import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; public class spacefly extends Applet implements Runnable { Thread t; //main thread Graphics grBuffer; //main graphics object int height,width; //height and width of applet int spd,stars; int strX []; int strY []; int plus []; Image imgBuffer; static int randomNumber (int low, int high) { // returns a random number between low and high, inclusive return (int)(java.lang.Math.random() * (high - low + 1) + low); } // randomNumber public void init () { // get parameters String numStars,speed; numStars = getParameter("numStars"); if (numStars == null) stars=10; else stars = Integer.parseInt(numStars); if (stars>1000) stars=1000; speed = getParameter ("speed"); if (speed == null) spd=5; else spd = Integer.parseInt (speed); if (spd>10) spd=10; if (spd<0) spd=0; if (stars<1) stars=1; height = size ().height; //get height and width width = size().width; imgBuffer = createImage (width, height); //make buffer image grBuffer = imgBuffer.getGraphics (); //associate buffer with buffer image strX=new int [stars+10]; strY=new int [stars+10]; plus = new int [stars+10]; for (int p=0;p<=stars;p++) { strX[p] = randomNumber (0,width); strY[p] = randomNumber (0,height); int strXPlus,strYPlus; if (strX[p]<=(int) (width/2)) strXPlus = ((int) (width/2) - strX[p]) / ((int) (width/2)/10); else strXPlus = (strX[p] - (int) (width/2)) / ((int) (width/2)/10); if (strY[p]<=(int) (height/2)) strYPlus = ((int) (height/2) - strY[p]) / ((int) (width/2)/10); else strYPlus = (strY[p] - (int) (height/2)) / ((int) (width/2)/10); plus[p] = ((int) (strYPlus+strXPlus/2)); plus[p] = ((int) (plus[p] / 3)+1); } } public void paint (Graphics g) { grBuffer.setColor (; grBuffer.fillRect (0,0,width,height); grBuffer.setColor (Color.white); for (int p=0;p<=stars;p++) { //System.out.println (" " + strXPlus[p]+ " " + strYPlus[p]); grBuffer.fillRect (strX[p],strY[p],plus[p],plus[p]); } g.drawImage (imgBuffer, 0, 0, this); } public void run() { while (t != null) { try { t.sleep(spd*10); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { return; } for (int p=0;p<=stars;p++) { if (strX[p] < (int) (width/2)) strX[p]-=plus[p]; if (strX[p] > (int) (width/2)) strX[p]+=plus[p]; if (strY[p] > (int) (height/2)) strY[p]+=plus[p]; if (strY[p] < (int) (height/2)) strY[p]-=plus[p]; int strXPlus,strYPlus; if (strX[p]<=(int) (width/2)) strXPlus = ((int) (width/2) - strX[p]) / ((int) (width/2)/10); else strXPlus = (strX[p] - (int) (width/2)) / ((int) (width/2)/10); if (strY[p]<=(int) (height/2)) strYPlus = ((int) (height/2) - strY[p]) / ((int) (width/2)/10); else strYPlus = (strY[p] - (int) (height/2)) / ((int) (width/2)/10); plus[p] = ((int) (strYPlus+strXPlus/2)); plus[p] = ((int) (plus[p] / 3)+1); if (strX[p]<0 || strX[p]>width || strY[p]<0 || strY[p]>height) { for (int t=p;t<=stars;t++) { strX[t]=strX[t+1]; strY[t]=strY[t+1]; }// for t strX[stars] = randomNumber(0,width); strY[stars] = randomNumber(0,height); }// if }// for p repaint (); } //while } //run public void start() { if (t==null) { t = new Thread(this); } t.start(); } public void stop() { t = null; } public void update (Graphics g) { paint (g); } } //class spacefly