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Just before the sun set

I took a walk with him along the beach.
The cool breeze whispered
into our ears.
It called our names
and sang our love.
He took me
and held me close.
Gave me a soft kiss
and smiled.
I held him too
kissed him before he
was gone.
Whispered to his ears,
those words that he longed to hear.
just before the sun set.


Haphazard I search through tattered dreams and an old broken heart. Haphazard of a trusting gaze I take his benign hand. Haphazard of his angelic beam I look into the vicinity of my heart to see a trust lying there. I am not secure with his leer his locution speaks to my soul. It is what he says that seeps into my haphazard soul. Abruptly trusting his trusting gaze, his benign hand and angelic beam we linger on til forever is departed. Melissa Kraus

daisy is for sale liquid pain tainted with death cuddely puppy stillborn breath the world is empty thiers nowone left to see the sunflower die monkey child and fried ice cream plastic love american dream we are all gods simple things will we ever grow our wings? children gathered in disgrase men in battle, hate in homes place all ashamed wear the plastic face just to hide in the dark again Matt Smith

whatever when i aproach my anger, power when everyones blood turns sour when our flesh lay twisted on our spindely bones when burning masses are our homes thats when were alone with company alone. Matt smith

retreat rip the wings off crushed black heart i am dead cold limp hard i drown in what i have created sufering ever so long everything i do is hated i am alone hate i am wrong matt smith

Sunrise over the mountains, The blooming of a deep red rose. Beauty of life and the challenge of love. Daring eyes, Resilient hair, soothing as a touch. Devilish just as much. Vulnerable comes man to apply, Wretched carries the answer. Dirty marks his reputation. Blasphemous chimes his request. She quiets much distress, He had no chance. No way in hell, She settles for nothing short of the best. It's not fair.... It's not just... He needs an outlet for his weary lust. Or maybe companionship, Not sleaze. He knows nothing of what he really needs. Hoping for someone that won't look away. Listens to his words as if he hides something important to speak. e-mail at Ryan Davis

Broken Heart You said you'd always love me, You said you'd always care, But now you've gone and left me, And haven't been so fair. I miss those days together, I miss those full moon nights, Why did this have to happen? Why did we have to fight? I haven't gotten over you, Though you've gotten over me, I miss you so much, Why can't you just see? And now I'm alone, Wishing you were here, And when you don't come, I shed a single tear. Jae Mishler
