Name: WillisD
Real Name: Will Dent
Birthday: 6-25-79
Hometown: St. Louis, MO(born in St. John's, IL){vaction home in Willisville, IL}
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 225 lbs
Alignment: Heel
Finisher: SuperD(crescent kick)
Set Up: BigD(Sky High Power Bomb)
Entrance Music: Bow Down - West Side Connection
Favorite Quote: "Sucks To Be You"
Nicknames: D & Mr. PPV
Gimmick: A cocky young "kid" who made it big fast. He may be too good for his own good and he knows it. Along with that, he lets everyone know that he knows it.
Appearence: He has blue and black dred locks that hang all over his head. The sides and back of his head are shaved very thin. He has side burns that go down to the end of his ears. His eyes are blue and he has a very thin black goatee. He has a WD tatoo on his right arm with the letters in old english type, the W in black and the D in blue. He is very cut, as you can see the definition in his arms, back, chest, and abs. He wears black pant tights with blue D's all over the legs. His tatoo in blue on the ass of his tights. He wears black boots with a Superman shield with the letter D in it on the outside of his left boot.