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Limericks and Other Fun Verse

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Chinchilla I

                  There once was a furry chinchilla,
                  Who went by the name Fin Willa.
                       He spent all the day,
                       Eating roses and hay,
                  And if you rubbed him wrong, he'dkillya.

Chinchilla II

                   My chinchilla's name is dodger.
                   He's an awfully clever ole' codger.
                       He whines and he squeals.
                       Till I bring him his meals.
                    Which makes him a very bad lodger. 

( the above actually true. )

The Doctor From Scanectedy

                    There once was a doc from Scanectedy.
                    All his skeletel bones re-connected he.
                        But when he was done.
                        He was still minus one.
                    And now of a shin is berefted he.

Ode to Broken Arrow

                    We spend summers at Broken Arrow,
                    Where space between camps is narrow.
                          The animals are sure fun.
                          And there's a lake at deer run,
                    Where we catch fish by the barrel.

(This is a campground we go to.)

Other Silly Stuff

Bills, Bills, Bills...

                     I got three more bills today,
                     All marked priority mail.
                     Only thirty days to pay,
                     Or I will go to jail.

                     "What to do?" I said.
                     "When I don't have what I owe `em?"
                      So I  burned the bills instead,
                      And then I wrote this poem.

A Doggeral Thought

                   The harmony of nature is unsurpassed.
                   And we are not above it.
                   Do what you can to make it last.
                   Or your children will know nothing of it.

(It's a slogan/thought for the day kinda thing.)

Oddly enough T.F. Ragsdale admits to writting the above verses.
