WillisD vs PIE Master
Finals of MWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament
MWF Fight of a Lifetime PPV - February 27, 2000Both WillisD and PIE Master's previous matches are highlighted, and then they are shown winning their respective semi-final matches. Then, PIE Master's music hits, and he walks down to the ring.--- MWF CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT! – FINAL! ---- PIE Master VS. WillisD
MILES: "Look at the determination on PIE Master’s face!"
Then, WillisD's theme is heard, and he makes his way down the ramp, also looking very determined!MILES: "This match has all the makings of a classic ladies and gentlemen!"
WillisD enters the ring. Suddenly, "MachineHead" by Bush is heard! Rick, the president and owner of the MWF makes his way down to the ring with the MWF Heavyweight Title over his shoulder! He enters the ring, and he hands the belt to the referee. The ref holds it high in the air! Rick shakes hands with both WillisD and PIE Master, before leaving the ring. He walks over to the commentary table, and sits down.MILES: "Welcome to the broadcast booth Rick!"
RICK: "I just had to watch this match from up close, it should be amazing!"
Both PIE Master and WillisD looks at the MWF Heavyweight Title, and then they look at each other. They walk to the center of the ring, and meet face-to-face. Then, both men extend their hands out, and the two men shake hands!RICK: "These two men are great friends! I used to work with them, and they have the greatest amount of respect for each other in the world! However, with The MWF Heavyweight Title on the line, it means that no matter how much they respect each other, they're still going to give it their all tonight!"
The two men look at each other, and then they lock up. WillisD pushes PIE backwards, into the corner. The two men then break away from each other cleanly, and the match resumes. They lock up again, and this time PIE grabs WillisD arm, and he slams on WillisD's elbow, sending WillisD to the mat! Then, PIE stomps on WillisD, and he kicks him in the ribs. PIE then pulls WillisD up, and he hits him with a DDT. PIE then pulls WillisD over to the corner, and he climbs to the top ropes! WillisD stands up, and he catches PIE as he is climbing! WillisD then tosses PIE off of the ropes, down to the mat! WillisD then climbs the ropes, and as PIE stands up, WillisD leaps off of the ropes, hitting PIE with a flying clothesline! WillisD then pulls PIE up, and he hits him with a piledriver! WillisD then grabs PIE, and he locks him in a reverse chinlock. PIE struggles in the move, but he eventually manages to make his way over to the ropes! WillisD then breaks the hold. PIE Master stands up, and WillisD runs off of the ropes, leaping at PIE with a flying crossbody! PIE sidesteps the move, and WillisD flies over the ropes, to the outside!MILES: "Wow! What height there!"
RICK: "That looked painful!"
PIE Master the turns around, and he launches himself over the ropes, onto WillisD on the outside! PIE then starts to unload on WillisD with a series of punches!MILES: "What a move by PIE Master!"
PIE Master then walks over, and he picks up the ring stairs! He places the stairs on the ground beside WillisD, and then he sets him up for a piledriver onto the stairs! WillisD blocks the move, and then he hits PIE Master with a back bodydrop onto the floor! WillisD then climbs from the stairs to the guardrail! As PIE Master stands up, WillisD leaps off of the guardrail, and he hits PIE Master with a flying clothesline!MILES: "Wow! Both men really going all out tonight!"
JONES: "The MWF Heavyweight Title is on the line, of course they’re giving their all!"
WillisD then picks up PIE Master, and he throws him into the ring. WillisD slowly follows PIE into the ring. WillisD walks over to PIE, and PIE manages to hit him with a drop toehold! PIE then slowly stands up, and he walks over to WillisD. PIE then stomps on the knee of WillisD, before locking him in a figure-four!MILES: "Very smart of PIE, taking out WillisD legs so he can't hit The SuperD!"
WillisD struggles in the hold, but he cannot break free. WillisD struggles even more, but PIE clamps down on the hold! WillisD then uses all of his strength, and he turns PIE Master over, putting the pressure on PIE's knee now! PIE slowly starts to crawl across the ring, in great pain. He finally reaches the ropes, breaking the hold!MILES: "PIE reaches the ropes!"
The referee unwraps the legs of the two men. They both slowly stand up, using the ropes for leverage. Suddenly, WillisD steps forward, and he hits PIE with The SuperD!MILES: "The SuperD! This could be it! Wait, I don't think WillisD can get over to cover PIE!"
WillisD's other leg gives out on him, and he falls to the mat along with PIE! WillisD slowly crawls over to PIE, and he makes the cover! 1…….2………PIE kicks out!MILES: "Wow! PIE Master just kicked out of the SuperD! WillisD was weakened and he couldn't make the cover right away! That gave PIE Master the chance to get just enough energy to kick out!"
RICK: "Both of these men have fought twice already today, and they're exhausted!"
WillisD slowly stands up, using the ropes for help. PIE Master slowly stands up as well. WillisD swings at PIE's head with a punch, but PIE ducks it! He then hits WillisD with a kick to the chest! He follows that up with The Last Piece!MILES: "The Last Piece! That could end it!"
PIE Master falls backwards, unable to turn WillisD over for the cover! He then slowly sits up, and rolls WillisD over to his back! PIE then goes for the cover! 1……2…..kickout by WillisD!MILES: "Wow! WillisD has just kicked out of The Last Piece!"
RICK: "What is it going to take to keep either of these men down!?"
Both men slowly stand up one more time. PIE then hits WillisD with a kick to the leg, sending WillisD crashing to the mat. PIE Master then sets WillisD up, and he hits him with a piledriver! PIE Master then slowly stands up. He walks over to the corner, and starts to climb the ropes!MILES: "PIE Master’s gonna fly!"
PIE Master then leaps off of the ropes, as WillisD is getting to his feet!MILES: "This could be it!"
Suddenly, WillisD manages to look up, and he hits PIE with The SuperD in mid-air as PIE is coming off the ropes! PIE Master hits the mat with a thud!MILES: "The SuperD! WillisD kicked PIE Master with The SuperD as he was coming off the ropes! What a move!"
WillisD slowly crawls over to PIE Master and he covers him! 1……..2………..3!MILES: "It's over! WillisD is the new MWF Heavyweight Champion!"
WINNER, AND NEW MWF HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: WILLISD BY PINFALL!WillisD slowly pulls his way up the ropes, as the referee hands him the MWF Heavyweight Title!MILES: "Wow! What a match! This was an amazing display of athleticism!"
JONES: "Both of these men battle through three matches tonight, and WillisD managed to prevail over his friend PIE Master in the finals!"
RICK: "THAT is what the MWF is all about ladies and gentlemen!"
PIE Master slowly stands up, and he looks over at WillisD. Both men look at each other, and they extend their hands once again! The two men shake hands in the center of the ring! PIE Master then raises WillisD's arm in the air as WillisD holds the MWF Heavyweight Title above his head!MILES: "What a match! What respect by both of these men! Pit Members, friends, and MWF SuperStars!