Men In Black

Men in Black The Men In Black or MIBs as they are commonly referred to are a mysterious lot that usually shows up to harass or intimidate witnesses to UFO activity. They usually make vague or sometimes specific threats to stop witness from talking or sharing UFO information. The visitors' faces are frequently described as being oriental in appearance and hairless. They have no facial hair including being bald and no eyebrows. They wear their trademark black coat with black tie and have a whiter than white shirt. The clothes are immaculate in appearance starched with well-defined creases. Some have been reported wearing lipstick.

Their body mechanics are somewhat robotic and awkward. Their voices are monotone and their faces emotionless. They usually travel in threes, but sometimes alone. Their preferred method of travel is late model Cadillacs, black in color, in mint condition. Although the cars are older, witnesses describe them as smelling new. There have been some reports of MIBs following people around in black helicopters. Although they are threatening there is no documented case of any threat being carried out despite the fact that some ignore their warnings.

A lot of people have heard of something about "MIBs" without really knowing any of the details.

The purpose of this article is to acquaint readers with MIBs history, how they are related to the cover-up allegations, along with associated reference material and names of files which contain more current thoughts on the subject.

When the Condon Committee was sampling public attitudes toward UFOs they gave this statement to a cross-section of the American Public: "A government agency maintains a Top Secret file of UFO reports that are deliberately withheld from the public." The respondents were supposed to answer TRUE or FALSE. A substantial majority, sixty-one percent, thought that the statement was true while only thirty-one percent said it was false. Among teenagers, the credibility gap was even wider - 73 percent believed the statement to be true. General opinion studies conducted by the Condon Committee, and other surveys about UFOs came up with the rather paradoxical facts that there were more people who believed in a conspiracy of silence about UFOs than believed in UFOs in the first place.

It has often been said that we Americans today are a bit paranoid; that we always tend to believe that something is out to get us, or something is being kept from us. It certainly seems that we were a bit paranoid about UFOs.
Most people thought vaguely in terms of an Air Force conspiracy or a CIA conspiracy or even of a world-wide scientific conspiracy. It was generally acknowledged that the reason behind such a conspiracy was a desire on the part of those in power to hide the "truth" from the public because people would panic if they knee that we really were being visited by superior creatures from another world. Conspiracy theorists constantly hearkened back to the old "War of the Worlds" broadcast, and the panic it started.

My Ratings
The way I see it the MIB conspiracy probly relates to gov't officials trying to cover up sightings. I just can't imagine some strange group of people going out of their way to make witnesses look stupid. I beleive witnesses are just confussed after the event and make themselves sound strange...
50% chance of being real