD then reaches under the ring, and he pulls out another table! He sets this one up beside Carpenter, but Carpenter manages to hit WillisD with a chop block from behind, knocking his legs out from under him! Carpenter then sets WillisD up, and he powerbombs him through the table!
MILES: "Wow! What a vicious powerbomb!"
Chris Carpenter then covers WillisD! 1
..3!MILES: "Chris Carpenter just got a fall!"
SKEET: "We're even at one-a-piece now!"
After the thirty second break, the match resumes. Carpenter pulls WillisD up, and he slams his head into the guardrail, before throwing him into the ring! Carpenter then picks up the ring bell, and he climbs to the top ropes. As WillisD stands up, Carpenter leaps off of the ropes, and he smashes the bell on WillisD's head, splitting him open! Chris Carpenter then goes for the cover!MILES: "This could be it! We could have a new champion!"
..kickout by WillisD!MILES: "How did WillisD kick out of that!?"
Chris Carpenter stands up, and swears, upset that he did not get the three count. He pulls WillisD up, and he suplexes him to the mat. He then starts to angrily stomp on WillisD, and then he starts to unload on him with a series of punches!MILES: "It looks like Carpenter is getting frustrated!"
JONES: "WillisD just won't stay down!"
Chris Carpenter then pulls WillisD to his feet, and he sets him up for The Oh Canada!MILES: "If he hits it, it's over!"
WillisD shifts his weight, grabs Carpenter's head, and he manages to hit him with a variation of a DDT!MILES: "What a move by WillisD!"
WillisD then slowly stands up, and he waits for Carpenter to stand up. As Carpenter stands up, WillisD steps forward, and he hits Carpenter with The SuperD, right in the center of the ring!MILES: "The S
JONES: "The SuperD! It could be over!"
MILES: "Hey!"
JONES: "Well why do you always get to say the cool lines like that!?"
SKEET: "Ah shut up and watch the damn match already!"
WillisD then goes for the cover! 1
.3!MILES: "WillisD gets the third and final fall, winning the match!"
WINNER, AND STILL MWF HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: WILLISD BY PINFALL!WillisD stands up, and he wipes the blood off of his forehead!MILES: "Wow! What a match! That was CLOSE!"
JONES: Both of these men are amazing athletes!"
SKEET: "And so am I!"
WillisD is handed the MWF Heavyweight Title, and he holds it above his head!MILES: "What a night it has been! We'll see you next month for MWF Massive Eradication!"
A bloody WillisD is seen standing in the ring as Terror walks down to the ring to celebrate with him!