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Unjust High School Rules

There are many unjust and unconstitutional rules in High School handbooks. I will show the rules that are unjust, why they are unjust, and how we can fight them and not get into any real trouble. Also I provide warnings on the limits of our rights in school. These rules are found in the WVHS handbook and just about every other high school handbook that I have seen.

Public Display of Affection

I think having a rule like this helps the administration and parents believe that teens are not being physical with eachother. They think that as long as they don't see displays of affection then they don't happen at other times. Out of site and out of mind.

Using Vulgar and/or Abusive Language or Gestures

You can say what you want to say at any time.Warning But the constitution says you cannot be slanderous or use "fighting words". The school has the law on their side, sadly we do not have the same rights in school as we do out. The law says that if what you are saying may cause a fight or disrupt the education process then you can get in trouble. Teachers can use anything as a disruption of the education process. For example if the teacher has to stop what he/she is doing then in the administrations eyes that is a disruption. Be careful

Distributing Literature Not Approved

The schools control dies not extend to student publications that are not sponsored or funded by schools, not done as part of a class or school project, or done on your own time with your own recources. Your school cannot require you to submit such "underground" or off-campus publications for approval before you can distribute them.(Burch v. Barker, 861 F.2d 1149 (9th Cir. 1988);Fujishima v. Board of Education, 460 F.2d 1355 (7th Cir. 1972).) The school however can restrict the place and manner of distribution to a reasonable time.(Lets fight this). But they can only restrict the time and place if passing out the flyers would cause a disruption. If you pass out the flyers and everyone gets to class on time and no bottlenecks are caused in the halls then they can't stop you.(Hedges v. Wauconda Community School District 118, 9 F.3d 1295(7th cir. 1993).) Also they can stop you from passing out flyers if they are obsene like porn and swearing, but not political messages.

More To Come On...

Isubordination(A Huge Section Is Coming)

Display of so called gang symbols
Possesion of pagers and cell phones
The Internet Policy

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