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     Drama Bibliography for Teachers

        Bissinger, Kristen and Renfro. (1990). Leap into Learning. Austin, TX:
                Nancy Renfro Studios, Inc.

        Cranston, Jeneral W. (1991). Transformations Through Drama: A Teacher's
                Guide to Education Drama (Grades K-8). Lanham, MD: University
                Press of America.

        Erickson, Karen. (1995). Integrated Units in a Dramatic Framework. Evanston,
                IL: Creative Directions, Inc.

        Erickson, Karen. (1995). 107 Favorite Level Ideas for Drama. Evanston, IL:
                Creative Directions, Inc.

        Erickson, Karen. (1998). From Page to Stage: 50 Original Stories for the
                Classroom. Evanston, IL: Creative Directions, Inc.

        Johansen, Mila. (1993). 101 Theatre Games. Nevada City, CA: Classica
                 With A Twist, Inc.

        Morgan, Norah and Juliana Saxton. (1987). Teaching Drama. Portsmouth,
                NH: Heinemann Educational Books, Inc.

        Scher, Anna and Charles Verrall. (1977). 200 Ideas for Drama. Portsmouth,
                NH: Heinemann Educational Books, Inc.

        Swartz, Larry. (1988). Dramathemes: A Practical Guide for Teaching Drama.
                Markham, Ontario: Pembroke Publ., Inc.

        Theodorou, Michael. (1989). Ideas That Work In Drama.  Avon, Great Britain:
                Stanley Thornes Publ., Inc.

        Thomas, Sue and Susan Dinges. (1986). Curtain I: A Guide to Creative Drama
                for Children 5 to 8 years old. NY: Trillum Press, Inc.