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Links to Homepages of my Friends

As I've traveled the Internet, and through life itself, I've had the pleasure of meeting several wonderful people. Many of these people have created Web-Pages of their own, and this page will link you to them. These are people of High Quality of whom I care about very much. By no means does this list do justice to ALL those I know, but merely those of whom I know of their Web-Site. Visit them all, and enjoy the journey as you are introduced to some of the most wonderful people I've come to know.

Miss Evie's Site - A most lovely young lady whom I love dearly. My Net-buddy.

Mad Dog's Party Page - Marines!

Shahira's Utopia - A site from a Lovely Woman of whom I feel honored to be counted among her friends...

TarHeel's Homepage - A good friend of mine, both in Real Life as well as on the Internet

Sir Jonah's Site - A Navy Man of Honor. A Good person to know, he is...

Pure Royalty's Castle - A site of a friend of mine who has an natural gift for Poetry, as well as an interesting outlook on life. Good Reading!

Wolverine's Homepage - A friend of much Honor!
