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A Knight’s Surrender

Take this Sword
Tear open this Armor
And bear my soul

Open into the light
That which has been hidden
Perhaps in shame

All manners of darkness have I faced
From this world and beyond
With the worst being within

Death at my hand
Cloaked in justifications of Honor
But final nonetheless

I stood for purpose
I fought for glory
With many deaths to my credit

How many causes were just
How many enemies alike in their quest
Thinking themselves as honored as I

No answers to find absolution
No glory remains
Only memories of demise

Where find I the Honor in murder
By any other name
A death caused by my sword

In defense of my own life
With grace and code
I fought along side brothers

Men of the Kingdom
Knights of the Cause
Murderers like myself

The Sword rests here
To be found by another
My heart is weary

The Armor that protected my flesh
It reflects light and majesty
Though an illusion of truth it is

A mask to hide the shame
A Sword to strike in lies
A heart to suffer eternally

The Kingdom will find another
The Wars will continue
My day has passed

Take from me this weapon
Claim the shield for yourself
No longer will I

No longer will I kill…