
Scully finds a way to look sexy in a biohazard suit!!

6X02 -Drive

The Truth is out There

We open to a TV news bulletin which shows a carn flying down a Nevada highway with the Highway Patrol in full pursuit. A man, Patrick Crump, is driving the car and his wife, Vicki, is laying down in the back seat. She is in a great deal of pain and looks as though she will die - a huge vein is bulging on her temple. Up ahead, a roadblock is set up with a tyre thrasher on the road. The car goes towards it and over it, blowing the tyres. The Highway Patrol pull Patrick and Vicki from the car and Vicki is getting worse. Patrick insists that he and Vicki must keep going, but one policeman places Vicki in the back of a car ... she starts banging her head, and an eye goes bloodshot then suddenly her entire head explodes! Meanwhile, in Idaho, Mulder and Scully are investigating fertiliser purchases (in case of terrorists) and while they are inside a house, Mulder notices the news bulletin. He is intrigued, and so is Scully, so they travel secretly to Nevada. In Nevada, they visit the cell of Patrick Crump. In the cell, alone, Crump's nose begins to bleed and he goes insane, insisting that they let him out because "it's starting." When the duo arrive, they are told they are not allowed to see him after the "fit" in the cell. They get a doctor to come and check him out, and Scully decides that she will visit the morgue to which Vicki Crump was taken. Mulder stays at the jail in the hopes of getting a chance to interview Patrick Crump. In the morgue, Scully is allowed by the coroner to look at the body. Scully looks at Vicki Crump and notices the woman's blown-apart head. There is no gunpowder, no entry wound - only an exit wound. She takes a prove and pokes it into what remains of Vicki Crump's head. There is something springy inside and, with a harder push, there is a hiss sound and bubbles come from the wound, and a spray of blood explodes onto Scully. In the jail, Patrick Crump is taken into an ambulance with Mulder trailing behind. The man's skin is pale and the veins in his head begin to throb. Mulder is kept out of the ambulance, but he jumps in his car and follows it. The ambulance begins to go faster and faster, and Crump's heartbeat slows to normal. Crump wakes up and notices the gun on the policeman next to him. Suddenly, the ambulance swerves and Mulder pulls to a halt as does the ambulance. Crump jumps out and holds Mulder at gunpoint. Scully calls Mulder via cellphone and, after a great deal of rings, Mulder picks up. Scully says she has no idea what happened to Vicki Crump and she assumes that, whatever it is, it's communicable so she tells Mulder to stay as far away from Patrick Crump as possible. But it is too late - Crump is holding Mulder at gunpoint in the back of Mulder's car. Scully has the morge quarantined and the police captain says that they are tracking Mulder with a helicopter. There is also a roadblock up ahead of them, with the Center of Disease Control waiting. The captain tells Scully that they have contacted Crump through Mulder's callphone and if they don't back off, he will shoot Mulder. Mulder gets on Crump's nerves and Crump throws Mulder's cellphone out the window. Ahead, they arrive at a stop light and Mulder slows down for the red, but Crump starts to hyperventilate and worsens in condition. So Mulder takes off again, running the red light. Crump's vein in his head begins to bulge again and Mulder starts to speed up. Miraculously, Crump's condition improves. So Mulder makes the connection between speed and condition. He tells Crump that they probably have a roadblock set up for them, indicating a helicopter. They both know that if they stop, Crump will die. So Mulder finds a fire road and takes it, diverting from the roadblock. Back in the morgue, the police captain informs Scully of the diversion and Scully knows that Mulder would have his reasons for this. She receives a call on her cellphone from AD Kersh who knows where she is and tells her that he is not happy. However, he does inform her that the Las Vegas FBI division will assist her if necessary. Meanwhile, Mulder and Crump talk and suddenly Crump yells to Mulder that he is going the wrong way, so Mulder heads the other direction onto a paved road, trying to avoid other cars. Crump begins to slam his head against the window like Vicki did - but he recovers. Scully, on the other hand, visits the Crump residence along with one CDC doctor and two other men - all of them are in hazmat suits as they approach the mobile home. Finding nothing in the house, Scully walks around to the back where she sees a dog chained to a pole - it is running crazily in circles. She calls to the others and instructs them to take a blood sample from the dog. The dog quietens down and suddenly its chest explodes! The men bag the dog and take it away, and Scully notices their neighbour's light on. Knocking on the neighbours' door, there is no answer, so she tries to open it. It's unlocked, so Scully enters and notices two parakeets dead in their cages - their heads having exploded. She searches the rest of the house and finds a woman, alive and well ... but she is deaf ... and Scully realises that the condition only affects the hearing. In the car, Crump tells Mulder about what happened. He says that Vicki made breakfast then got a killer headache and a nosebleed, so he drove her to the hospital and the faster he went, the better she got. He tells Mulder that the government is doing tests on him and his wife, and that it's the government's fault. Mulder notices that he is almost out of gas, so he writes a note to Scully and tells her that he has no cellphone, and he tells her what is happening. Crump and Mulder stop at a gas station and steal another car, then continue going. The police captain tells Scully that they found the old car, and the note, and he reads it to her. The note tells Scully of Crump's condition and instructs her to not let any roadblocks go up. While talking to the captain, Scully looks around the deaf woman's backyard and notices hundreds of dead birds. She then sees a tiny access plate in the weeds ... which is humming. The cover on it reads, "US GOVERNMENT PROPERTY - TAMPERING PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND INCARCERATION." She knows that it means something, so she travels to a Naval Research Station in Nevada where she asks a lieutenant about electrical equipment which the Navy maintains in Montello, Nevada, the town where the Crump residence is. He informs her that there was a power surge which caused TVs in four states to disrupt. She asks him if it would have any effects on humans, and he tells her that the information is classified. In the car, Crump seems to worsen no matter how fast Mulder goes. Soon, they enter California and two bike officers escort them west, handing Mulder a cellphone which Scully calls on. She is heading to catch up with them and tells them that if Crump will let Scully inject a large, bore-like needle into his ear it will relieve the pressure and save Crump's life - although he will be deaf. Crump agrees. In the morning, Scully is waiting at the agreed meeting spot and she sees the car coming up the road. It slows to a stop, but there is blood all over the back of the window. They are too late. Mulder is upset, but the ordeal is over. Later, Mulder and Scully speak with AD Kersh in his office. He is not happy, but he charges all of the expenses to Scully's account, saving Mulder the trouble and telling Scully that she obviously relishes the role of martyr.


7.5 / 10

The Begining