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    Annie's Special Orphan Art Page:
1. Annie's Rag Dolls:

    Materials: Per student, at least one skein of yarn, string,
                 or strips of rags 24 inches long (about 30
                 strips), scraps of ratty looking material,
                 stuff for accessories, like raffia, old beads,
                 feathers, and cool cords.

    Procedure: For Yarn-Rag-Dolls:
First, unwrap the skein by wrapping it around a large, sturdy
book until it is all unwrapped.

Next, cut the yarn in one place, from the book.

Separate the "bunch" into one bigger bunch, and a smaller bunch for the arms.

Grab the "bunch" of yarn, tie it in the middle, and then
tie where the neck should be.

Separate under the neck and stick the "arm" yarn under it, tie it again where the waist should be.

Separate the legs and tie where the ankles should be.

If you know how to braid, then braid the arms and legs.

Tie some hair on it. Put rag "clothes" on it and decorate.

Give her a nice orphan name!

Now visit the Art Institute of Chicago for more art ideas! Write down at least 2 ideas and try them out! Visit the "Museum", or the "School".

Next, visit the Museum of Contemporary Art for more activities!